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"Last chance to get your Witchydry tickets!" A student in his football jersey repeats as he walks down the hallway.

Totally forgot about that. The Witchydry dance is a celebration of the magical world and those that has done great things, and sacrifice so many to keep this world hidden from the human world or so I've been told. It's like homecoming but with magic. They even get to vote for the Witchydry Queen and King, basically the witch and wizard of the year. I've never been into this kind of thing because it's all too stressful. I mean, girls go out of their way to get the best dress to impress and oppress others, and I don't have time for that. Although I'm curious about it.

See, The Vale Academy isn't like any other boarding school that I know. The school has little to no rules at all or at least important rules for example authorities allows students to dress up the way they want. There's actually a boutique on campus and a designer that can make whatever it is they want, I mean how cool is that.

"Cami, get your Witchydry tickets?" The student ask me.

I shake my head. "I'm good," I reply. I'd rather sleep the night away than go to some silly teenagers dance. The dance is tonight and the tickets are still out. They don't have a great event planner.

"Are you sure? You are new and you definitely don't want to miss it." He gives me more point but I've thought about it.

I'm curious to know what the party would look like but I don't want to go. I'm busy with research.

"I will swing by the gym later, thanks." I reply, waving him off before turning to my locker indirectly terminating the conversation.

Exchanging some books from my locker to my bag and shut my locker. I almost yelp when I notice Jessica standing with her back against the locker beside mine. When did she get here?

"I really love this place." She says in a tone I'd use to describe my love for ice cream. It also looks like she's staring into space while picturing her life in this place.

Yeah, surprise! Jessica goes here now. It happened about a week and three days ago if I'm being specific. Anyway, after the whole Arihmatheo kidnapping situation the headmaster figured it'd be best if she transferred here. He spoke with her parents and they agreed. I mean, come on! What sort of parents agree to let their well-behaved teenage daughter transfer to a boarding school for troubled teens. Jessica isn't exactly well-behaved but she's an only child and her parents would never have allowed her to come here or so I thought. It's might be possible that they know about her powers, I mean, the headmaster said magic can be inherited.

I used to enjoy my space alone until the headmaster let Jessica move in with me, hence the unexpected roommate. You could say I've been avoiding staying in my room since because I don't want to speak or see her, too bad we're stuck together till graduation.

"I really love this place." She don't say, I know she'd fit right in with them since most of the students here are superficial rich assholes and bitches. She fits right in with them.

God! That was bitter. I'm being bitter for no reason.

Closing my eyes and push all negative thoughts off my mind before opening my eyes with a soft inhale.

"I know, you blend in pretty great and quickly." I say and walk away before I say something I regret. I cleared all negative thoughts but that doesn't mean I'm not feeling them.

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