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My eyes flutter opens as the sound of the alarm I don't remember setting, it's Saturday and I don't have anything to do, well, except for that thing the Headmaster asked me to. I turn to my side to catch a glimpse of the day from my window. The day is still in a fact black and white, it weird that I can actually see the invisible thread that line the sky. I've never witnessed this before and it cool, beautiful. I stay still and watch the sky clear out the darkness, leaving me with the reminder that it's the beginning of a new day and I've got shit to do, starting with that power control session I have with the headmaster.

I sit up and pull my legs to my chest as I recall what happened yesterday or was it today, I didn't know the time. It's clear to me now that my nightmares aren't just horrible dreams, they mean something but I don't what they mean or how they are connected with me. I've always had phobia for fire, it's the reason why my parents never lit a candle in the house, not even on the cake during birthdays. I never knew I was afraid of fire when I asked my dad why I never get to blow candles on my birthday. He gave me an explanation for it. Something happened on my sixth birthday, the first birthday I celebrated with them. They were so happy to finally have a kid to call their own after trying for so many years. They had baked six different cakes for me to celebrate my previous birthday because they wanted me to know the feeling of getting a birthday parties and they weren't sure if I ever had one at the orphanage, and of course I don't remember. There I was, excited for my party, sitting on my chair with the party hat on my head, wearing the prettiest Tinkerbell gown my dad could find. They brought the cake out and dropped everything in front of me, my reaction wasn't what they expected.

"At first you didn't react or move, your eyes were on the candle, and God the way you were staring at it was so intense. Everyone was quiet, watching you and then it went on for a while, I was sure you were breathing. I called your name, which made your mom touch you and then you screamed. It was one of the most terrifying moment of my life. You kept your eyes on the candle and continued screams. I think that's the first time you had a nightmare."

I totally forgot about this conversation. And it just doesn't make any sense because I never thought about my fire phobia. What caused it? Did I have some traumatic childhood that left me scarred for life?

So many questions with no answer.

I sigh and reluctantly leave the bed, if it was up to me I would do nothing, just sleep all day.

I sight my bags at the corner of the room that are yet to be unpacked. Squatting in front of it, I undo the zip and open the bag, I search for suitable outfit for whatever it is what want to do and that's when I realize I don't even know what we're doing. I choose a rainbow designed yoga pants and bra with a black crop top.

I take a quick shower and walk back inside the room and change.

I leave my room and head to the kitchen, grabbing a bottle of water from the refrigerator before going lake, which I find is behind the dorms.

I can see the headmaster waiting by the lake. I slow down my steps to admire the view. The reflection of the trees is mint onto the mirror-silver lake and is shaped like a perfectly flat disc of metal. No sound rings out from the shimmering emptiness of space around it. The serene lake nestle in the cloister quiet gully. Cloister seems fitting. The blue sky seems to be engrave onto the lake. It is peaceful.

"Good Morning." I greet when I reach him. Notice he's traded his suit for sweats.

"You are late." He calls out without turning to see me with a tone I don't hear from him often. He isn't impressed with my tardiness. His gaze oversee the lake.

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