Two realms (Diti & Aditi)

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Lord Narayan and Devi Narayani, Brahma dev and Devi Sararswati goes to bless Diti and Aditi as they are welcomed by Prajapati Daksh and Prasuti as wedding ritual started. Daksh also invited Mahadev, but doesn't mean he liked him. The main reason, he didn't like Mahadev because he cut Brahma dev Daksh father head. So, he was still holding grudge toward Mahadev. And there was Narad-Muni Brahma dev son, Daksh brother, who didn't fail to tease his brother about inviting Mahadev.

Sage - The wedding has concluded. Seek blessings of the elders.

Daksh - Be happily married, may you be blessed with a happy life.

Diti - Start of my new life. I want to get blessings from Devi Narayani.

Prasuti - Of course daughter. It's rare to meet Devi Narayani in the flesh.

Diti - Today I will say a single sentence and get all I want.

Aditi and Diti both goes to Devi Narayani to get her blessings. As Diti spoke up.

Diti - Now what should I ask from you Mata. You are beyond time. You know it all, give me just one blessing.

Y/n - But ask for something after due thought. Words are hopes and instruments too.

Diti - May I become mother of lots of children.

Y/n - Every word of your wish will come true.

Diti - I can never be thankful enough for this Mata.

Y/n - But not only you. I also bless Aditi both of you shall take on the joy of motherhood.

Aditi - I am happy to be blessed by you Mata.

Y/n - But remember one thing, the circle of time will pay you for all that you do. Patience is rewarded and sin's bring repentance.

Lord Narayan and Devi Narayani goes back to Vaikunth as they sat down on the Shesshnaag. Suddenly the weather of Vaikunth changed.

Krishna - I have never seen this kind of weather in Vaikunth.

Y/n - Changing weather in Vaikunth, it doesn't show a change of season's but it's a sign of fate.

Krishna - Sign of fate?

Y/n - (That is sign that, soon Narayan's Narayani have to leave each other.)

Krishna - Priye, I know there is something that you want to say to me, but you will only say it, when the time is right. But today, right now I want to say something to you.

Y/n - What is it? I can't wait to hear it.

Krishna - It's about our bond. It is like this cosmic ocean; it is never ending. It is eternal, Beyond the confines of space and time.

Y/n - You have said what you thought. Now I have to express what I think. I want to create something special in Prem lok that will represent our love.

Devi Narayani takes lord Narayan hand as they headed toward Prem lok. Devi Narayani looked back as the weather is started to change drastically.

Kashyap is pleased by Diti and Aditi veneration. He gives both of them Kheer which is filled with his energy. After eating the Kheer, they will conceive those children in the womb. But before giving it, he warned them, they must do penance for 1 week. Eat it at the right time and right planetary configuration. No matter what happens, they should not eat that during Brahma Mahurat. They both accept it and promised to obey all the rules. Aditi obeyed and ate it at the right time as told. But Diti who choose not to wait and eat it right away. As the whole sky turned dark.

Prem lok

Narad Muni - Narayan's Narayani. Mata after getting your blessing, the devotee resolve's those problems. But I get the feeling, that Diti has choose doubt over resolution.

Y/n - You are right Narad Muni. This is not the end to the problem. This is the beginning of a great problem.

Krishna - A single mistake by a mother can influence a child's life.

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