Chapter 87 | PHASE SIX: Healing pt. 1

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8,000 tear jerking words.

Sorry to those who don't like long chapters but this book is my baby and I refuse to skip over anything that's needed lol. Especially this last phase of our boys' journey. Healing has been a long time coming and they deserve for their stories ending to be written in depth.

The rewrite of Fire of Redemption will have 100 chapters in total. So there's only 13 more chapters to go for Wattpad and will be completed by the end of December. Yay!



Nuzzling into Raiden's neck, I close my eyes and place gentle kisses everywhere I could reach, while he tightened his hold around me, face tucked into my neck and harsh breaths slowly starting to steady. Except the moment - no matter how brief - I stopped my kisses, then Raiden's breaths and his heart rate would pick up.

I've never seen my mate like this before. This shattered. He was always so strong and confident and preferred to hold himself high, but right now all he wanted was to be face to face with me, eyes closed and be held tightly in my arms.

My kisses continue to trail across his jaw, his neck, his shoulder. They linger on my new mark that now laid on the left side of his neck, unlike my first. I was aware that Onyx was still dormant and needed time to get back to Raiden because he'd been gone for the last two weeks, so healing for my mate wasn't exactly happening as fast as I would like.

My new mark, his leg, his bruises, his wounds - they were all still there and still painfully alive. The physical pain was there too, but it was nothing like the emotional. Or the mental.

After getting checked out at the pack hospital and getting his wounds wrapped and leg braced, we came back to the packhouse and Raiden pulled me to the bed and refused to leave.

We'd been glued like this for the last two days, our bodies tangled together while he just breathed into me. Raiden usually preferred to be the one holding me, but he refused to even do that, whispering that he just needed me to hold him and ground him and not let go until he could fall asleep.

Something that hadn't happened for the last two days. He'd been able to close his eyes, like he was now, but he hadn't been able to sleep. . . not really.

Everytime my kisses and whispered words would relax him enough, Raiden would begin to fall asleep but then wake up with the most gut wrenching screams, fighting Roman, Reland, his parents, my Dads. Everyone who tried to come in and help, he would hallucinate, reliving his trauma and see them as a threat, doing all he could to force them away.

Raiden only allowed me to touch him after that. Only allowed me in our bedroom and sleep hadn't come since then.

That first night when he begged me to hold him, I did and he held me just as tight, needing to see my face and feel my touch. Raiden would cup my face with one hand and stare into my eyes while whimpering and I would have to shush him quietly. Occasionally, his fingertips would graze my devices just to make sure they were there.

My heart was breaking for him. That son of a bitch really did a fucking number on him, breaking him to the point that he feared me leaving if he wasn't staring into my eyes. Feared that it wasn't me who laid here in bed with him if he didn't feel my devices.

This morning was no different. Raiden hadn't slept a wink last night. Only being able to close his eyes and slip into a form of sleep when I'd sunk my canines into his mark and forced him under.

But then he woke up only 20 minutes later with those whimpers that broke my fucking heart and screaming my name as if I would dare leave him. I would shush him and kiss him and give him everything he needed until he calmed again and then the cycle would start all over again.

𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐑𝐄𝐃𝐄𝐌𝐏𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 ( 𝐌𝐱𝐌 ) [ DARK ROMANCE ]Where stories live. Discover now