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"Your Grandmother wore the dragon wings with honor. Your father wore the phoenix wings with pride, but somehow you ended up with ravens," He says with disgust like he is not impressed by ravens or something. All this would have been better if I knew a bit about what he's ranting about, but I don't. I want nothing more than to demand answers about what he's going on about but I can't. Jessica is in trouble. She needs me and I need to save her.

The life I lived with my parents was fun. I used to get into so much trouble without worrying about consequences because I knew no matter what that I was going to be okay. I used to get into a lot of fist fight with people. I tend to make a point clear with my fist and I had no problem defending myself whenever I was stuck in a situation that needed a violence way out. I never once imagined how my life would change with the new school my parents exiled me to.

I've seen a sword before. Jessica's dad fancies himself a hunter. He has a shelf where he keeps and showcases his weapons and what he's used them to kill. Amongst the weapon he has is a sword. Yeah, I've always wanted to hold a sword but never did I imagine defending myself with one giving that I have absolutely no idea how to use it.

I tighten my hold on the sword and raise it up, the tip of the blade is almost touching his Adam's apple. "Quit the chit chat and release my friend." I demand through my gritted teeth. I'm scared as hell but I have to keep my guard up and look brave because Arihmatheo could easily kill me.

His dark gaze meets mine, I see the amusement dancing in his eyes. It's no doubt that he can tell that I'm nervous. He takes a step back and drops his gaze to the sword in my hand. "A sage and a princess, you match. A princess always needs a sage." He tells me.

He straighten his back which makes him looks taller and more intimidating. He takes a step closer. I swallow hard and take steps back. I should have waited with the rest. Why didn't I wait? Why did I have to barge in here without knowing full well what he's capable of? I did not think this through and it's turning out to be a very bad idea.

Fuck me and my anger.

"Who are you?" He asks.

I frown. "What do you mean?" I fire back. He seems to know who I am even though his theory make no sense. He keeps calling me princess and I know I'm not of royalty, so I'm left to think he's delusional.

"I mean," he takes another step forward, which makes me takes several backwards, "who are you? Tell me your name." He demands.

"Cami Stark." My name flies out of my mouth before I can stop myself. I slap my hand over my mouth while the other one holding the sword lowers.

"Stark. It's not like I don't who you are, but do you, Cami, do you know who you are?" He walks closer and I don't stop until my back hits a wall. He continues walking.

I shake my head and remove the hand that's covering my mouth. "What do you mean?" I ask him the same question again.

He stands in front of me and I freeze. It was okay when he was at arm's length but he's in my personal space. The smell of his cologne hit my nose, which makes it hard to breathe. I tighten my grip on the sword and curl the fingers on the other hand inward in a fist. I begin to sweat all over.

"You don't know, do you?" He shakes his head in disappointment.

"Know what?"

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