Chapter 33 | PHASE TWO: Self awareness

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The rewrite will have 100 chapters in total and but will be removed in February, completed or not due to publication issues.

On REAM - the Kindle version will be uploaded with all of the changes, upgrades and additions to the story.

I am no longer on Patreon.

If you're not familiar with Ream - go to my BIO. There you will find step by step instructions on how to join and how to get the app on your phone ( if you have an IPhone )

The Kindle version will be uploaded to Kindle on February 14, 2024. . . And this book will be split up into 3 seperate books. So the first book, Chapters 1-33 will be posted to Kindle on the release date listed above.

I have 5 books coming to Kindle between the months of January & April 2024❤️

Until tonight, my love has already been posted to Kindle. The formatting is awful but it's there lmao!



We were trying, it's what I agreed to do after the breakthrough that we had. So that meant that I had to try and let go of my anger and resentment towards Dylan.

I realized that after a long talk with Onyx and Reland that I was putting my past trauma onto Dylan and that was not right of me to do.

Due to my being locked away in those cells of my blessing's pack, my trauma was reawakened and just like I'd acted in the past, I kept everyone that I felt harmed me at arms length.

I started to disassociate from everything and everyone around me and alcohol had become my fixation yet again to numb my own pain, but I wasn't truly numbing anything. . . In all actuality, I was making things so much worse.

I didn't know how to operate through my pain, I didn't know how to handle it, how to function through it, the only thing that made sense to me was to act the way I had when locked away in Dax Kyles' Lab.

Withdrawn into myself. . . but that is never a good thing. I've learned that over these past two years of being free and I've learned how to pull myself out of well, myself and it was so much easier when thinking about Dax Kyles because that asshole hadn't mattered.

He didn't have my heart, he didn't own my soul, he wasn't the one who the Sun God blessed within my own but Dylan was.

So when I thought he'd betrayed me and treated me the same way Dax Kyles had, the pain was so much deeper and I didn't know how to handle that.

I wanted Dylan to hurt, I wanted him to feel as broken, as damaged, as traumatized as I had but that wasn't the way to go because I needed answers to why he'd done that and ignoring him, hurting him, mistreating him hadn't gotten me those answers.

Instead what it caused was Dylan's mental health to plummet so far into the depths of never ending depression that he's truly believed the way to stop the pain was to take his own life.

And what terrified me even more was that he'd almost succeeded.

Had Dylan not sent those text messages, had he not reached out beforehand, had Hunter not been in my house when he was to help locate Dylan through their pack connection, my blessing would have died right there on that forest floor. . . alone.

The image of how mangled his body was, the pools of blood, his injuries — it all brought sudden tears to my eyes as I set my phone down on the counter and furiously wiped away the effects of it all.

𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐑𝐄𝐃𝐄𝐌𝐏𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 ( 𝐌𝐱𝐌 ) [ DARK ROMANCE ]Where stories live. Discover now