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Luca POV

I woke up and rubbed the sleep out off my eyes and huffed before I looked over to where Kayden was supposd to be. I saw he wasn't there and shrugged, confused but to tired to look into it. I laid down and gently ran my hand over my thighs, trying to comfort myself back to sleep. This was a pretty good move on my half until I caught the scab of my cuts on my nail, pulling half of it off.
"Ow fuck!" I shouted, inhaling deep at the sudden pain. It didn't hurt for long but it stung really fucking bad at first. But, I kinda wanted to do it again. It replaced that feeling I got when I cut, and I wasn't even cutting.

[Warning, this probably will get gross]

I wedged my nail under the scab and pulled it up, ripping it off all at once. I sucked in my breath and did my best to not make much noise. I began picking at the edge of my other one until it pulled up a bit. I chewed on my lip and ripped it off, slamming my hand over my mouth so I didn't shout. Blood droplets ran down my thigh. I scrambled off the bed and checked the seets for blood. I don't know what Kayden would do if I got blood on his things, especially when it's my own fault I'm bleeding. When I saw none, I sighed in relief and peeked my head out the door. Kayden had headphones in, in the kitchen and was cooking on the stove.

[Warning over]

I tip toed into the bathroom and locked it behind me, taking toilet paper and pressing it over my wounds. I sat there for a bit, refusing to cry. I started to feel more and more guilty the longer I held the tissue to my leg. I sniffled and clenched up my fists. I don't get to feel bad for what I did, I'm not the victim here. I threw the tissue into the trash can and walked out into the kitchen, trying to calm down. Kayden took out his headphones and turned to face me.
"You need something, Bubba?" I sniffled a bit and rubbed my eyes, shaking my head.

"No.. just got lonely," I mumbled, walking up to him and holding him close. He put his hands on my but, cupping it and smirking down at me. I blushed and laid on his chest. He smacked my ass once before pecking me on the forhead and going back to cooking. I bit my lip and hung onto Kayden's waist the entire time he made himself breakfast. After a bit he turned the stove off and moved the pan onto the back burner.
"Can you grab me a plate?" He asked, rubbing my head. I nodded and went and got into the cabinet, grabbing a plate and giving it to Kayden.
"Thank you, Love." He mumbled, putting what was in the pan onto the plate, apparently it was French toast, and setting in onto the table.

He sat down in front of his plate and pulled me onto his lap, eating with one hand and holding me with the other. I rubbed my face and laid on Kayden until he finished eating. He rubbed my sides, slipping his hands down to his thighs. I didn't think much of it until I felt him touch my re-opened wounds. He must've noticed too because he leaned down to look at my thigh, frowning a bit.
"Bubbas..." He whispered, his voice cracking. Oh no.. I sniffled and tried not to start crying.
"W-what did you do..?" He asked, so quiet I barely heard him.

"I-I didn't cut.." I tried to tell him. I dont think it's as bad as he thinks..
"Then what did you do?!" He whisper-shouted. My lip quivered and I bit my cheek.
"I-I just picked at it.. alot.." I mumbled. I couldn't cry, it's my fault and I don't deserve to feel sorry for myself. Kayden cupped my cheek in his hand. He laid his head on me and his body shook as he cried. No no no! Fuck! I'm such a bitch, fuck, I'm sorry.
"I-I'm sorry!" I said, panicked. I'm not good at comforting people. I held him and wrapped my legs around his waist.
"It's not your fault.. I promise." I said, rubbing his back. His lifted his head up as tears streamed down his face.
"Then why did you?" He asked, his voice cracking.

"I-I don't know. I did it on accident at first!" I tried to explain, rubbing my eyes as they filled with tears. He sniffled and wiped his eyes, holding me close.
"P-please don't do it again..." He begged, hugging me. I nodded and kissed the tip of his nose.
"M sorry.." I mumbled, meaning it but not knowing what else to say.
"I forgive you, Love.. Daddy just doesn't like you hurting.." He said, pecking my lips. I smiled a bit and swung my leggies.
"Will your tummy let you eat breakfast?" Dady asked, rubbing my back. I shook my head, yawning a bit.

"Mkay, Bubba..." He whispered. I blushed and scratched my nose, Dady pulling my hand away.
"Don't pick your nose." He said, making me pout.
"Me wasn't..." I whispered, wanting to be a brat but also not wanting to get in trouble. He gave me a look but didn't say anything else.
"Lemme get your teether." Dady said, picking me up and setting me on my feet.
"N-nooo!" I whined as he began walking away.
"Bitch.." I said to myslef, crossing my arms.

"What?" Dady asked, turning back to face me. I whined and stomped.
"W-wan Dady!" I shouted, reaching up. He crossed his arms and leaned against the wall, not saying a word. I pulled my arms away and jutted out my bottom lip. I waddled over to Dady and pulled on him while whining for him to pick me up.
"M sorry! Please uppies..!" I said over and over for a bit. I slowly stopped and just sniffled. It was only then Dady picked me up.
"I'm proud of you for calming yourself down." He said, patting my back. I sniffled and tears silently rolled down my face.
"Dady's gonna have to put you in the corner, Mkay? For calling me a cuss word." He told me. I sniffled but nodded. I wasn't being good, so it made sense..

Dady brought me into the bedroom and sat me down in the corner, facing away from the rest of the room, handing me my teether. I sniffled and wiped my eyes while chewing on my toy. I pulled my knees into my chest and laid my head on them. I stayed like that for until my time was up.
"All done, you can come out Babes." Dady said, coming over. I turned around and reached up. He lifted me up into his arms and kissed my head. I suddenly heard my phone ping. I stared at it confused, my phone never went off. Dady brought me over to the bed and grabbed it off the night stand, handing me it. I turned it on and unlocked it before opening the notification.

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