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“Welcome to The Vale, Miss Stark.” The headmaster welcomes me with a polite smile.

As if.

Yeah, mom was true to her words and brought to The Vale. Dad has no say in the matter because no one thought I'd sneak out and return drunk the day I got my final warning. They know me better than that, it would take a lot more than warning and fancy reform school to keep me in line but at it seems, this is where I would be spending the rest of my school year. The Vale isn't technically a reform school as oppose to the rumors. It's actually a boarding school for troubled kids and it isn't a haunted school as I've previously thought.

I can't stop looking at the Headmaster because of his smile. He assures my parents I'm in safe hands but I haven't vet the school to know if I'm safe here.  I shouldn't be here but I know why I'm here. My actions lead me here and pleading for mercy is way out of my character. I was so sure Dad wouldn't let me come but when we gathered in the dining room the following morning after the sneaking out incident, Mom brought it and I couldn't stop looking at dad because I knew no matter what, he wouldn't send me here. He'd always have my back or so I thought. Dad didn't make eye contact or even react when mom said, "I've agreed to send her to the school."

I couldn't even fight her on it because I knew the matter is out of my hand and I'd just be wasting my breath. Her mind was made up. At least now they won't have to deal with the child that isn't theirs.

Dad keeps asking how I am on our way here. I tell him I'm fine because it's not as if he can do anything to change it. It's my punishment and I accept it but I’m giving myself a week before leaving this hellhole. I know I will. I’m not much of a team player and definitely not a rule follower.

I was awake all night tossing around my bed. Mom already informed me that today is the day. I'm not an earlier riser but today I was up before anyone else, just waiting for them to come for me.

The school is in the middle of the woods. Middle of nowhere. There is an enormous gate covering the buildings. Four buildings inside a compound, a building should at least have nearly sixty rooms in four levels. The dorm and the school. The building is modern and I think it hasn’t been around for a long time or they keep up with the renovation at least every five years. To be honest, I was expecting an old castle, but here I am in Wayne Manor, and there is a fountain too. It's like a little community here.

“Here we are!” my mother squealed when we drove through a stone gate and onto campus. I'd never seen her so excited for me like she was today. 

I notice clusters of people dressed head to toe in what I can assume is The Vale Academy sports gear. The size of the campus is intimidating, but hopefully I get through the week causing no trouble, but I highly doubt that, trouble is my middle name.

The headmaster was waiting for our arrival. He welcomed me and exchanged pleasantries with my parents before walking us to his office. They’re good friends, and I know the reason I never see him around. This place is too big for just one man to run. I wonder if the students are here on their own or their overprotective and demanding Moms forced them.

Standing behind my parents while they talk to the headmaster makes me remember how the atmosphere was whenever I do something stupid and Principal Harris would call my Mom. But this is different. The headmaster seems nice, or at least that’s what I think. He talks to my parents about basic things like uniforms and allergies. 

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