20 | Serious conversation

26 1 0

September 20th, 2023

I can't believe it. They are really selling their cafe. They are going to leave it out there in the world in the wrong types of hands.

I blink, taking the glassiness from my eyes. "Are you sure?" I look to Marla, hoping the look I saw before would still be in her eyes. She seemed more unsure about the decision.

But when I see her eyes, I know her mind has been made up as well. "I'm so sorry, honey, but we really can't wait any longer."

I nod and look down at my scrambled eggs. "Okay. That's fine." It isn't fine, but I'd never tell them that. This cafe was going to be my career.

Standing up, I grab my bowl of eggs and juice, "I have some writing to do anyway, I'll just go work on that," is all I say before I'm turning on my heel and walking to the break room.

I don't usually bring my laptop to work with me, but thankfully I did today. I pull it out of my backpack and settle into the couch.

The writing takes me out of the moment, and when Rob calls me out at 7:30 to start work, I just nod and pull my apron on.

The whole day of work is filled with silent nods as Rob rings the bell to announce another dish made, fake smiles for the customers and quiet sighs as I debate why I'm still here.

I pull the door closed and drop my car keys into the glass bowl

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I pull the door closed and drop my car keys into the glass bowl. I swing my backpack to my front and pull the fruit from this morning out of the big pouch with my laptop and sweatshirt.

I drop the fruit into the bowl again and sling my sweatshirt over the back of one of the three barstools.

When I turn around, I finally see Mara and Nina sitting on the couch.

Looking around the room, I realize they aren't watching a movie, Nina isn't reading a book, Mara hasn't been cooking, and there isn't anything around them.

"What's up?" I ask, putting my laptop in an armchair.

Mara leans forward, "We need to talk... or you need to talk about something."

My jaw clenches. I don't want to have another serious conversation today. I'm tired.

"I think I'll just go to bed, we can talk in the morning, I'm taking the day off." It wasn't a lie, even though I just decided it. What was the use of working at the cafe anymore if I didn't need the money since I wasn't buying it? I had enough saved up now to life comfortably, maybe even alone if I chose.

"No, you're going to talk to us..." Nina speaks up. She takes a deep breath and says, "You don't have to talk about what's clearly going on... but please just have a conversation with us?"

I am about to plead going to bed again when Mara says, "Since Marla had her heart attack you've really been distant. We haven't hung out, or even had a real conversation for like three weeks now. Just tell us how you are."

I turn my body fully toward them and sigh. I nod and walk over, plopping in between the two of them.

"Marla and Rob are planning to sell the cafe soon, as you know. They told me they are out of time today and they can't wait for me to make up the cash any longer." I look out the window toward the setting sun, and they don't speak. "Dylan and I have become more and more distant too. We aren't even together and it's already going to shit."

Both of their hands find my shoulders and I feel their sympathy. I don't want it though, I've had it enough of it before. I stand up, "I want to go to sleep."

I feel them wanting to stop me, but I just say, "I'll see you in the morning," before the door is closed behind me.

Surprisingly, my phone rings. This time when it does, my heart drops. I don't have the effort to fake emotions for Dylan right now. I don't want him to worry about me.

But when I look down, the name "Rain," spans across the top of my lock screen.

I pick up immediately and say, "This is Rylie, is everything okay?"

"Yes, of course everything is okay, I just wanted to ask if you wanted to go out tomorrow."

I laugh, but I remember my currant predicaments and say, "Oh I don't know, I have some stuff to do. Maybe another time?"

I hear her sigh over the line, "Okay, just tell me if you wanna do something tomorrow, I have the whole day off."

I feel bad. I didn't want to make her feel bad, but I really wanted some time away from people-especially people related to Dylan. I didn't want to spill anything to her about my currant thoughts on him and I to her and have them relayed to him.

"Of course, how about sometime next month then?" Surely I'd feel better next week. Next month people would probably be coming in to look around to consider buying the cafe. Next month the option to buy the cafe would be gone. Next month I won't have the extra work to worry about.

"I'd love to."

"Okay, that's good..."

I check my watch, "I'm so sorry, but I have to go, how about we talk another day when both of us have more time?"

She jumps on the exit easily and says, "Yes, of course! Talk another time!"

"Okay, bye bye then." I find a small smile on my face.

"Toodles," she hangs up.

All of a sudden I'm in my quiet room and I realize I can't listen to the silence any longer.

I flip my speaker on to some green noise and pull my weighted blanket out of the bathroom closet. I don't use it very often, but this feels like the perfect time for some extra comfort.

I snuggle into the bed and stare out toward the twinkling cities. I stare out in a different way than I ever had before. Things were happening for the first time since I was little, that were out of my control.

I feel just two tears slip from my eyes.  Maybe they are from pent up emotions. Maybe they are from not being able to see Dylan. Maybe they are just from not being able to control things right now. Whatever it is, I know I have to make one last phone call tonight.

Pulling my phone from the nightstand again, I dial the only parental figure I have ever had since my mother died.

"Hello? Rylie? What's wrong honey? You never call this late."

I'm working so frantically on Long Love right now, and it's coming out so well it truly is my favorite one right now 🥹

Katelynn J. Peterson

Published: September 14th, 2023

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