Chapter 65 | PHASE FOUR: Fight for your life

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The rewrite will have 100 chapters in total and but will be removed in February, completed or not due to publication issues.

On REAM - the Kindle version will be uploaded with all of the changes, upgrades and additions to the story.

I am no longer on Patreon.

If you're not familiar with Ream - go to my BIO. There you will find step by step instructions on how to join and how to get the app on your phone ( if you have an IPhone )

The Kindle version will be uploaded to Kindle on February 14, 2024. . . And this book will be split up into 3 seperate books. So the first book, Chapters 1-33 will be posted to Kindle on the release date listed above.

I have 5 books coming to Kindle between the months of January & April 2024❤️

Until tonight, my love has already been posted to Kindle. The formatting is awful but it's there lmao!



There was only one man who could have an army like this, weapons like this that oozed wolfsbane and purrsberry. Only one man who could bind masks that looked like metal fused to the skin.

Only one man who would force his captives to where deshifter devices to prevent their beasts from taking over but not completely take their enhanced skills away.

Only man who would be able to infiltrate someone else's territory's completely unnoticed and only one man who smelled like death himself.

"Dax Kyles." — Onyx growls, pushing forward with me.

Except that he wasn't here. I could smell his scent, the distasteful scent of burnt toast that came with all dark magic but I couldn't see him. My brandings weren't being set ablaze, I couldn't feel him through my soul.

So he wasn't here. . . yet.

"Raiden, what the fuck," Cassius whispers as I push both him and Taj behind me. "What is this?"

"Are they here for you?" Comes Taj's question.

I force my eyes to remind ahead. Locked onto the two men that stayed at the front of the smaller army that Dax had sent here.

I could smell feline on them and judging by the way the younger one's eyes kept nervously shifting, they didn't want to be here.

They didn't want to do what Dax was forcing them to do. Just like I didn't, but just because I didn't want to do something, didn't that I didn't have to.

"I'm not going back," I turn my lip up as the older of the two tilts his head to the side.

"You don't have a choice," He says, fists balling at his sides. "Dax wants you and what Dax wants, he gets."

"You'll have to kill me before I go back there, so if that's what you plan on doing, come on." I growl out my command and on cue, the two feline shifters race towards me in their human forms.

I turn quickly to look at Taj and Cassius as I yell, "Get help," then turn back around and pull my knife from my boot just as the first guy reaches me.

As always the army of soldiers stand back as the two shifters do their dirty work.

Planting my feet, I grab hold of the first guy to reach me and toss him over my body with ease. The second one comes towards me and I tighten my grip on my knife, punching him in the face and then swinging my arm and slicing him right down the chest. An action he yelps out from and stumbles back, touching his wound.

𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐑𝐄𝐃𝐄𝐌𝐏𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 ( 𝐌𝐱𝐌 ) [ DARK ROMANCE ]Where stories live. Discover now