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The Headmaster task Roman in teaching me magic giving the whole last ones in the scorpio coven and shit. I hate the idea because I don't want to be a witch in the first place but it's my life now and I don't want to spend the rest of my school year punching the likes of Penelope and Alyssa when I can zap with them with a jolt of electricity with the right spell. Roman, who has never taught anyone magic or seen someone as clueless about the magical world as me is in fact taking his role quite seriously. After doing magic together to transform my new room, he believes there's hope for me. At least it's good that he believes when I don't. I didn't have a say in my transfer to a magical school and learning how to do magic is the last thing on my mind at the moment.

He wants me to be strong and fierce just like him or like any other scorpio witch. I guess he's heard the stories of his coven ancestors. I know I can never be like him, not as good and strong either because unlike him I'm not a full blooded witch but he doesn't have to know that.

I don't like the guy but he knows something about me that no one here knows, my nightmares. He's easily to talk to when he isn't being a complete asshole. I don't like doing magic with him either because whenever I do, I feel some strange connection to him. It's the coven power, I know but I don't want to risk attaching my lips to his when I know he's with one of my greatest enemy. So in order for the headmaster not to add 'magic training with Roman' to my schedule, I let him join my meditation class with the headmaster once, just once because I know he isn't a yoga person but he surprises me by staying through it.

He and I are laying down on the grass near the lake, watching the sky after I finished meditating, which didn't do anything for my soul. I try telling the headmaster that he's wasting his and my time but he believes it's the only way for my to learn control.

"What do you think the sky is made up of?" I ask curiously. I'm not much of a thinker, but whenever I sit and stare at something I wonder what it’s made of.

"I don't know, clouds maybe," He answers nonchalantly.

I sigh and close my eyes to feel the surrounding environment or try at least, I can't do that without the guidance of the headmaster. It's ironic because the headmaster once told me 'needing other people is weak.' and here I am, can't do magic without Roman giving the scorpio speech or saying the three words I vowed never to say again. I can't meditate without the headmaster.

"I know you are just trying to help me with my magic and I haven't been able to reach the climax, but I can't help but think you and the headmaster are hard on me. It's like you are preparing me for something." I say quietly. Not sure why I pointed it out, because I clearly wasn't thinking about it.

He sits upright and waits for me to join him. "Something is coming, Cami. A war is coming. It's bigger than any of us. I need to prepare you for it because I might not be there," he whispers sadly and closes his eyes.

I want to ask why he is in pain, but I can't because he is Roman, he is insufferable.

I don't understand a word he just said but if the war he means is our upcoming mid term, sure I should prepare because I won't be able to copy from him.

"Don't let anyone tell you or convince you that you are not worthy." He shifts his position, turning his body to face me. "A time will come when you will doubt yourself but I want you to remember you are special, you are different from all of us and that is exactly what makes you worthy," he takes my hand in his and stares at me.

I raise an eyebrow, because what he is saying makes little sense to me. "Huh?"

He smiles sadly. "When the time comes just trust and follow your heart."

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