Chapter 48 | PHASE THREE: Suspicious

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I wanted nothing more than to nuzzle Dylan and drown him in my purr last night when we shared that beautiful moment in the lake on my parent's territory , but unfortunately being Alpha of an entire pack, Dylan got called back and we had no choice but to cut the trip short.

It's been about two weeks since the last message was sent for Dylan and I have to be honest with admitting that I've been on edge since arriving back on his pack's territory.

I didn't like the fact that someone out there was trying so hard to get to my blessing, despite the fact that they haven't actually tried to take him or whatever the fuck it is that they wanted.

Not once has a rogue shown up, not once have we been attacked, not once has anything else happened. It was driving my anxiety through the roof because not only did I have to watch my back with this pack of wolves and watch my brother's back, but now I have to worry about the rogues trying to harm my blessing as well.

Recently, I've taken to watching these Alpha blood members pretty closely. This Taj Haller and Cassius Blake because something just didn't sit right with me with these two.

They've been suspiciously adamant about helping around Dylan's pack, more specifically, they've been suspiciously adamant about helping with anything that had to do with Dylan and I didn't like that at all.

Once we arrive back on pack lands, Gabe had the rest of the transfers pledge their life and loyalty to Dylan as well. All the while Rome and I stood off to the side and watched the entire spectacle because that's exactly what it was to us - a spectacle.

Felines don't have Alphas we pledge our lives too, so the whole thing was foreign to me. I wouldn't question it or make fun of it out loud, but I was laughing on the inside because it was quite hilarious.

Wolves following one man, mindlessly. Doing whatever they said, when they said, how they said it, without any form of hesitation. . . It was just odd.

Once Dylan was done with all of that and had spent the next two days nursing a massive headache, he'd came back into pack life and asked Gabe and Hunter to take the new transfers to help build the gates around the borders, which again I thought was stupid.

Dylan is far too trusting. . .

Just because someone pledges their life and loyalty to you doesn't mean that they actually care about your life and it definitely doesn't mean that they will always stay loyal to you.

And as Rome and I lean against a tree, close to the border, watching Dylan, Gabe, Hunter, Taj, Cassius and the rest of the transfers build this portion of the gate, I found my entire body tense as we observed their interactions.

I just couldn't shake the feeling that something was off about these guys and the other wolves that came from this Shadow pack - a pack that Dylan himself has admitted to never having heard of and has never been to.

That right there should have raised some red flags to my mate, but of course it went right over his head and he wasn't listening to my reservations about the new members all because they've pledged to him.

"Alpha Dylan." Taj says, his hands still at work on the portion of gate that he was holding up.

"Yes?" Dylan answers, turning his head to look at him after bolting another section to the ground.

"I haven't asked before, but I was wondering what that strong sense of remorse I feel through the pack link is," Cassius asks, his eyes oddly familiar. "it's almost heartbreaking and I can't picture what it could be."

𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐑𝐄𝐃𝐄𝐌𝐏𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 ( 𝐌𝐱𝐌 ) [ DARK ROMANCE ]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant