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September 17th, 2023

When Sunday rolls around, I am driving Dylan back to LAX early in the morning, both of us sitting in silence, not knowing what to say in the last minutes together.

With what his parents said in mind, we hug inside the car. If someone saw us right now photographs would be uploaded all over social media and it wouldn't be a secret any longer.

Once we are at a stop, he leans over and puts a peck on my lips. I smile as he pulls away, but then find myself going in again for another kiss. He graciously accepts and puts his hands in my hair, my hand on his chest.

When we finally pull back, Dylan puts a whisper of his lips on my forehead and we are getting out of the car.

He takes his bag out of the trunk and I watch as his muscles shift in his arms, memorizing them for when he's gone. I move my eyes up to his and I see the sadness in his eyes. I decide I can risk a quick hug, so I pull him into a hug. 

Last night I and Dylan decided that if pictures of us being out together came out, we could say that I am just close friends with Rain, and that we were out for other reasons than a romantic relationship. It would make sense; we could easily say we have gotten close over the years from proximity. I just hope that no one does take photos because of my past. One photo is all it takes for my father to find me and use my quick fame.

He immediately pulls me in, wrapping his arms around my neck. Just in case someone had a camera out, I nuzzle my face into his chest so no one can get a picture with my face in it. He puts his hand on the back of my head and puts his mouth to the top of my head.

When we finally pull away from each other he says, "I'll call you as soon as I get home."

I nod. I called out of work today since I'd been there so much, and Marla seemed to be okay to work fully again. I still felt bad about making her take over for me, but I was exhausted from working almost every day for the past two weeks. They said it was totally fine and that they are appreciative of all the work I have given them.

I nod and say, "Yes of course. I'll see you soon?"

He nods, "Maybe someday you can come up and stay with me in Washington."

I nod, "Of course, maybe we can stay in my apartment too." If I ever made up the money for the cafe maybe I could even run it remotely while I visit him.

He nods, pulls me into another small hug, and then he's walking away. I watch him walk away and into the glass doors.

When he disappears, I get back into my car and drive away. I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket and rummage for it.

Dylan: I'm going to miss this

Rylie: I am too
Rylie: I'll find a weekend soon when I can come up for a weekend

Dylan: Don't worry about it
Dylan: You have the cafe to worry about and I have football, but we will find the time eventually

Rylie: I hope so

I put my phone back down and think about how I can see him again.

If I want to buy the cafe, the only way to do so would be with my mom's old money, and I know that. But somewhere deep inside of me, I feel like there's another way to go about it. All I know is that I need to buy it and not let it go into the hands of a wealthy businessperson.

When I open the door to my apartment, I hear Taylor Swift's new album playing over the speakers

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When I open the door to my apartment, I hear Taylor Swift's new album playing over the speakers. I say, "I'm home!" as I drop my keys into the glass bowl on the shelf near the door.

I hear the music turn down and with the lowered music I hear Mara and Nina laughing in the kitchen. I walk over to the breakfast bar and lean my elbows down on the counter. "What are you guys laughing about?" I ask.

They see me and both look excited. "We bought tickets to the Orlando Collins concert! You're coming by the way," Nina says.

I cringe, "You know I don't want to go, right?"

They both groan. Mara says, "You are literally no fun."

I shrug, "I don't care for him that much."

"You were just obsessed with his music a couple of months ago, what's up with that?" Nina asks.

I debate telling them. Everyone knew Orlando and Rain were together, but no one brought it up since it was such old news. From what I observed this weekend, it seemed she would like to keep those things in the past. On the other hand though, these are my best friends, and we always promised each other to be honest with one another, so I end up telling them.

They both look between one another and back to me, "We are canceling the tickets, I don't want any bad juju with a celebrity." Mara says. Nina makes a face like she doesn't agree, but doesn't protest.

I look around the apartment and see it's pretty clean. "Wow did you guys clean?" I ask.

Nina laughs, "We are capable, we just didn't have the time before, but since you were gone we decided to clean up a bit."

I shrug, "You both should try that some more. It looks great in here."

I walk to my bedroom and change out of my clothes and into some sweats. I pick up my laptop and notebook and make my way to the kitchen to grab a snack.

"So, how was your weekend?" Mara laughs when I turn red. "You guys did the do, didn't you?"

I make a face, "No, not at all. We just kissed."

"Ohuuuu. Was it good?" Nina asks.

I smile and rub my palms together, "It was the best kiss I've ever had."

"Tell us all of the details!" Nina giggles, pulling me to the couch and motioning for Mara to follow.

I plop down between them and they sit, anxiously waiting. This is why I like having them around. Whenever one of us is doing something at all that the others weren't a part of, we always get excited to hear what happened. It's nice to have people so excited for me.

"It was the second night I was there, and I was pretty nervous because I for some reason chose to not wear pants. Maybe it was the wine I had with his parents and him that made me so confident in the moment..." I look back at the homey feeling of Dylan's arm around me as we all drank from our wine glasses and ate that delicious chocolate cake. The way Lilly excepted me right away made me feel so great. I remember I'm talking and go back to what I was saying, "Anyway, anyway. He came in and laid down, then somehow, we ended up sitting up and kissing. Soon enough I was in his lap as we made out. It was magical." I look at them now, my eyes being trained distantly on the floor before.

Mara says it first, "You've got it bad."

I playfully hit her in the arm and she pretends to be hurt, I laugh and turn to Nina who is staring down at me from where she sits on her knees next to me. "You do..." she says dramatically which makes us all giggle harder.

I for some reason am soooo excited to write about Nina's story since it's something I don't typically write.

Also it's my b-day when I am writing this! 🤭

Katelynn J. Peterson

Published: September 13th, 2023

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