17 | Silver linings

35 1 0

September 16th, 2023

I put my backpack on the floor next to the couch in the family room as Dylan ushers me over. He has a hopeful gleam in his eyes, but I still can't stop the nervous feeling from rising into my throat.

Lilly says, "You don't have to be so scared, honey."

I smile and nod, feeling only a little bit better. I sit down and look between Dylan, Max, and Lilly. They all are staring at me.

"What is it?" I finally ask, impatient.

Dylan faces me and leans forward, "I know you don't want to be having this conversation right now, but since my family is... popular in the media, I have to ask you to keep our interactions silent."

"What?" I'm confused, even though I slightly understand. I'd only heard of these moments from others I used to know, and it was happening to me now.

"He means that since we seem to be a common topic in magazines and on social media, we need you both to keep your association with one another quiet," Lilly explains.

"So, it saves your reputation?" I half accuse. For a second, I think Dylan has told them that my mom died, and my dad put me up for adoption when I was little. Something like that might be unappealing to bring into a family like theirs I suppose. But then Max says the next thing and the feeling of betrayal goes away.

"No. There isn't anything about you that would bring our reputation to the ground--if it even mattered to us. We want you to be as safe as possible. We have seen with Liam, that any girl he ends up dating ends up being bombarded by paparazzi and journalists. Our publicist has recommended he and anyone else in our family to not announce relationships unless we are completely serious about it and are ready to bring it to everyone's attention."

I look down at my hands. I'm sure if I'm completely serious about Dylan, but I do want to be able to act as if we are dating in real life and not like we aren't.

"Wait, but we went on a date in Claremont, why didn't that count?"

Dylan cuts in, "I've lived in Claremont so long that the inhabitants of the town don't seem to care about it anymore. The effect wears off when you see a celebrity enough." That seems to make sense. It would get a little tiring asking for a picture with someone you constantly see in your hometown.

"So unless you guys are completely serious about each other, we would like for you both to keep it quiet until you want to let the news out to the world," Lilly says.

I know what they mean, but it is still odd to contemplate this at such a young age of our blooming feelings for each other.

"Okay, well that's okay. I can deal with that." Maybe keeping Dylan to myself for a while wouldn't be so bad. For how excited I am every time I think of being with Dylan though, I can't help but think about the fact that this can't ever go into the media, ever. I have secrets that will be pointed out as soon as Dylan's popularity touches my past.

Lilly smiles, "Well I'm glad we got that cleared up. How about some cake?" She stands up, pushing her hands down on her knees. Lilly walks to the kitchen where the rest of us follow.

The cake is clearly homemade from the unevenness of the frosting to the unsymmetrical setting of strawberries atop it. Max hands me a plate with a slice on it, then Dylan, and we dig in. At some point, wine comes out and everyone is laughing and talking so loudly I'm surprised the six-year-olds upstairs aren't awake by now.

 At some point, wine comes out and everyone is laughing and talking so loudly I'm surprised the six-year-olds upstairs aren't awake by now

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When I and Dylan finally make it up to his room, we are laughing quietly to not wake or disturb anyone. I smile at his defined back as he opens the door in front of me. He tugs me into the room and closes the door behind me.

He lets go of my hand and says, "We should get to sleep, you need some rest after that long shift."

When I find myself staring at the muscles in his arms shift as he rummages through his bag instead of answering his statement, he looks back and smirks. "Like the view?"

I just say, "I do," turning red. 

He smiles and stands up straight, and walks over to me, then cups one side of my face. He kisses my forehead and says, "Get dressed while I'm in the bathroom, I'll be right back."

I smile at him as he walks out of the room, then turn toward the chair where my bag is sitting. I think of grabbing my pjs again tonight, but then I decide that it's a lot more comfortable to just not wear my pants, so I take them off and stuff them in my bag. I take off my work shirt and bra, exchanging it for a t-shirt.

I sit down on the bed and scroll through my phone, tiredly. When I hear the door open again though, I feel self-conscious about my legs. I hear him stop behind me, spotting my soft blue panties and threadbare t-shirt, then he walks to his bag and puts his stuff away, then lays down on the bed. I let out a deep breath and lay down curling on my side away from him so he can't see my bare legs. It's too late to put my pajama pants on now.

He scoots closer to me and says, "You don't have to hide from me, I like you how you are, nothing to not like."

I smile and turn around, stretching my legs out under me. He faces me too and we stare into each other's eyes. I smile and say, "Your eyes are a very pretty blue."

"I like yours too."

"They are brown, no way."

"Brown is the prettiest color."

I giggle and before I can think I'm pecking his lips, and my head is back on my pillow. My cheeks heat and I regret it immediately.

He doesn't see it that way though, and stares down at my lips. I raise myself, and he does too, Now we are facing each other on top of the bed and staring back at each other's lips. When he leans in, I close my eyes and lean in as well, wrapping my arms around the back of his neck.

The kiss is perfect. It's everything I had never had before and more. It's something I thought I would never have. From the way my father always made me feel like I wasn't capable of having something so fantastic, from the way he made me feel like I would never deserve something like this. From the way that Jason wouldn't kiss me because he said I don't deserve it. From the way, I thought that all was true until now.

Without breaking the kiss I end up straddling his lap, his back against his headboard. I twine my fingers in his hair as we deepen the kiss. His tongue asks for entrance to tangle with my own and I open to allow him.

That night, when we both fall asleep fully clothed and wrapped in each other, I think I wouldn't mind having Dylan Woods to myself for a while.

Not at all.

Does anyone have rope?

Katelynn J. Peterson

Published: September 13th, 2023

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