Chapter 76 | PHASE FIVE: Alone

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Throwing our bodies against the packhouse door, Gabe and I are left fucking panting and heaving for breath as we try to get through.

When we finally crash through, the door goes flying clear across the livingroom and we fall to the floor from the force of it all but I'm quick to my feet as my eyes frantically search for my mate.

"Raiden!" I scream his name, running through the kitchen, the livingroom, the diningroom, the den, the library.

I check every room on the first floor for him but I don't find him.

"Babe!" Running towards the stairs, checking every room on the second floor, I throw bedrooms open, bathroom doors open, shred blankets searching for any faint scent of what could have happened to him.

Heaving, I place a hand on my belly to catch my breath as I stumble out of the last bedroom with no sign of Raiden and then I make my way to the third floor, our floor.

I search every fucking bedroom, every wing, every crevice for my man but I can't find him and that's when the panic started to set in.

I hadn't even thought of linking my Dad or Bennett or Taj or anyone else for that matter as Gabe and I ran around like madmen trying to find our mates.

Gabe hasn't felt Avery's tether for an entire two days and he was just as fucked up as I was.

Tears start to fill my eyes as I could feel Raiden's tether still holding onto mine.

"Try to calm down and think, Dylan." — Maddox reminds me and I can't help the whimper that escapes me.

"How am I supposed to calm down, Maddox? He's not here, he's not fucking here! Where is he?!" — I scream at him as I push open the door to my office and my heart breaks when I don't find Raiden here either.

"The bond, Dylan. . . We can use it. Raiden rejected us yesterday, but Moon Goddess says the bond stays strong for three days after, we can use it. Just calm down and think because we can't shift and I can't help you, so I need you to do this for us please."

I suck in a sharp breath as Maddox's words begin to sink in. . . Our bond. . . The bonded Law.

My only grip on reality was the fact that Raiden had rejected me yesterday and according to Moon Goddess bonds, I would be able to feel him for three days after.

I could still use the bond to find him even through the rejection if I move my ass, so I wipe away my tears and walk down the hallway towards the stairs.

Once on the first floor, I'm shocked to see Gabe now hugging Avery by the front door, both of them crying happy tears as Reland and Roman pile in.

"We found your mate locked in an underground cell deep within the forest here," Reland tells Gabe who nods thankfully, never once letting go of his mate who buried his face into Gabe's chest.

When I lay eyes on Roman and Reland, both of who looked deeply hurt, I rush over to them and hug them too.

Both felines wrap their arms around me and breathe out like they'd been holding their breath the entire time I was gone or something.

When we finally pull away, I look at Roman first and ask, "Where's Raiden?"

Roman shakes his head, a fresh wave of tears filling them as he whispers, "He took him, he's gone."

My heart beats a little faster as I ask my next question very, very slowly. "Who took my mate?"

Roman doesn't answer but Reland does as he growls, "Dax Kyles."

𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐑𝐄𝐃𝐄𝐌𝐏𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 ( 𝐌𝐱𝐌 ) [ DARK ROMANCE ]Where stories live. Discover now