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[Luca POV]

It hit 5:45 and Luca could not contain how anxious he was. Specifically about the time.
"Do I look okay?" He asked after he laced up his shoes.
"Turn around and I'll tell you," I instructed him, not expecting him to actually do it. He spun 180 degrees, turning his head to look at me. I chuckled and wrapped my arms around his waist, kissing his head.
"You look perfect, Babe," I told him.
"Mkay, if you say so," He mumbled as he ran his fingers through his hair. I helped him zip his jacket before opening the door for him. I helped him up into the truck and turned it on, letting Luca pick the radio station.

On the way I had to stop at Walmart and get something for Layla because I'm not trying to be a dick and show up to her birthday without anything for her. Chris told me that she likes cups, gel pens, and coloring books that aren't little kid ones. I found the pens he was talking about in a pack of 45 for something like $5 so I grabbed them and found a bag. I skimmed birthday cards for a second, trying to find one that was generic but not blatant.
"Can I pick it?" Luca quietly asked, chewing on the inside of his mouth. He really needs to kick that habit but that's not here and now's problem.
"Go ahead, I'm not having any luck," I permitted him.
"Is she girly or not?" He asked, staring to look at the wall of all the cards.
"I think she is," I told him. The couple times I saw her she was dressed feminine so I'm assuming, but I could very well be wrong. After a second, he picked up a card that was blue and a purple star on the front that said "happy birthday :)". He opened it and handed it to me for approval. The inside just had 'another year older and another year happier.' It seems fine. I'm noticing he really likes stars.
"That's good, we can go," I assured him. I really hope she doesn't think I'm being flirty or anything. I know nothing really suggests that I'm trying to be but it's just my anxiety about something going wrong.

I parked in the grass next to the driveway since there were like 5 cars already, not including Chris'.
"How many people are here?" He asked as he unbuckled himself.
"Shit, I don't know. Like 7?" I asked uncertainly. He took a breath and picked up the present before he got out. We signed the inside of the card on the way here. Maybe I should've told him but it's kinda too late now.
I hopped out and took his hand, guiding him up to the front door. I knocked a couple of times and waited for Chris to answer. It was only 6:12 but on the way here, Luca almost started crying over being late. I watched him rock on his feet for the entirety of the 10 seconds it took Chris to open the door.
"Hey Jakie," He greeted me, smiling.
"Hiya," I said before handing the present over to him. "That's for Layla, I don't know where you want it," I explained, hoping it didn't come off rude.
"Come on, we're playing a game," He vaguely said as he invited us in. Luca followed close behind me and sat right next to me at the coffee table where everyone else was.
"You wanna play truth or dare?" Veronica asked me. I'm sure Markus drove up here if she's here, but I don't see him yet. Spade's here though.

"Are we in 7th grade?" I asked.
"You didn't say no," She pointed out. It could be fun so why not.
"Sure, why the hell not," I agreed. She looked over at Luca so I did too.
"I'm down," He said. He crossed his legs and started messing with his hair. Chris sat down to the left of Layla and kissed her cheek, setting down an empty beer bottle on the coffee table. Which game are we playing?
"It's to pick who gets the truth or dare," He briefly explained, apparently seeing my confusion. I nodded as he pushed it over to his girlfriend.
"Birthday girl goes first," Was all he said. It was passed to a couple people before it landed on me.
"You know the drill," Spade said.
"Dare," I decided, relatively quickly.
"Mmmm... come sit with me for the rest of the game," He decided, smiling like how he does when he's about to laugh. I rolled my eyes playfully and say right next to him. To the point, my hip was against his side.
"Aw Baby girl," He said before laughing and making everyone else laugh too.

I shoved him by the shoulder, smiling and telling him to shut the fuck up. When it got to Luca, Chris had spun it and said he had been thinking for the entire game about it.
"Do you wanna drink or smoke?" He asked Luca, making me a little tense. He didn't mean it as a question, it was about his preference.
"What would I smoke?" Luca asked as Chris stood up.
"Weed," Chris bluntly said.
"I'll drink," He decided but didn't seem pressured into it at all. He looked like he genuinely wanted to. I don't think he's old enough to drink yet and everyone else here barely is, but that's Chris. Chris came back with a wine cooler, not opened yet, and handed it off. Luca unscrewed it and sipped it periodically.

After a while they got dirty, but nobody was surprised. Some were worse than others. It got back to Luca, who at this point was most likely intoxicated, and he chose dare.
"Make out with your boyfriend over there," Layla suggested, gesturing over to me. He smiled and giggled, walking over to me. He sat on my lap and leaned it, kissing me hard.
"Shit, that's hot," She loudly commented. If I were completely sober, it would've made me uncomfortable. But it didn't right then. I made out with him for probably half a minute before he pulled away. I think he's a lightweight considering both his BMI and how he was acting. He wasn't blackout or anything, but he most definitely wasn't sober. He sat on my lap and finished his 4th wine cooler. I'm not trying to be a buzz kill but I really don't want him to keep drinking.

He didn't want another, he messed with his empty bottle. Mostly blowing the top of it so it made noise. When it was time to go, he wasn't the most eager.
"Noooo, I don't want the truck," He whined as I helped him up. I looked over at Spade for help since we both hadn't been drinking.
"You wanna get in my car?" He asked as he put his shoes back on.
"Nooooo," He continued, pouting at me.
"T-the bed of it,"
"You wanna ride in the bed of my truck?" I clarified, sighing. He nodded and was about to start stomping. I don't want him to since he's drunk, I'd rather not get pulled over for this, I don't want him in the back of my truck alone, and I don't know how he is when he's under the influence.
"Babe I can't-" I tried to explain before he huffed and pulled his hand away from mine. Spade came over and just picked him up, carrying him outside, so I followed him.
"You ready to go home?" He asked Luca, opening my truck door. Luca suddenly burst into tears, telling Spade he didn't wanna ride in the cab of the truck.

Spade sat him in the truck, Luca's legs still out of it.
"How about I get dinner on the way home? You hungry?" He offered as I walked up next to them.
"Yeah," He quickly agreed, which was kind of funny to me. I guess he's just hangry.
"Ya? What do you want?" Spade asked.
"Sagettie," He slurred, forgetting the 'p'.
"You gotta go home with Jacob, 'kay?" He said, grabbing the truck door. Luca nodded and put his legs in the car, waving bye to Spade. He shut the truck door and gave me a quick hug.
"I figured he needs to eat anyway," Spade explained.
"Thanks, I can give you money for it," I offered, quickly getting shut down.
"Nah, I want food anyways. I'll get you something," He told me and left for his car before I could protest.

I drove Luca home and he wasn't crying as hard, but he still was somewhat. I pulled into the driveway and got put but before I could shut my door, he started crying harder again.
"Papa!" He shouted, unbuckling and reaching for me. I guess he gets little when he drinks. At least this time he did. He climbed over the middle seat into the driver's and stepped down, clinging onto my arm instead of my hand. I guided him to the front door and let him in but he didn't go more than 2 steps inside without me. I followed him in, shutting the door behind me.
"M all dirty..." He cried, reaching up for me.
"Hey, Shh, I'm here. What do you mean dirty?" I asked, hoping it's not what I think it is. I can understand if it's about Kayden, but I thought he was feeling better.
"He-he" was as far as he could get into his sentence before his voice broke. Yeah he's talking about Kayden.

"He didn't make you dirty, Baby," I gently soothed him. I picked him up finally and scratched his head.
"You wanna know what makes you dirty?" I asked. He looked up at me and shook his head, trying his damndest to stop crying.
"Mud. And dirt. And sticky food," I told him, getting a small smile.
"And we made sure you got clean after we played in the dirt. So you're not anywhere near dirty," He giggled and wiped his face, holding me close. I can't imagine what all Kayden did to him and I don't want to know. Not unless Luca's ready to tell me. But that doesn't change the fact I'm gonna love him until I die.

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