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It's no use explaining myself and I don't bother because I'm pretty sure he saw the whole thing. The Headmaster demands I follow him to his office and ask the rest of the students to carry on with their day after Alyssa and the third girl took Penelope to the infirmary.

The twin sends me a sympathetic look as I follow behind the Headmaster. I don't know much about him and no one has told me anything, but I know I'm not getting out of this situation without a warning or worse, detention.

The Headmaster enters his office and step back for me to enter while holding the door for me, I go in and stand. He closes the door and goes to sit behind his desk.

"Take a seat, Camille." He orders, his voice not welcoming and friendly as it was the first day I met him.

I do as he says and pull a chair for myself to seat, all ready to face my judgement.

"We don't tolerate any kind of violence here at The Vale Academy..." I tune him out after that because I've heard this lecture my whole life from my teachers, principals, parents. I'm used to it and probably have a good idea of what he's saying.

I tune him in moment later because I realize Headmaster Wallace doesn't know me, he might have some more things to add to the growing pile of criticism.

Frowning as I listen to him lecture me, he hasn't stopped talking for almost ten minutes, and I'm starting to get annoyed.

Yeah, yeah, yeah I know I messed up. I shouldn't have punched her in the face on my third day or any other day, but I'm supposed to ignore what she did. I needed her to know who she was dealing with, and I'm sure she gets the point now, it's sad that it took a punch to jaw to make her realize it.

"...detention–" I interrupt him immediately my brain picks the word.

"Did you just say detention? You can't do that." I tighten my grip on the arm of the chair and lean towards him.

"I can and I just did." His voice is firm and full of confidence, this is why I hate authorities, they think because they have the power to order people around that they are more than they are.

"What about Penelope?" I ask. It can't be only me that's getting punished, she should get the bigger punishment because she pushed until I couldn't take it anymore.

He raises his eyebrows in question and close the book he was skimming. "What about her?" He drops the book on the desk and leans closer. "I find it odd that you want to know about the girl you injured."

As if.

"Actually I was asking if she's also getting a detention."

He scoffs, obviously not expecting that. He thinks I care. "Yes but you and Roman will be cleaning your new room." He declares.

I furrow my brows in confusion. "My new room?"

He nods and adjust his tie. "Yes, your new room. Your father called and told me you don't like sharing your space, you should have told me."

"He did?" I try not to sound surprise even though I am. I haven't spoken to my parents since I got here even though dad calls and messages me all the time. I'm still processing how mom was able to convince him that this place is the best place to send me. Anyway, "He is right, I hate sharing my space, and Alyssa isn't the most friendly person I can tolerate." I tell him. "I'm confused though, I thought I can't have everything I want, somehow it the exact opposite that is happening."

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