Talking to bella[4]

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For the past two days I went to school and Bella is always staring at us at lunch

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For the past two days I went to school and Bella is always staring at us at lunch.
Which then makes Rosalie start complaining which gives me a headache which I shouldn't be able to get.
So today I decided that I would talk to her.
She gives me mix feelings.
I dislike her because she put a wedge between me and Edward but at the same time it's like I need to be around her.

I talked to Carlisle at the hospital about what I should do and he told me he couldn't decide that and that it was up to me.
Insert eye roll.
Classic Carlisle advice.
I knew not to ask rose or Alice and I definitely wasn't gonna talk to Emmett or jasper about this because then Alice and rose would know and I just didn't want to bother Esme with my mess.

So I talked to myself in the mirror and mirror me thought we should just talk to her.
So I decided that I should listen to mirror me and see how she is in biology class.

So I got dressed and put on one of Edward's jackets.
I walk downstairs and decided to drive myself to school in my own car.

I walk downstairs and decided to drive myself to school in my own car

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I get in and leave.
My siblings had been left so I knew they would be close to school already.
For some reason I took a different way to school and I saw her.
She looked stressed.
"Hey you okay?." I asked her stopping my car in front of her house I'm guessing because her ugly truck was in the driveway.
"Oh uh yeah no I'm okay it's just my truck won't start." She says fidgeting.
I feel bad for her so I decided something that I'm gonna get yelled at later for.
"I could give you a ride to school and then drop you off back home." I say.
And she looks shocked.
She looks at her truck and then me before she nods and grab her back and get in my car.

"Thanks." She mutters.
"No problem Bella." I say.
It was silent for a minute before she talks.
"Can I uhm ask you something?." She asked me as I speed down the road to school.
"Sure." I shrug.
"Why haven't Edward been to school and you missed a day and then you haven't been to biology class so I was just curious why." I tense a little bit not expecting her to ask that.
"Are you cold?." I asked her and turn on the heat.
"Thanks but are you not going to answer the question?." She asked me.

I huff as she seems like the curious and stubborn type.
"Edward's sick so he's at home and I don't wish to answer the second part of your question." I answer her.
She nods at that.
We make it to school and I park next to my siblings and we both get out the car and I hear people talking about how they were surprised that Bella was with me.
I can feel Rosalie glare on me.
"I will see you later." I say to her and she nods walking to the school building.
"What was that?." Rose comes up to me.
"Look can we talk later please." I beg which is something I don't do.
"Fine". She walks away with Emmett and I walk inside with jasper and Alice.

All day I think about what imma say.
I'm usually only social with my family and close friends.
I hear the bell ring and I move my seat in history and go to the lunch room.
I walk into the lunch room and my eyes meet with Bella as I walk in.
I look away and sit at the table that my siblings were at.

"You should have stayed away from her Mortica she's looking at us again." Rose says and I look and sure enough Bella is looking at our table.
I frown and huff, sliding down my seat.
"When will Edward be back?." I asked Alice.
She shrugs at me "I don't know he hasn't decided yet." She informed me and my frown gets even deeper.
I put my head in my hands.
"It's okay he will be back soon." Emmett puts his hand on my shoulder trying to comfort me.
"Yes hopefully so maybe he can stop you from being reckless." I snap my head up "all I did was offer her a ride to school it's not like I'm close to her. Gosh rose as my sister I would think you would have my back rather than criticize me for things." I glare at her.

Her gaze softened but it was too late I was already angry.
"Mortica I'm so-." "Save it I don't want to hear it." I stand up and walk quickly out the cafeteria.

I make it to biology class just as the bell rings.
I sit in my normal seat rather than the back of the class.
Soon enough teenagers start filling the classroom.
Bella walks in and stop in her tracks to see me sitting here.
She then walks over and sit in her seat.
"I didn't think you would be in class today." She said and I nod slowly.
"Well sometimes I can be surprising." I smirk at her.

"How come you and your siblings all share the same eye color if your all adopted?." She asked me.
I look down at my paper and book.
"We should pay attention to class now Bella." I say trying to dodge her questions.

After class I go to my art class a class I have by myself with my siblings and Bella.
I sit down and listen to what the teacher tells us.
I start my drawing to describe how I feel.
I pause.
How do I feel?.
I'm always a mix of emotions but mainly I'm just here.
Sometimes I don't feel anything just nothingness.
A shell.

I write my name on it and hand it to the teacher.
She looks at me and down at the paper confused.
"There's nothing on here but a couple of black lines." She said and I nod "yeah I don't really feel anything but negativity which is the black lines and you missed the yellow and pink lines." I say.

"And what does the yellow and pink lines mean?."
"Pink is love and yellow is happiness." I say
She nods "there is only one line for each color but multiple black ones, is there something going on at home miss Cullen?." She asked me and I shake my head.
She has no idea.
"No there isn't but anyway time to go class is over." I say and she looks confused but then the bell rings and I turn and walk out the room gracefully.

I walk out to my car and see her standing there. Bella.
"Ready to go?." I asked her.
She nods and I unlock the car and we get in.
I start it and turn on the heat for her.

I pull out the school parking lot and onto the road.
"Woah slow down!." She says and I laugh.
"I'm not going that fast Bella calm down." I say a little harshly.
She looks at me like I hurt her feelings so I apologize.
"Sorry that came out wrong." I say and slow down.

"It's okay." She said
"You still didn't answer my question from class earlier." I sigh.
"Bella I don't think that's a good idea in fact I don't think we should talk after today."
"I'm not supposed to I shouldn't be even doing this." I say
"Well it's a little late for that don't you think plus you didn't have to offer me a ride Mortica." I could tell she was a little bit annoyed

"Your home now just forget about this." I say parking in front of her house.
She gets out and slam the door close.
I glare at her as she walks away.
Speeding off I make my way back home to listen to the earful that I know I'm going to get from rose.

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