Suvarna Dwarka (Golden city)

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"I am not brave enough to be a coward. I see the consequences too clearly"

Everyone was sitting in the throne room. Krishna wants everyone to move to a new place. Because it is an endless war with a fated ending. Even if they won the war still they can't end Kalyavan nor Jarasandh. And Mathura people might lose those life. But no one is happy with Krishna's decision.

Balraam - We can't just run away like cowards Kanha.

Krishna - It's better for everyone. We can't risk the life of our peoples.

Court office - I didn't knew that Prince of our kingdom is a coward.

Y/n - Is that so? How is Krishna a coward by thinking about everyone safety?

Court office - But running away from our enemy is a cowardly move.

Y/n - This war will continue and it will not end. Whole Mathura will crumble down. Now tell me do you want to play brave or save your people.

Krishna ordered lord Vishwakarna to build a city for the people of his kingdom. Lord Vishwakarma said that the city can be built but only if Samudradev offered them some land. krishnaa called Samudradev, who responded to them with land up to 12 Yojna and soon after that celestial construction Vishwakarma build the city of Dwarka in only two days. With Shri feet whole palace turned into gold. Everyone was mesmerized by it because it was clad in gold. The kingdom was called by 'Suvarna Dwarka' most beautiful city in Dwapar Yug made of gold.

 The kingdom was called by 'Suvarna Dwarka' most beautiful city in Dwapar Yug made of gold

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Krishna - Our new destination. (I hold Krishnaa's hand.)

Balraam - Everyone can safely resist here without any worries.

Y/n - For now at least. (Time will can only tell.)

Everyone was talking in the common chambers as Krishnaa was not there. Krishna was looking around for her. Soon he finds her in the garden sitting beside the river. Krishna goes beside her, but she was still looking at the lotus in front of her. He also put his feet on the water just like Krishnaa.

Krishna - What making you so lost in thoughts? (I made her look at me, her eyes always shine so bright.)

Y/n - lost in your thoughts. What else?

Krishna - You can never answer any question directly; can you?

Y/n - I try to, but time is only thing that can answer your question.

Krishna - All there left for us to get married in this yug as well. (She stands up and started to walk away.)

Y/n - There is still time for that Krishna. (Why talking about marriage suddenly?)

Krishna - But why wait when we can marry now? (I hold her hand stopping her.)

Y/n - It's better to wait because rushing things might bring new situations.

Krishna - I think the opposite of that. The sooner we get married, the less worries there for us.

Y/n - You are still too young. First grow up then I will think about it. If I wish to marry you.

Krishna - Don't forget I already married you in Vrindavan, Shrimati. (She started to run toward the palace But stopped after hearing my words.)

Y/n - Indeed, who you married is Shrimati of Vrindavan, not Shri herself. (My heart started to beat faster, egar to hear his next words.)

Krishna - Are you sure, Shri? Because whole Vrindavan is witnessed of our wedding. But if you want, then i declare today right here, right now. I wish to marry you shri, in your poorn(complete) avatar.

Y/n - I will wait. (You have to marry me, when i am complete, since Krishna is your Sampoorn avatar.)

Krishna - Then turn around, your krishna is waiting for you. I know very well how to make my shri running back to me.

Krishna bring out his flute as he played the tune Krishnaa couldn't help but stop on her feet as she looked back

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Krishna bring out his flute as he played the tune Krishnaa couldn't help but stop on her feet as she looked back. There was Gopi's and Gopal's dancing around. No longer holding herself by joining her Sakha's and Sakhi's that she missed so much. Krishna also joined with Krishnaa. Wherever Krishna's Krishnaa is Raas-leela will sure continue.

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