Beloved lotus face

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Lotus eyes that is too lost in the lotus of the pond

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Lotus eyes that is too lost in the lotus of the pond. That he didn't saw someone was running toward him.

Urmila - Brother look at you again being lost in those lotuses. What is so special about them?

Hari - I myself also don't know. But whenever I look at them, I get lost in those beauty.

Urmila - You are lost in those beauty and over there their girls are lost in your good looks, brother.

Hari - Don't talk such a way princess.

Urmila - But it's true brother, you are most handsome prince and dearest to our father also.

Chakshan - That's not the only reason why my son is dearest to me.

Hari - Greetings father.

Chakshan - My son who is symbol of rightness who always follow his father words.

Hari - It is my Dharm as a son.

Chakshan - If so then you also will agree with my decision.

Urmila - What decision father?

Chakshan - Swayamvar for our Princess.

King Chakshan was happily walk inside the palace as prince Hari could see his sister sad face. He already knows she likes his friend Adheel. He also goes inside the court room and decided to speak up.

Hari - Father, Swayamvar implies a maiden to choose her own groom.

Sages - Yes and Princess will get the chance.

Hari - Choosing selected groom and then choosing from them, it can't be call Swayamvar. My sister should get to choose her own groom.

Chakshan - What are you trying to say son?

Hari - Let Urmila choose her own groom. There is no need for a Swayamvar.

Chakshan - That's why I am proud of you, my son. Who always make the right decision. No Swayamvar will be held, Princess will marry who she wishes to marry.

Hari - I hope you are now happy my little sister.

Urmila - I will only be happy when your Mitra will ask for my hand.

Hari - He would, don't worry sister. Just wait a little bit.

Prince Hari has decided to go visit his kingdom people and see how his people are doing. On his way he come across a woman whose husband was getting beaten by some people.

Hari - What is happening here?

Random guy - Prince Hari. That woman husband take money from them and couldn't give it back.

Hari - Enough! Stop this right now.

Everyone stopped as they saw prince Hari and the woman go to her husband who looks really in a bad state.

People - Prince Hari it's not our fault. He takes our money and now can't even return them back.

Hari - Does beating him will bring your money back? No. It is not necessary to solve everything with violence.

People - Then how we will get our money?

Hari - If you really wanted to solve this problem then you would have bring this matter to palace court and ask for a solution to your problem. Not take decision on your own hand.

People - Forgive us.

Hari - Now tell me why you didn't return those money back?

Guy - Prince Hari, I wish to but because my daughter is ill all money go to her medication. And I was busy taking care of her and couldn't do any work.

Hari - Alright your daughter will be seen by palace Vaids don't worry. And your all money will be given to you so don't trouble the family anymore.

Everyone - Jai Prince Hari.

Everyone started to cheer prince Hari name as he put his hand together and left for the palace. In the palace Prince Adheel is waiting for Prince Hari impatiently.

Hari - Why so impatient Mitra? (I couldn't help but laugh.)

Adheel - I heard Princess Urmila Swayamvar is going to be held soon.

Hari - Yes seen she is already old enough for marriage. But what about it?

Adheel - Is she okay with this? Is she happy?

Hari - She is happy and with her wish it is happening.

Adheel - How can she agree to this?

Hari - Why can't she?

Adheel - Because she loves me, and I love her.

Urmila - Finally you have the courage to express your feelings.

Adheel - Princess Urmila?

Urmila - Don't worry my Swayamvar is canceled thanks to brother.

Adheel - Thank God. But what now?

Chakshan - What else? Prince Adheel and Princess Urmila wedding.

Urmila - Father?

Chakshan - What did you thought I wouldn't know about this? Hari already told me everything. I already informed Prince Adheel parents they will soon arrive here for your wedding.

In night Hari couldn't help as he started at the moon. Even though he had everything still he felt he is missing something. Couldn't shake of these feelings as his eyes fall on those lovely lotuses on the pond, sweet smile appeared on his beautiful lotus face. But suddenly a tear falls from his eyes as those lotuses made him remember who he couldn't seem to remember. Like a distant memorie.

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