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Kayden POV

"I'm nervous.." Luca mumbled while I tied his shoes. We were about to leave for his first ever therapy appointment.
"Oh, Baby. It's okay. If it doesn't go good you can talk to me about it after, Okay?" I asked, tightening his laces.
"Okay.." He mumbled, biting on the sleeve of my hoodie he was wearing. I know it's nerve wracking, but I think if him and his therapist get along then this could really help him. I love making him feel better but he's got lots of childhood trauma he needs to unpack with a professional. I'm still gonna comfort him when he's sad and all but I'm not qualified to really help him long term.

"I love you, Okay? And after you give it a good try, you could swap therapists if you really don't get along. So please, please try it out." I asked, standing up and kissing his cheek. He nodded and stood up, opening the front door while I followed. I closed the front door and locked it, unlocking the car. He got in the passenger side and I got in the driver's, turning the key in the ignition. He buckled himself and I reluctantly did too. I know there's no real downside to wearing your seat belt, I just don't wanna bother most days. But I do anyways. I pulled out of the driveway and sped down the main road while Luca plugged in his phone to the aux.

I sat in the waiting room on my phone, scrolling through my socials but not really paying attention. Luca's session was supposed to be an hour to an hour and a half, and It was past both possible times. We got here at 1:25 because his appointment was at 1:30 and we were supposed to check in a few minutes early. However, it's almost 3. I tried not to think about it too much but it was difficult. I just hope it wasn't going bad, I really do. I don't want Luca to get a bad first impression and refuse to go again, so I guess their session running over their time means he doesn't hate him. I took a breath and sat up properly, scrolling again. Until I heard a door open. Naturally, I'm nosy as fuck so I glanced up without moving my head. It was Luca and his therapist.

I looked up at him and smiled, as they walked over. I slid my phone on my pocket and Luca grabbed my hand, standing next to me and kinda scooting away from his therapist.
"Hey, you're living with Luca right?" He asked, holding a clipboard. I nodded and Luca sat down in a chair next to me, still holding my hand.
"Well, most of today was just getting to know each other and that's what the next one will probably be too. The third one though, we'll most likely actually talking about what he's seeing me for." He said, readjusting his button up.
"That's fine! Whatever you think is best." I said.
"Well, just meet again next week. Same day, same time for his next appoitment." He finalized.
"Alright, thank you." I mumbled, standing up and leading Luca out of the building while his therapist walked away.

"What's you're therapist's name?" I asked out of nowhere on the way home.
"Justin." He said, swinging his legs.
"Is he nice?" I asked, concerned. I don't want him to get hurt during this whole thing by me trying to help.
"Mhm.. he nice." He mumbled, rubbing his eyes.
"Shit, sorry baby. I know it's your nap time." I apologized. I figured his appoitment ending at 2:30 would've been perfect so we could go home and right after give him his nap, but I didn't expect for his appoitment to run over the time. He whined and laid his head on the door, mumbling something like 'is otay'. I turned on the radio and tried to speed up a little bit.

"Come here, Love." I said, opening his car door. He whined and reached up for me. I picked him up out of the car and he wrapped his arms around me, burying his face in my shoulder. I unlocked the front door and carried him in, closing the door behind me. Luca whined and took his head out of my shoulder, rubbing his eyes. I pulled off his tennis shoes and brought him into the bedroom, laying him down on the bed but he sat up.
"Hey, just lay down, Baby. Lemme turn off the light." I said, gently pushing him back to laying down.

He grabbed his stuffie and rolled onto his tummy, burying his head in the sheets. I flipped off the lights and turned on his night light. I tucked him into the comforter and he turned his head to look up at me.
"Dadyyyy." He whined, reaching for me. I sighed and slid off my shoes before climbing into bed with him. He cuddled up to me and I patted his back in hopes that he'd fall asleep. I just don't want him to be all grumpy and tired later. Soon enough he did fall asleep, thank God, so I slid out of the bed and started picking up the dirty laundry. Guess I should probably be productive while he's sleeping.

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