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My eyes flutter opens connecting with the familiar sticker glittering star my dad put on my ceiling. I used have trouble sleeping when I first came to live and he put them there to make me fall asleep quickly. It worked. Anytime I couldn't sleep I would stare at them until I imagine myself floating with the stars and eventually I fall asleep.

I turn my head to look at time, it's ten o'clock. Not surprised that I'm just waking up, I'm a heavy sleeper, the house can be burning and I would still sleep through the whole experience. It's Sunday and I prefer to sleep in on weekends. My parents allow me because they do the same thing. Having a late breakfast on weekends is something I've grown to accept.

Rolling out of bed, I take a seat on the edge of my bed and drop my feet on the cool wooden floor. My eyes roams around my untidy room, my clothes littered everywhere. A sigh escapes me. When am I going to create time to arrange it?

I get up from the bed and go inside my bathroom. I stand in front of the sink, my eyes connects with my reflection in the mirror. Turning on the tap, I put my hands under the running water to get some and bend my body before washing my face with the water. I wipe my face with the camisole I'm putting on and watch myself in the mirror again.

Something flashes inside the mirror behind me. I gasp and turn around to look but nothing is there. I shrug and walk away from the mirror to my cabinet to get my brush. Taking the time to brush my teeth before going to take my bath.

I return to my room and pick out my outfit for the day: baggy sweater dress. Pulling my hair up in a messy bun before heading downstairs. The sound of the television playing brings a smile to my face. My parents are awake. Making my way to the living room, I see mom at the kitchen entrance.

"Morning mom," I greet her with a big smile on my face. I don't think I've ever been more happier to see her.

She turns, a warm smile appears on her face when she sees me. "Good morning honey, did you sleep well?" She asks.

I nod. "Like a baby."

"Cami, is that you?" Dad's voice calls from the living room.

"I'll be right back," I tell mom before heading to the living room to see dad sitting on the three-seater, his leg propped on the coffee table. His eyes are glued on the TV, watching some sport channel.

I walk up to him and wrap my arms around his neck. "Morning dad," I say and press a kiss on his cheek.

He laughs at the gesture because I don't normally behave like this but I don't know I feeling happy today and I want to show my parents how much I love and appreciate them.

"Good morning my love. How did you sleep?" He asks as he takes me in his arms.

"Great. You?"

"Your mother and I slept great, thank you for asking." He answers.

"Are you hungry? I want to go see what mom's making." I say.

He releases me. "Sure honey."

I get up and head back to the kitchen. Mom is standing on her toe, reaching inside the top cabinet to grab some bowl. My eyes drop on the ingredients she has laid out on the counter.

"What are you making?" I ask curiously. I'm in the mood for some pancakes and English breakfast.

"Pancakes," she answers while trying to grab the bowl. "There's freshly squeezed orange juice in the fridge, pour yourself some."

"Thanks. Do you need help?"

"No thanks, I've got it." She answers as she gives up trying to grab the bowl, she should have just asked Dad for help. She turns away from cabinet to the counter and begin to sort of out the ingredients. I sit opposite her on the island stool and watch her. "What do you have plan for today? I was thinking we could go to the mall together."

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