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Luca POV

I laid almost lifeless on the bed as I scrolled through YouTube, trying to find something that looked fun. My standards of fun being colorful or games. I wasn't even really paying attention to what I was looking at until I saw a video about this guy playing Wii Party U until he beat expert difficulty. I hadn't seen anything similar to this so I clicked on it and was almost immediately met with him screaming cuss words and insulting a Mii. It was actually funny to me. I giggled a bit while he started playing the game again before getting back to yelling, talking about how the soundtrack would go 'awww' when you didnt roll high. It made me laugh. Admittedly this probably isn't what I should be watching when I'm little but it was funny and kept me entertained. It was alot going on, but not so much it was overwhelming. The videos were about half an hour long each and I was invested in the drama about this Wii game so I forgot to eat lunch. And continued to forget until Dady got home.

I heard the door open and gasped in excitment. I paused my video and ran out into the kitchen, running into Dady and hugging him tight.
"You miss me?" He asked, making me nod lots. He picked me up, pecking my lips and then setting me on his hip. My tummy rumbled, reminding me I didn't eat and making Dady frown a bit.
"Did you eat while Daddy was at work, Babes?" He asked, gently.
"F-forgot.." I mumbled, grabbing his shirt and clinging to him.
"Aw, poor baby. I'm off tommorow, so Daddy can baby you and take care of you all day. Would you like that?" He asked and I mumbled a 'yeah'.
"You want Daddy to feed you and rock you and play? You like the sound of that?" He asked, rubbing my head.
"Mhm! Please.." I begged, cuddling him tight.

"Oh, of course, Bubbas. I would love to give you all my affection and attention, make you feel so special." He said, bouncing me on his hip. I felt my brain go kinda fuzzy and laid down on him. I don't know what's going on but I want Dadys love.
"What do you wanna eat?" He asked, rubbing my back lightly. I pouted and whined. I didn't really wanna eat, I've eaten alot this past week already.
"N-no..." I mumbled, cuddling into him.
"Baby..." Dady started, frowning. "Why don't you wanna eat?" I didn't say anything and put my fingers in my mouth. I don't want to tell Dady... He doesn't see my tummy how I do..
"Bubba, please tell Daddy." He begged me, setting me down on the counter and looking into my eyes. My lip quivered and I couldn't look at him.
"D-don't like my tummy.." I finally mumbled, breaking the silence. He rubbed my sides and and sighed.

"How about a snack?" He reasoned. It nodded reluctantly, I don't wanna eat anything but if it makes him not worry... He nodded and reached up into the cabinet, grabbing an apple sauce and a spoon. I gently took it and opened it, shoving the spoon in. I kinda just poked it, taking a small bite here and there. I can't do this.. I sat it down next to me and took a big breath. I don't wanna cry. Dady gently rubbed my back and I whimpered as tears flooded my eyes.
"Can't..." I whined, wiping my eyes before the tears fell. Dady wrapped his arms around me and laid his head on top of mine.
"Baby.." He mumbled, "Do you wanna try later?" I nodded and reached up for him. He picked me up and kissed my nose. I'm bad.. I can't do anything right ever.

"I love you, Baby. You know that right, you know Daddy will love you no matter what?" He asked, kinda worrying me. There's only one situation people would talk to me like that and that was when they were gonna try and... un-alive themselves. I began tearing up all over again and my lip quivering.
"D-dady, plees no go bye bye.." I begged him, trying not to break down. If he's wanting to off himself, now isn't the time for me to break down.

Kayden POV

"D-dady, plees no go bye bye.." He begged, confusing me. What does he mean? I just want him to know I love him no matter what and I've no clue how else he could've interpreted what I said.
"What do you mean, Baby?" I gently asked and seeing him give up on trying not to cry.
"I-I don't wan Dady to die! I don wan Dady make himself go bye bye..!" He sobbed out, clinging onto me. Shit, did it sound like I was gonna kill myself?
"Oh no, Dadys not doing that! I promise little one, Dady would never do anything like that to you.." I promised him, bouncing him in my arms.
"Y-you swear?!" He asked, wiping his eyes and nose. I nodded and kissed his forhead.

"Yes, Baby. I'm so sorry if Dady scared you on accident." I told him, bringing him into the bedroom and sitting on the bed with him in my lap. I began rocking him and softly singing lullabies.
"Rock a bye, Baby. In the tree tops." I began, holding him against my chest. He whimpered and his tears soaked into my shirt for a bit but eventually he calmed down while I sang to him. He took a big breath through his nose and out his mouth.
"Good job..." I quietly praised him. He rubbed his eyes and all over his face.
"Aw, is my little boy sleepy?" I asked, making him nod.
"Oh I bet, crying is exhausting. Especially for little babies." I said, watching him slowly blink and force his eyes back open.
"You can go to beddie bye, I promise." I reassured him, laying him down next to me. He sat up on his elbows and whined, shaking his head.

"Why not, Babes?" I asked gently, reaching over and rubbing his tummy and hoping it would encourage him to lay back down.
"Get dark.. an-an bad stuff happen in dark.." He whined, still fighting to keep his eyes open.
"Daddy will protect you, Baby. From everything, in and out of the dark. Daddy will cuddle you and hold you all night and scare all the monsters away." I told him. He laid down tentivley and reached for me. I laid next to him and he turned to face me, pulling his body close to mine.
"Night night, Bubbas." I whispered, kissing his forhead one last time before falling asleep.

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