Dwarka wedding (Karn faith)

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"Life is never fair and it never will be. In a blink you can lose everything that's why always be thankful for what we have"

In Hastinapur Krishna's Krishnaa was in Vidur's house. Mother Kunti looked sad because both of her son will fight with each other.

Krishna - Bua only if you have told Karn the truth of his birth. Then things wouldn't have turn out this way.

Kunti - I know but I don't want my sons to fight against each other.

Krishna - There is still time, tell him the truth.

Krishna's Krishnaa left for Dwarka on those way Krishnaa was quiet, which bother Krishna. He took Krishnaa's hand in his.

Y/n - He has already chosen his path. There is no way back, No one can turn way from one's destiny.

Krishna - But if Karn dies than Pandavas's sons will also not survive.

Y/n - Karn's fate was decided a long time ago in his previous life with your words, in this life he will die by Arjun's hand and your words are law of this universe. With the choices Karn made in this life it's too late. 

Krishna- Why Pandavas must also pay the price Shri?

Y/n - Did you forget, they are the one who put bet on Draupadi?

Krishna- But they didn't stay quiet.

Y/n - So did Karn. Everyone who was in the Court room stand helplessly and did nothing will face the consequences of those actions.

Krishna - This will not only cause pain to pandavas but Panchali as well.

Y/n - I know, at the same time it's her fate and she accepted it. There is nothing that can be done.

Krishna looked at krishnaa who smiled at him sadly before taking his hand in her. Shrimati was aware about why krishna wanted Karn in Pandavas side.

Y/n - Who can stop you from trying? Let me do my duty as your Ardhangini(life-pathner), i can't let my Swami(spouse) words go in vain.

In Dwarka Princess Kaanmana and Prince Kairabh marriage was fixed with Anupa king Aanan's son Aadrik and daughter Aadithi. Whole their wedding celebration was happening. In the other side Prince Kalayanini and Princess Kamini has left from Dwarka. Prince Kalayanini abducted Princess Lakshmana. When Krishna finds it out, he goes there, Duryodhan was furious about this, but Shakuni told him it will benefit them. So, he also accepted the marriage. In other hand Princess Kamini was in love with Karn son Vrishsena.

Krishna - Daughter why are you looking sad? Tell your father.

Kamini - Nothing father. I am happy for brothers and sister.

Krishna- You don't seem like. Tell me what's the matter?

Kamini - But I don't know how to tell you.

Y/n - She loves Karn son Vrishsena.

Krishna - Oh it's about that but I already know.

Kamini - Forgive me father if I disappointed you.

Krishna- If you love Vrishsena. Then you will marry him, after all you meant for one another. I will speak to Angraj myself.

Kamini was so happy as she hugged her father. Krishnaa had a sad smile as she touched her daughter face before leaving from there. Krishna decided four wedding will happen at the same time in Dwarka. It was the biggest wedding as Dwarka Princes, and Princesses wedding was held the same day. Everyone was invited from other kingdoms. As one by one everyone comes. Karn was also there but he had sadness in his eyes.

Y/n - Greetings Angraj. It's been so long, hasn't it?

Karn - Indeed. How time flies by.

Y/n - Why looking sad in your own son's wedding?

Karn - I am happy for him but there is this sadness inside.

Y/n - It's about what mother Kunti told you hmm.

Karn - You already know everything. Tell me is life always this unfair to everyone?

Y/n - Karn life is a test. Sometimes we think life is unfair to us but if we look around than we will understand everyone has unfairness in life. In that situation what choices we make will decide our destination.

Karn - I think my faith has already been sealed a long time ago and now I have to walk on it.

Wedding has started as four wedding takes its place. Everyone was happy and celebrating but after this a big war will take place. As kingdom were started to take those sides with Pandavas and Kauravas. Duryodhan comes to Dwarka so did Arjun.

Kamini - Will father choose Uncle Arjun side?

Y/n - You father don't choose anyone, they choose him.

Kamini didn't understand what her mother meant by that, so she goes to her father

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Kamini didn't understand what her mother meant by that, so she goes to her father. She saw Arjun seat down beside her father feet as he opened his eyes, Krishna smiled at his daughter. Seeing Duryodhan choose Yadavas army, her Kakasri Balraam wouldn't take part in this war. But Arjun chooses Krishna, Kamini understood what her mother meant.

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