22 | Monroe

30 1 0

September 27th, 2023

I stand in the terminal of LAX with my ticket to PDX in hand a week later. I am excited to see Amy, I just have a small feeling of nerves in my chest.

"Miss? Are you alright?"

I turn around and see a man about my age staring down at me.

"Uhm, yeah, sorry." I move up in the line in the Starbucks across from my gate.

"It's alright," he shrugs. "Where are you headed?"

I take the bait, wanting to think about anything else, "Portland, you?"

"Portland also. I know this is weird, but what are you doing in Portland at this time of year? You don't seem like much of a traveler." I look down at my clothes, he's right. I don't look like I do this a lot.

"Seeing my mom, she wanted to see me."

"Oh that sounds fun."

I nod as we scoot farther up in the line. "Where are you headed to?"

"Some photography, Oregon is great for nature shots at this time of year."

I nod, it really was. I found myself when I was younger taking pictures of trees and frozen leafs and I didn't even enjoy the hobby.

"That it is, what type of photography do you do?"

"Ah, can't say unfortunately." He makes a silly face, which makes me laugh. A genuine laugh-nothing like the ones I served the costumers at the cafe.

"That's okay." I walk up to the barista and tell her my order. I also throw in a sugar cookie for the fun of it.

Stepping to the side I watch the stranger make his order and smile at the girl taking his order as she spells his name wrong.

He steps to my side and we continue our conversation. Apparently, we are on the same flight, so we sit at the same gate together.

An announcer soon says that our flight is ready to board so we both stand and walk to the door to have our tickets scanned. She smiles as she tells us to have a nice flight. We both nod too and head into the plane.

We sit across the isle from each other and settle in for the flight.

Halfway through the flight he taps my shoulder and says, "You look great from this angle, can I get a photo?"

I look around and blush, "No, that's fine. I don't like having my photo taken anyway."

"Not even one?" he pulls his camera out and points it at my face. I turn my head away and look out the window to my left. The person next to me is out so I can't even ask to switch spots.

I sigh and keep looking out the window. Waiting for him to put the camera down. When I think I hear him put the camera down, I instinctively turn my head.

And that's when it all happens.

The camera's flash blinds me for one short second, then the click of the camera taking a picture sounds through the cabin. Then he pulls the camera down and grins down at the small screen on the back of the camera.

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