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Kayden POV

I groggily opened my eyes and felt that the bed was wet, making me sit up. It smelled like pee. It took me a second to put the peices together, but once I did it made sense. He drank alot last night, literally right before bed. This one might be on me. I got out of bed, contemplating what to do. I guess Luca noticed me move because he shifted and woke up, almost immediately getting teary eyed and his face flushing pink.
"I'm sorry!" He exclaimed. I can tell he's trying not to cry.
"Oh Baby, come here." I said, holding out my arms. He quickly crawled over to me and I picked him up.
"Thats fucking gross.." He whined while I carried him into the bathroom.
"Babes, you're not gross. I put you to sleep right after you had juice and you were little." I said, turning on the water in the shower.
"C'mere. Lemme get those clothes off you." I said, setting him down on his feet. I stripped off his boxers and hoodie, leaving him naked.
"I'm gonna go grab towels." I said, standing up fully and walking into the bedroom. I grabbed two towels and turned over to the bed, pulling off the sheets and blanket. I'll wash them after our shower. I brought the towels into the bathroom, setting them on the sink and turning the water flowing from the tap, to the shower head. I pulled off my boxers and picked up Luca, stepping into the shower with him. I held him like a baby and kissed all over his face.

I sat him on his feet while I he washed his hair. I washed mine as well and rised it out after him.
"You're hair's getting long." I mumbled, wrapping my arms around him from behind. It was, it was a little bit past his shoulders now.
"I know, I think if I ever get it cut again, I'm not taking length off. I'd just want more layers so it's messier." He said, giggling.
"That'd be cute." I said, rubbing his sides and laying my head on his shoulder. I gently kissed his neck and he moaned quietly. It a matter of seconds I saw his dick go from limp to twitching and fully erect.

"Aw, you like that..?" I asked before kissing and sucking on his neck harder.
"B-baby~ That's gonna leave hickeys." He moaned, leaning his body against mine.
"Oh, I know. Don't you want everyone to know you're mine?" I asked and stopped kissing him for a second. He shivered and nodded. I turned him around and grabbed his chin.
"You know to use your words." I said, making him flustered.
"I want that! I want it so bad.." He whined, making me smirk.
"Good." I whispered before going back to marking him up.

At some point I had gotten down on my knees and started marking his thighs and hips, making him quiver.
"F-fuck~ P-please get me off.." He moaned, holding himself up on the wall.
"Only because you asked so nicely." I said, reaching up and grabbing his shaft. I slowly jerked him off, the faster I got the more noise he made. I went as fast as I could until he came on my hand and face.
"A-ah, I'm sorry." He moaned, still dazed a little. I smiled, standing up and rinsing my hand off under the shower head. He laid against me and tried not to giggle as I stuck my head under the water. When my face was clean I pulled away and kissed Luca gently.

I helped Luca out of the shower and wrapped him in a towel before putting one around my own waist. I took his hand and he followed me to the bedroom, babbling at me. I guess he's little now. I walked into the bedroom, picking up the dirty bedding and telling Luca to stay right there. I put them in the washer, pouring in soap, and starting the machine. I walked back into the bedroom to see Luca stomping around the bedroom and roaring. I chuckled as I walked in, him immediately running over to me and hugging me tight.
"Dady I missed you!" He shouted.
"I was only gone for a little bit, Baby." I said, smiling.

"Well I still missed you!" He exclaimed
"Then me working isn't gonna gonna be much better." I mumbled, begining to dig around in his basket of clothes. I need to make space in my dresser for his stuff but that means I'd have to spend my day off organizing. I'd rather not. I grabber boxers, a plain red t-shirt, and black jeans.
"Arms up." I said, tucking his towel so it wouldn't fall when he let go. He did as I said and I slipped on his shirt.
"Alright, Hun. Gonna put on pants." I said, un-tucking the towel, but holding it up.
"Okay?" I asked, sitting down on my knees and grabbing his boxers. He nodded and I let go of the towel, letting him step into his boxers and pulling them up to his waist. I held up his jeans and put them on the same, buttoning and then zipping them up.
"Im getting dressed." I warned Luca, grabbing my uniform off the top of the dresser and starting to get dressed.


I pulled into Jacob's drive way and turned off the car. Jacob's car broke down last night and I still need Luca to be babysat, so Jacob offered me to bring him over and pick him up after work until his car was fixed. I forgot to tell Luca this morning, so he was very confused when he got in the car with me. So I had to tell him in the car. He wasn't very upset, just a little nervous about a new house.
"Its gonna be okay. I'll be here to get you as soon as I get off work. And if you behave today, you'll get all sorts of extra kisses and cuddles. Okay?" I offered, rubbing his tummy. He sniffled and nodded so I unbuckled him. He opened his own door and got out on his own, so I got out too and waited for him at the door. Once he was next to me again, I knocked a few times and waited. Luca clung onto me while we did so. It was only a few seconds until Jacob opened the door and greeted us.

"Hey! I'm already almost late so I gotta get going. But, here he is." I said, stepping back a little and gently pushing Luca close to the door.
"I love you, Baby. I'll be back to get you after work." I said, kissing his temple and waving to Jacob as I got in the car and drove away.

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