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Hey y'all,

This is not an update. Your next update will be coming tomorrow, but I wanted to make this post to answer a few of the most frequently asked questions in the last few chapters, so that I don't have to respond to everyone's comments with the same answers lol


Question #1:
Is Dylan still pregnant? How many weeks is he? How long is a werewolf pregnancy?

ANSWER: Yes he is still pregnant. Right now, Dylan is 9 weeks along. Werewolf pregnancies for singular babies lasts 20 weeks full term. For multiples, ( like triplets), it can be anywhere between 15-16 weeks.


Question #2:
Did y'all miss a chapter?

ANSWER: No. You did not miss a chapter. Just look at the chapter numbers at the top of each update. This is such a passive aggressive question lmao!

The only chapter that wasn't posted was Chapter 60, but that's for a good reason because I numbered the chapters wrong. So I just skipped that number and I just haven't went back to change them yet.


Question #3:
Why haven't Raiden & Dylan talked about the pregnancy?

Answer: Because there's been so much going on, they haven't had the chance to.

First we had Raiden's suspicion of a pregnancy that wasn't confirmed in Chapter 72.

Then Dylan confirmed the pregnancy in Chapter 73 when he and Gabe went to the Wolf's Claw pack to get answers for Liam.

Then we see in Chapter 74 & 75 that Dylan & Gabe hadn't actually come back to the shadow pack yet and that was a reptilian shapeshifter posing as Dylan. Yes, the shapeshifter confirmed Dylan's pregnancy so Raiden was aware but because he never actually confirmed it with the REAL Dylan, Raiden isn't even sure that he's pregnant right now.

Then in Chapters 75-86, it was all about Dylan freaking out because Raiden rejected him and his mate being taken, Raiden being captured and freaking tortured in the Dark Realm. Dylan formulating a plan with all the packs and what not to get his mate back and then that huge rescue mission. Not to mention Gabe was freaking out because Avery was missing too and they all had to find him, which took days and he was traumatized from being trapped in an underground cell out in the woods by that reptilian shapeshifter.

Now we are in Chapters 87-90 and these have been about Raiden's healing and Dylan's maturity. We've had Dylan battling with Raiden's health, being down in the cells dealing with Dean, Jade and Jake, dealing with King Kano coming to visit, then Garrett, Theo and his Aunty Sophie showing up and then realizing that everyone he's loved in the past were not trustworthy ( except for aunty Sophie ) and they all had to be executed by King Kano.

Meanwhile Raiden has been locked up in the packhouse, is refusing to come out, can't really speak to anyone, has been going through the most mentally and physically and Dylan doesn't know what to do to help him besides just be there for him.

There hasn't been a good time for the guys to talk about this pregnancy, much less enjoy it because so much has happened since Dylan confirmed it.

They will have that conversation and everything but it won't be until Chapter 92 and no, Dylan won't be giving birth in this rewrite.

The birth, everything afterwards and the rest of their kids come into the picture in the 3 epilogues I have planned for the rewrite.


𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐑𝐄𝐃𝐄𝐌𝐏𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 ( 𝐌𝐱𝐌 ) [ DARK ROMANCE ]Where stories live. Discover now