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Kayden POV

"Shut up! You're making him cry you ass!" Jacob said, I was about to take Luca out to the car and tell my friends I'd Venmo them for the bill when Luca stood up and walked out of the restaurant.
"Look what you did!" Carlos shouted. This was a mess.
"He decided to leave! He's just a little bitch I guess! He can't handle a fucking compliment?" Leah argued back. Oh fuck no.
"Shut the hell up! You've got not idea why he's the size he is, and you're 'compliment' was backhanded as fuck. He was literally neglected for as long as he lived with his parents so don't you dare assume his eating habits." I shouted, most likely drawing attention from other tables.
"I'll Venmo whoever pays for mine, but I have to go." I said, picking up my phone from the table and going after my baby.

The staff told me to have a good day as I walked out, kinda ironic. I saw Luca shifting on his feet as these random dudes talked to him. Or more at him, he didn't seem like he was answering. I hurried over to him and wrapped my arms around his waist. He looked up, panicked but relaxed against me when he saw it was me.
"Who are they, Babes?" I asked, glancing up at them. He shrugged, making the guys frown.
"We were just tryna be friendly." One said defensively before stumbling away with his 'friend'.
"M sorry.. I didn't mean to be bad." Luca mumbled, biting on his sleeve. I turned him around to face me and pulled his face up to look at me.
"You weren't bad. She was being rude, that's not your fault. I promise." I softly told him, kissing his nose. He sniffled and nodded while I brought him to the car and unlocked it. He got in on his side before I buckled him in and got in myself.

"I wasn't tryna make us leave early.." Luca mumbled, about half way home.
"I know baby. Leah can suck sometimes but she's Jacob's girlfriend so I figured she'd be nice tonight." I told him, taking a quick look over. He was crying a but still and he was running his fingers over his recently healed cuts on his thigh.
"Am I getting fat..?" He quietly asked, almost making me pull over.
"Absolutely not. But, even if you were, that wouldn't be bad. No matter what you look like, you'll always be my cute little boy." I told him, reaching one of my hands over and setting it on his thigh. He mumbled an "mkay" but didn't sound super convinced. I moved my hand from his thigh to his tummy and rubbed it.
"Baby, Dady will love you no matter your size. Don't let Leah get into your head, she's just mean." I reassured him. He took my hand away from him belly and laid his head on the middle console and tucking his feet under him. I guess he's tired again.

I carried Luca into the house, shutting the door behind us. He woke up when I got him out of the car but he didn't wanna walk anywhere. Considering how adorable he it though, can I be mad? No, no I can't. I heard his tummy rumble and he pouted, making me frown a bit.
"Are you hungry, Babes? You didn't eat anything when we were out." I asked, rubbing his back. He nodded a bit but didn't look at me so I gently grabbed his chin and turned him to do so.
"Don't feel bad about being hungry Baby." I told him setting him on the counter before opening the freezer to look for something easy to cook.
"But Dady, you already got me stuff to eat.. So I don't deserve something else.." He said, I could hear his parents with what he said. That's gotta be something they drilled into him. I closed the freezer for a bit and walked over to him.

"I don't care that I already got you something to eat, Love. You didn't eat did you?" I asked, staring at him. He gently shook his head, not quite seeming sure in his answer.
"Exactly, so you're gonna be hungry. And I'm not starving my boyfriend. Plus Leah's a big reason you didn't eat, you didn't just decide not to." I told him, rubbing his back. His lip quivered and he hugged me really tight.
"Dadyy! You're so nice to me..!" He cried out. I held him close and waited for him to pull away. Once he did I peppered his face with kisses.
"Do you like pasta?" I asked, smiling a bit. He giggled and nodded.
"Good, so do me and Marcus." I told him, getting back into the freezer and getting out pasta shells that had cheese in them. I got out a glass pan and spagetti sauce, putting it and the pasta into the pas and preheating the oven.

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