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Luca POV

I groaned and stretched, almost snapping my back in half while doing it. I reluctantly sat up and rubbed my eyes, looking over to Kaydens side. He wasn't there. I frowned and got out of the bed, grabbing Jupiter, and walking out to find him. I heard him getting pans out of the bottom cabinet so I walked into the kitchen.
"Babyyyy.." I whined, walking up behind him and wrapping my arms around his waist.
"Hi love." He said, setting a skillet on the stove.
"What cha making?" I asked, trying to look over his shoulder.

"I was making bacon. Do you want some?" He asked, opening the package.
"Mhm." I mumbled, pulling away from him.
"What are you doing?" He asked, setting bacon in the pan and turning to look at me.
"I'm dying of thirst." I mumbled, grabbing a cup. I grabbed juice out of the fridge and poured a glass, not spilling it this time. I put away the juice and sat down the the table, drinking it with Jupiter in my lap.

Kayden sat a plate in front of me and put his next to it. He turned off the stove and sat down next to me, starting to eat. I picked up a a peice and took a small bite, deciding it was good and eating a little more.
"I'm off work today, Baby." Kayden said while I kinda played with my food.
"And we need to get groceries, so do you wanna go with me?"
"Yeah, I'll go.." I mumbled, still not enjoying being awake.
"Are you okay, Hun?" He asked, rubbing my back. I nodded and shoved my plate out of the way, laying my head on the table.
"Is it just one of those days?" He asked.
"Yeah.." I mumbled, putting my hands in my hair.
"Do you think you could eat?" He asked, making me remember I stopped eating. I pulled my head away from the table and glanced at it, kinda frowning. Thinking of eating is making me feel gross..

I shook my head and he picked me up, setting me in his lap.
"Oh, Baby.. I'm sorry you're not feeling it." He said, scratching my head.
"Whenever you're done eating I'll get ready." I told him, changing the topic real quick. I don't want him to feel bad when it's not his fault..
"Okay, Love. Just give me like 5 minutes." He said, rubbing my back. I nodded a little and saw something out of the corner of my eye. I looked over but didn't see anything. It was probably my eyes playing tricks on me...

"Come here, Baby. Lets get your shoes on." Kayden called out to me. I sighed and stopped picking at my face, walking out of the bathroom. I had already gotten dressed and was staring at myself in the mirror. I was starting to break out a little, when I say break out I mean I had a pimple in my eyebrow and one next to my hairline. Even though It probably wasn't a big deal to other people, it really bugged me. Even if I wasn't necessarily feminine, I hated having acne. I walked into the kitchen and Kayden picked up my shoes.
"Come on, Hun. Lemme put on your shoes." He said, even though I was big.
"I can do it myself.." I mumbled but sat down anyways.
"I know you can, you're a big boy." He said, crouching down and slipping on my shoes. I pouted and let him do it, feeling smaller than I did before.

He put the other on and tied them both. I stood up and Kayden did too, opening the door for me. I stepped outside and let him turn off the lights, stepping out next to me, and closing the door. He locked it and opened his car door. I hurried over to the passenger side and got in. I could feel myself slipping into my headspace, fast, and I couldn't help it. I saw Kayden get in and buckle me, making me giggle.
"You tiny?" He asked, making me think. Am I? I shrugged and rubbed my arms. They were getting cold.
"Okay, well, if you slip all the way then let me know. Okay, Baby?" He asked, rubbing my thigh. I nodded and rocked a bit in my seat. I wanna get to the store and walk around. I also wanna help by getting stuff Kayden needs me to. I just wanna help.

Kayden pulled into the parking lot and unbuckled me. I opened the car door and got out, Kayden getting out as well. I hurried over to him, hugging him.
"Hi, Baby." He said, giggling and hugging me back. I took his hand and he lead me into the store. He grabbed a shopping cart and told me to stay close to him. He's making me wanna be tiny. I put my hand on the cart and followed him down a bunch of aisles, hurrying to get whatever he asked me to and bringing it back to him. I wanted him to say I was doing good, I wanted him to baby me, and I wanted him to give me kisses. I rushed back to the car with a package of some sort of bread and sat it in the cart.
"Aw thank you Baby. You're so helpful." He praised me, begining to move to the next aisle. I quickly grabbed onto the cart again and followed after him, desperate for him to praise me again.

I rocked on my feet, still ahold of the cart, while Dady scanned the shelves for something.
"Hey cutie!" Someone shouted. I almost looked but forced myself not to. It would've been concided to think they were talking to me. But even if they weren't, I'm still nosy as fuck. Dady looked though, so I decided it was safe for me to do the same. I glanced up and saw the guy was absolutely talking to me. He was a few feet away and was staring at me, making me super uncomfy. I shifted closer to Dady and he wrapped an arm around me, going back to looking for whatever he had been but holding me closer.
"That's what I get for being nice.." The dude mumbled, walking away.
"Dickhead.." Dady mumbled, kissing the top of my head and letting me go. The rest of the shopping trip was full of Dady asking me to get him stuff and asking if I wanted anything and him getting things he knew he needed.

Dady and me had just brought all the groceries in, him doing most of it and me helping some. He was on the floor separating things between where they went. Like cabinet or freezer or fridge and I was trying my best to help. I was on the floor too but only handed him things I knew were supposed to be cold. Though, I think he wanted to just do it himself since he was sighing when I handed him stuff. I scooted back and just tried to entertain myself while Dady put everything where it was supposed to go.

I stood up and toddled into the bedroom, grabbing Jupiter off the bed, and toddling back into the kitchen. I plopped down on the floor next to the front door and played pretend with him. Even after Dady was all done putting stuff away, I was playing with Jupiter.
"Baby, come here. I gotta make sure of something." Dady said, walking into the kitchen. I think he went to go turn the heat on but I was having fun.. I whined and held my stuffie close to me. I don't want Dady to make me stop playing..
"B-but I playin.." I whined, pouting and looking up at Dady.
"I know lovely. But someone's kid got lice and I just wanna double check you don't have it." He said, confusing me. What's lice?

"Lice?" I asked, standing up.
"They're little bugs and if you get them, they stay in your hair until you treat them and comb em out." He explained while I walked over to him.
"Oh! I've had dem! Dey made my head hurt.." I mumbled, making Dady nod.
"Well, then lemme double check you don't have em again." He said, gently pushing me into a kitchen chair. I sat down and let him part my hair and pick around my scalp.
"I really don't think you have it, but my co-workers daughter got em from school and he didn't know she had lice until after he got home from work. And I'm paranoid about bugs.." He explained, continuing to pull at my hair.
"Owie.." I whine when he came across a knot and accidently tugged on it.
"Sorry, little boy. I didn't mean to catch your hair." He mumbled.

Eventually he took his hands out of my hair and brushed it down with his fingers.
"You're all clear. I don't see anything." He deemed, letting me go.
"I-I play now?" I asked, peeking back at him. He nodded and I shot up fast, grabbing Jupiter.
"But!" He started, catching my attention and making me turn to face him.
"We need to talk at some point. It can be now or after dinner."
"Ummm..." I mumbled, shifting on my feet. If we talk now I'd have to be big.. but I also don't wanna be anxious until after dinner.
"Now.." I decided, setting Jupiter on the table. I climbed up on a chair next to Dady and waited for him to start.

"I'd rather you be big for this convo, Lovely." He said, moving my hair out of my face. I nodded and tried to shove myself out of little space, eventually doing it. I looked up at him and he started.
"I think we need to get you a doctor. Or a therapist, cause I think you could benefit from meds." He said, kind of making me embarrassed. It's weird to need medicine to be happy. I didn't even take very much of ibuprofen throughout living with my parents, and I don't take any more now either.
"Hey, it's not a bad thing, people have to take medicine for a lot of stuff. And no matter what they diagnose you with or prescribe you, I'm still gonna be here. I love you and no matter what I always will." He reassured me, leaning in and kissing my cheek. I nodded but didn't look up at him. I don't feel good again. Maybe I do need medicine, my mood is everywhere.

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