Kacha tricks Shukracharya

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Shukacharya supporting Asurs are Down fall for Devs. Because Shukracharya had the Mantra to bring dead back to life, Which was given by Mahadev as boon. That's why no matter how many Asurs Devs end, he again brings them backs to life. Lord Narayan and Devi Narayani was seeing everything from Prem lok.

Narayan - Shukracharya needed to be stop or Devs Will soon lose to Asurs.

Y/n - Don't tell me you are planning to intervene.

Narayan - No but someone have to stop Shukracharya.

Y/n - Shukracharya is one of the talented Sage. Who has knowledge of the universe.

Narayan - It would have been better if he used that knowledge in somewhere else.

Y/n - He would have if Indra dev accepted him in Dev lok.

Narayan - Indra dev did do that but that doesn't mean he should go support Asurs.

Y/n - He has to choose somewhere, if it's not Dev lok then Patal lok it is.

Narayan - Who's side are you on Priye? You are confusing me.

Y/n - I am no one's side. I am here to only watch what choices everyone will make and how far they will go.

Narayan - Priye right now stopping Shukracharya is necessary. There has to be someone.

Y/n - There can be someone who will be able to stop Shukracharya.

Narayan - So you decided to help Devs.

Y/n - I can't help until they ask for it love.

Devi Narayani left from there. When Devs couldn't find any way anymore. They go to lord Narayan in Vaikunth. Who just smiled seeing them.

Vayu - Lord Narayan only you can help us from Stopping Shukracharya.

Narayan - I did help you before but this time it is not my place to do so.

Vayu - Then who can help us lord Narayan?

Narayan - There is someone, but he still has not taken birth.

Indra - Devi Narayani.

Lord Narayan nodded his head. Devs goes to Devi Narayani who was in endless universe. They greeted Devi Narayani.

Indra - Devi Narayani please help us.

Y/n - I can't but someone will, be patient.

Devi Narayani sends an energy. As it emerged directly to Tara. Soon Brihaspati and Tara blessed with a son name Kacha. Who grow up to be very intelligent. He became known for his knowledge, soon the news goes to Indra Dev ears as he understands Kacha is the one who can stop Shukracharya.

Narad Muni - Narayan's Narayani. It seems like Devs finally found out about Kacha.

Narayan - Sooner or later they had to after all he is the only one who can help them.

Narad Muni - Mata, it might help Devs, but it wouldn't be the end of Shukracharya's plans.

Y/n - Well who knows about how far Shukracharya decides to go.

Narayan - Indeed it's not the end. Shukracharya will again do something.

Narad Muni - Knowledge can be sometime risky.

Narayan - Only if it goes to the wrong hand.

Y/n - Nothing is wrong, and Nothing is right. Everyone is not same but at the same time they are somehow not too different.

Narad Muni - Mata you confuse me more than Prabu.

Narayan - Tell me about it. (That's how my Priye is. Likes to confuse everyone.)

Y/n - Hehe, Is that so? What I meant to say is that things will look to you how you want to see them. Because nothing is right and wrong in this world.

Narad Muni - Mata are you saying Shukracharya is right in his place?

Y/n - Everyone thinks they are right on those own places but who will be the judge of that who is right and who is wrong?

Narayan - Shukracharya is a knowledgeable person but using that knowledge in helping Asurs is wrong.

Y/n - Devs are also not always right. Especially Indra dev. His mistakes are countless still he is the king of Devs.

Kacha wishes to become Shukracharya Disciple. Asurs didn't wanted that, but Shukracharya accepted him. But soon Asurs understand that he is send by Devs, so they try to kill him. When Shukracharya finds about Kacha's dead, he was furious on Asurs. Shukracharya used his Mantra as he brought Kacha back to life. Now Kacha also had the Mantra, as he becomes Sage of Dev lok. From then on, the story of Kacha, how he tricked Shukracharya. He becomes one of the knowledgeable Sages.

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