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I slid off the bed and waddled over to the the dresser. I grabbed a coloring book and crayons, sitting down on the floor. I flipped through the book and saw one with Tiger. I got really excited and gently poured out the crayons on the floor. I took one and tried my best to color inside the lines but it wasn't very good.. Maybe Dady wouldn't mind.. I hope not, I wanna give it to him. I finished coloring Tiger and moved onto the background. I sighed once I finished and scooted back a little to look at all of it. I giggled and squealed in excitment. I think it looks good. I gently tore it out of the coloring book and stood up, waddling over to Dadys dresser. I sat it up there then heard my tummy make a noise.

Was I hungry? I thought about it for a bit then decided to make me something to eat. I made my way to the kitchen and looked around. I don't wanna waste their stuff so I could make something I know I could eat... What would that be? Peanut butter bread I guess. I went over to the counter and grabbed the bread, opening it, taking out a peice and setting it on a plate. I grabbed a butter knife and got out the peanut butter from the cabinet. I opened it and smeared the peanut butter on the bread, kinda spacing out while doing it. I heard a thump upstairs, bringing me back to the moment. I put the peanut butter back in the cabinet and started washing the butter knife.

I set it in the strainer and picked up my food, taking a bite squirming a bit. The boxers felt icky.. They rubbed against my thighs and butt weird and were itchy. I whined an tried to ignore it, continuing to eat what I made. By the time I was done eating, the feeling had only gotten worse. I whined and stomped, not exactly knowing how to fix it. I ran into Dadys room and gently shut the door behind me. I started pulling at the hem of my boxers.
"O-off..!" I cried out, trying to pull them away from my body. I eventually figured it out and had gotten them pulled off of me. I left them on the floor by the bed and climbed onto it. The shirt went down past my thighs anyways, so it wasn't a big deal I don't think.

I laid down on the bed and closed my eyes, snuggling into the sheets. I guess I drifted off to sleep because when I woke up, it was to my phone ringing. I shot up and rubbed my eyes, picking up my phone. I answered it and held it up to my ear.
"Hello..?" I sleepily asked.
"HI, Bubbas!" It was Dady!!! I smiled and put my phone on speaker, setting it down next to me. I yawned and pushed the blanket off me, feeling cold air hit me where I didn't expect it.
"Eeek!" I squealed, confused until I remembered I took off the boxers. I heard Dady giggle and his car start.
"Were you sleeping?" He asked.
"Mhm.." I mumbled, my face.

"I figured, I tried calling you on my break and you didn't pick up." Dady said, turning down the radio. I looked down at my phone to check the time. Its already 7:38!?
"Hey, I got you some of your own clothes! I didn't exactly know what you liked so I got what I've been putting you in, but you're size." He told me. I heard his car shut off but didn't question it until I heard him hang up and the front door open. I shot up and ran into the kitchen, honestly forgetting I didn't have anything on under my shirt.
"Dady!!" I shouted, reaching up. He dropped the bags he was holding and picked me up.
"Aww, hi baby!" He greeted me, pecking my lips.

Dady carried me into his room and shut the door behind me. I didn't think much about me being half naked until Dady sat on the bed and pulled me onto his lap.
"M-mm.." I whined, sitting on my knees instead of my butt.
"What's wrong baby?" Dady asked, looking at me in confusion.
"I-I nakey.." I mumbled, looking away.
"Why'd you go nakey?" He asked, not sounding mad or anything.
"Was itchy and make me feel mad.." I said, putting my hand in my mouth.

"Poor baby.." He mumbled, sounding genuine. I nodded and sat down on my bottom, my knees starting to hurt.
"Well, I would give you the ones I just got you to put on, but we've gotta wash those first." Dady though aloud, rubbing my back.
"Do you wanna try wearing a pair of Dady's shorts?" He asked, getting off the bed without another word. He dug them out of the bottom drawer of his dresser and brought then over to me. He slipped the onto my legs and up to my waist. They were really baggy and it felt alot better. I nodded in approvement and Dady picked me up.
"Did you eat, Bubs?" Dady gently asked, bringing me into the kitchen.

"Before me went sleep, I did." I told him, putting my thumb in my mouth and chewing on it. He sighed and sat me down at the table before opening the fridge and grabbing a can of something. He opened it and poured it into a glass. It foamed up a whole lot and it's got all sorts of bubbles in it. It looked super cool!
"J-juice?" I asked, watching Dady get into the freezer. I assume he's trying to find dinner.
"It's not juice, Babes." He told me, not taking his head away from the freezer.

He eventually found something and dropped it onto the counter by the stove.
"Juice!!" I whined, reaching for it. Dady picked it up and sat it in front of me, leaning on the table.
"Alright, you can try it but it's not juice." Dady warned me. I tentively picked up the cup with both hands and took a sip of it. It burned.. but it tasted good. I gagged but tried taking another drink, Dady grabbing the cup from me before I could. I looked up at him, pouting, but didn't say anything.

"See babes? It's not juice. Sometime later we can get you a different type of pop but this ones really bubbly." He said, puting down the cup and walking back over to the stove. He turned it on and drug out a pan for whatever he was making.
"Are you hungry, Baby? I got snacks for you." He told me, digging through the shopping bags and taking out a few boxes. I nodded and pulled my legs up on my chair.
"Mkay.." Dady mumbled, setting them on the table in front of me.
"There's fruit snacks, goldfish, and apple sauce. I didn't know what all you liked, so I went for the basics." He said, sitting next to me.

I pointed at the box that had little gummies shaped like different fruits, looking up at Dady with puppy dog eyes.
"P-please.." I mumbled, making Dady smile.
"Of course! Such good manners." He praised me, opening the box and taking out 2 packets of gummies, opening them for me. I dumped them onto the table and started separating all of them. Once I was all done, I started eating them one at at a time. Dady smiled at me and got up, putting the pan into the oven and rubbing his eyes. I got up and waddled over to Dady, hanging onto him.
"You sleepy..?" I asked, standing up on my tip toes and kissing his cheek. He nodded a but and yawned.

"But I've gotta eat first." He mumbled, wrapping his arms around me.
"Dady want snack..?" I asked, going to get the snacks he got me. He held me tighter and shook his head. He reached over and turned the oven off, barely keeping his eyes open.
"Can Dady just go to bed? You can come with." Dady asked, swaying a bit. I nodded fast and he brought me into the bedroom, picking me up and setting me into the bed. I pulled the covers over me and scooted over to the far side of the bed, Dady getting in after me. I helped him get the duvet over him and he laid down, mumbling a goodnight and almost instantly falling asleep. I cuddled up to him and closed my eyes, trying to get to sleep.

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