495 10 13

Luca POV

I woke up still tiny and I actually woke up cause Papa and Dady were being loud. They weren't talking though, just noises. I rubbed my face and sat up. I don't think they noticed me cause I got a good look at what was happening. Dady put his penis in Papa but I don't know why... Papa sounded like he was crying though.
"Dady?" I quietly asked, picking at my bottom lip. Papa quickly pulled a blanket over him.
"Close your eyes, please, Babe." He desperately asked. I frowned and sniffled a bit.
"Papa's crying..." I quietly observed, scooting closer to him.

"Ruined my mood..." Dady mumbled, still loud enough for me to hear, before taking it out of Papa and pulling up his shorts. Tears welled up in his eyes as I laid right next to him, gently kissing his face.
"I'm sorry, Babe... I didn't want you to wake up to that but I couldn't stand the thought of him doing it to you..." He whispered, wrapping his arms around my torso.
"Doing what...?" I questioned, still in the dark about what happened. Papa shook his head and just held me tighter.
"Papa was cryin..." I whispered again, wiping his cheeks and then kissing them. He smiles the tiniest bit.
"I-I get Papa's boxers," I told myself, sliding off the bed and grabbing them off the floor. He took them from me and let me cover my eyes before quickly putting them on.

"D-did Dady hurt you?" I asked, getting a firm 'no' but not believing it. I climbed into his lap since he was sitting up now.
"Ow, fuck," He groaned as I climbed into his lap.
"M sorry.." I mumbled, picking at my fingers.
"No, you're okay." He told me, scratching my back. "You should go find something to eat." I kinda whined but got off and waddled into the kitchen. I rocked on my feet and looked through the fridge. I don't think I'm gonna eat anything, but I still wanna look. At least I didn't want anything from the kitchen until I saw juice. I closed the door to go ask Papa to get me some but Dady walked in.
"Dady!" I might as well ask him. He hummed, glancing at me before grabbing a cup.
"C-can I have juice?" I asked, stimming a bit. He didn't answer but handed me my sippy cup from the top cabinet.

I struggled to unscrew the lid but eventually got it and grabbed the bottle from the fridge. I tried my best to be careful but I accidentally spilled it a bit.
"Oh shit!" I exclaimed out of habit, quickly putting the bottle down. I was expecting Dady to get onto me but that was about it. Until I felt him smack my mouth hard. I stared up at him in surprise, feeling my lip bleed into my mouth.
"You know better." Was all he said as I held my sleeve up to my lip. He screwed on the lid of my sippy and shoved it into my free hand. I took it, still stunned. I thought about saying something but decided not to.
"Papa..." I whispered, walking back into the bedroom.
"What is it?" He asked before looking up at me.

"My mouth hurts..." I complained, climbing up onto the bed.
"Lemme see, Babe," He told me, cupping my face in one of his hands. I took away my hand and let him look, seeing him sigh.
"It's split right here," He confirmed, running his thumb over where I could feel it stinging.
"It's not too bad though, just don't pick at it." He told me. Of course, though, that's practically all I did to it.

"Quit picking," Papa gently scolded me after I started messing with it, particularly a lot. I tried to but couldn't help it when my hands ended up at my mouth again. Which Dady didn't like.
"He said to quit, so stop! My God, you're such a brat," He reprimanded me. I don't know why, but being called a brat really got to me. My lip quivered and my eyes teared up as I curled up tighter and held Papa closer to me.
"Jesus fuck, why are you so sensitive?" He asked, switching the channel. Maybe I am just being sensitive, but I can't help feeling bad.  I sniffled and laid on Papa, but Dady didn't like that either.
"You're so clingy too, like, why can't you just not? There's a reason he overdosed, he couldn't stand you after just a week of being here!" He yelled at me before storming out to the bedroom and slamming the door. I was about to say something to Papa, but I couldn't figure out what to say. So I only started crying.
"Papa!" I cried, climbing into his lap and getting him to coo at me.
"Shhh... It wasn't your fault. It wasn't anyone's fault other than mine, don't cry." He gently soothed me, running his hands through my hair and getting it out of my face.

I sniffled and tried to quit for Papa, but I just couldn't. Not for a while at least, and when I finally did, I ended up with a pounding headache.
"Owie.." I whined, closing my eyes tight and covering them from the light. It wasn't exactly helping.
"You're appointment with Justin is today." Dady reminded me. I barely nodded since moving made it worse too, but I don't want to cancel.
"Do you want me to take him?" Papa quietly asked. I guess he said something similar to no because about 20 minutes later I was dressed with shoes and in Dady's car. He put on the aux and I didn't understand all of the songs. I knew most were about sex, but I didn't know exactly what they meant. I think it's cause I wasn't entirely big. Like, I was talking normally but I was super spacey and wasn't grasping many adult concepts.
Then a certain song came on that was about suicide. I'm pretty sure I only knew what it was about because it said "kill yourself or get over it" in every chorus. I can't help but feel like it's targeted toward me, but maybe not.

We were only a few minutes away from the office, but with how jerky his stops and starts were, I was feeling car sick. I rested my head on his dashboard and hoped it would go away. I don't wanna puke in his car... I suddenly dry-heaved and quickly took my head away from the dash. I covered my mouth and put my head in my lap, continuing to feel the car jerk and stop at random points. He eventually stopped and turned the car off, making me try and unbuckle. Of course, I couldn't get it. I silently gagged one last time before my neasua stopped. Kayden undid my seat belt but before he unlocked the door, he grabbed my hand.
"Don't you dare talk to him about me. You're here to talk about your parents, and if you do he wouldn't believe you anyways. And even if he did, he wouldn't care. I'm paying for your sessions, so why would he do anything to stop me?" Kayden told me, making me chew on my mouth a bit from the anxiety I felt building.

"Dumb fuck, don't mess with it!" He shouted, smacking me across the face. He didn't hit me as hard as he did before, but some people would call it a love tap. It just stung. I quietly nodded and wiped my eyes from any tears forming.
"Then get out of my car," He said, finally unlocking the door. I tried to breathe normally and let myself out before walking into the building and finding the right lobby. I checked in and sat down, waiting. I dug for my phone but realized I didn't have it. I cursed in my head but didn't do anything else. I just have to deal with it.

Eventually, he came to get me and took me back to his room. I sat down where I always do and glanced at the clock behind him. I couldn't read the minutes since it wasn't digital, but it was 1 something.
"Hey, what's new." He asked as soon as he sat down.
"Nothing really," I shrugged, glancing up at him. His were brown and his hair was dark. His face looks kinda similar to Kayden's but also different. Maybe I'm seeing stuff though because a couple of minutes later it wasn't.

"What happened to your lip?" He eventually asked.
"I was picking at it really bad last night." I tried to lie, glancing up at him again.
"That bad?" He asked, still staring at me. I shrugged and tried to change subjects only for him to go right back to it. Multiple times.
"Are you sure? Because I don't think one of my clients has ever done it that bad."
"Yes, I'm sure!" I suddenly exclaimed, tensing up. His face softened and he gave me a sympathetic smile.
"Hey, if something's going on you can-" He tried to tell me.
"So you can report it?" I quickly asked, cutting him off.
"Well, I'm a mandated reporter so if someone's hurting you, you're hurting yourself, or you're going to hurt someone else, I have to report it." He told me. I leaned against my chair and silently considered telling him. I could just leave out the part where he hit me...
"Kay." Was all I said, starting to scratch my arm.

All The Small ThingsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora