30 | Drinks and punches

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October 31st, 2023

We stopped at my apartment on the way to the party to grab a pair of black combat boots and were off.

At this moment, I'm drinking a beer and talking to a guy named Lance. I politely nod and keep up the conversation, but I honestly wanted to go home. The openness of the party was making me nervous and I assumed someone had already recognized me. Cameras are going to be here any moment.

But they never come. Not in the two hours we were already here.

I start to loosen up around my third drink-all different varieties, and sizes-and even follow Clary to the place in the middle of the living room where everyone is dancing.

We hold each other's hands as we jump and move our hips along to the music. I know I'm going to be drunk if I keep going, but I don't care. I haven't been drunk in forever and want to just let loose. I don't want to feel everything weighing down on me like it has been for weeks. Maybe hiding from Matthew my whole life has been weighing on me the whole time. Maybe I never escaped him-maybe I never will.

Clary screams over the music, "I'm going to get us some drinks, be right back."

I nod and turn around farther into the crowd to continue dancing. I feel hands pull me back by the waist farther into the crowd and I tense. But then I look back and see it's Lance. I shrug and turn around to face him. We start dancing together and soon his hands are on my hips again and I'm dancing against his front.

Forgetting Clary, the paps, the world, I smile and put my arms around the back of Lance's neck. He smiles and kisses me.

At that exact moment. Before I can remember who I'm kissing-not Dylan, or even Jason-a bright, blinding light flickers to my left.

Pulling back from Lance I look over to see four men with cameras. I look back up at Lance and he pulls me into his side, shielding me from the paps. Or I thought he was until he turns me toward the cameras and kisses the top of my head like he's my boyfriend. I have no other option but to turn into his chest to shield my face.

When the cameras start flashing, I feel myself ripped from Lance's grip and pushed behind a tall hard body.

I stumble around behind the person who pulled me away, blinded by the cameras now flashing erratically.

When my eyes focus I realize who shoved me away. Warren stands in between me and Lance, shouting over the music at Lance.

Not able to do anything but watch, I see Warren point back at me and then to the cameras. I can't even hear over the blood rushing in my ears and the music now. Clary's small body comes around me to stabilize me just as Warren's fist comes around at Lance's side.

So yeah anyway... see what happens next ig 💃 Also tomorrow is my boyfriend's birthday so I probably won't be publishing but we will see 🙃

Katelynn J. Peterson

Published: February 22nd, 2023

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