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Damien moves closer and wraps his arms around me. I don't know what he's trying to do but I'm in no shape to think about a hug right now. The feeling of my skin burning off my flesh is like no pain I've felt before. My throat is hurting from my skin but I don't care. The pain is so unbearable, I think I'm going to pass out any seconds from now. And that's when I hear his voice.

"Listen to me, Camille." His hands rub circles on my bare back as he continues, "I have a way for the pain to go away," he says softly.

I nod because I'll make a fucking deal with the devil if it means the pain will go away. "The Headmaster told you a saying to keep yourself in control. I need you to say it."

My eyes shoot to his and despite my tear stained face, I still manage to pull my eyebrows down, wrinkle my nose, pull up my upper lip and let my lip loose. The distaste is obvious on my face. If not for my unsettling state, I'll give him a peace of my mind.

"Are you out of your mind?" I shake my head. "I can't." I refuse due to obvious reasons. I am never saying those words again. 

He takes my face in his hands and gives it a shake. "You don't have to be afraid of the words, Camille. I know what happened the last time you said those words and I wouldn't be asking you to say them if it'll do any damage. They are just words and they are harmless, say the word and I'll be here to help you focus." He tells me.

Okay, how the hell does he know? It's like he knows everything about me.

I shake my head. If he knows what happened then he should know why I don't want to do it.

"You are in pain, and it's only going to get worse unless you do something about it. I want to help you but I can't if you don't say the words."

My body is hurting and I don't know what's going on. He says he wants to help but the words, I'm afraid of saying them. I don't want to hurt anyone especially him. But to think about it, he wants me to say it, so if I hurt him, it won't be on my conscience.

I stare at his blue eyes and nod. He nods and encourages me to say it as he pulls me closer, almost crushing me.

Here goes nothing.

I close my eyes and whisper the words. "Lurytendra Azra Bycom." I expect the pain to cease but it increases, becoming more painful and unbearable. I try to move out of his arms but he won't bulge. Keeping me trapped, I become to thrash in his arms.

"Ere eketa engji ya va Ulrik El Noe El, Camille Raven Stark," he whispers and tightens his arms around me.

Slowly the pain begins to subside, reducing until I feel nothing. I take a deep breath when it's done and open my eyes to see Damien's in pain. His eyes are shut and he's breathing normally but I know he's in pain from way he tightens his hold on me.

"Damien," I call out his name, and he doesn't answer.

I try to move but his hold is too strong and he doesn't seem to be moving. What's happening? I remember the spell because it's the same one the headmaster used to bring me back when I lost control at West High but he wasn't affected, at least not like this.

I look at his face again, my eyes catches the thick black lines on his neck. What the hell?

"Damien! What's going on with you?" I ask, my voice comes out muffled.

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