11 | Complications

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September 2nd, 2023

I wake to a frantic call the next morning. I sit up groggily and pick up my phone from the nightstand.

It's Rob.

Immediately I'm awake and have the phone to my ear. They never called me, and never on days, I wasn't scheduled to work. Marla and Rob are the type to respect time off, and wouldn't call unless something was wrong.

"Hello? Is something wrong?" I feel goosebumps rise on my arms. It just isn't like them to call unexpectedly.

"Rylie. Can you come to work today?" is all he says.

I look at my digital clock, it is Saturday. I never worked on Saturdays. But I am willing to come in if they need me.

"Yeah, I can. What's wrong?" Even if I didn't know their calling was odd, I could hear the emotion in his voice.

"Marla is in the hospital. She's had a heart attack," he murmurs through the line.

"I'm getting ready now, I'll be there in forty," I say.

I hear a mumble across the line and worry if he will be okay. Marla, I knew would, she was always a strong woman, but they both care so deeply about one another.

I sigh and get out of bed, I get dressed and am down the stairs texting my roommates about the situation in five minutes.

When I get to my car I start it up immediately and turn my music on when I'm at a light. My left leg subconsciously bounces as I wait for the lights to turn green. Somehow I hit almost every red light out of LA.

I make it to the cafe in under forty minutes. I jog up the front steps to see Rob through the kitchen window to the cafe cooking. I hadn't thought about who would cook if Rob wasn't here, the only thing on my mind as I drove here was Marla and getting here in time. I pull the door open and walk through the break room and into the kitchen.

"How are you doing?" I ask.

His head pops up as he cracks an egg on the counter. "I'm fine I suppose. Doctors said she will be okay."

I nod, "Well that's good," I pause, "If you need some help throughout the day I'm sure I can do something back here." I really can't. But Rob is so hard-headed that he would also never leave the kitchen.

"It's okay, I'll make it through the day. Thank you though."

I nod and pick up the first dish, then bring it to the table it belongs to. As I set the food down, my phone rings in my back pocket.

I curse under my breath as I pull it out and see Dylan's name on the top of the screen. I let it ring to be nice, then send a text;

Rylie: Hey, super sorry, at work right now

Dylan: You work on Saturdays?

Rylie: Not unless I want to pick up an extra shift
Rylie: They needed me to come in today. That's all

Dylan: Okay
Dylan: Talk later?

Rylie: Of course :)

Rylie: Of course :)

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