"He's an idiot ava"[17]

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Outfits same as last chapter.

Alice pov after Ava,Mortica and jasper left.

I was trying to Watch Edward and Bella's decisions and possibly see an outcome to this madness that's going on.
First leaving our home then Edward and Mortica arguing and them leaving us.
I'm glad Mortica is back.
I need my moody little sister.

Rose walks in and sits down and start flipping threw a magazine.
I gasped as I'm pulled into a vision.
Bella is jumping off a cliff but a big wave is coming.
I can't see her anymore after that.
I stand to my feet quickly.
"I'm going back to forks." I say as I grab Carlisle car keys.
"What why what did you see?." Rose asked me
"I saw Bella jumping off a cliff I have to go see if she's dead or not, don't tell Edward or Mortica what I'm going or what I'm doing." I tell her.

She nods and I speed to the car.
Oh I hope she's okay because if she's not who knows what they will do what any of us will.
Bella is family.

Time skip

I walk inside Bella's house and don't see her anywhere.
Her dad isn't here either.
I hear talking and feel relief go threw me as Bella walks threw the door.
She's okay and alive.
"Alice what are you doing here?!." She hugs me and I hug her back before I pull away.
"Me?, I saw you jumping off a cliff and didn't see you get pulled out what is wrong with you?." I fuss at her.
"I was cliff diving it's a adrenaline rush." She mumbles and I look at her in shock.
"Your an adrenaline junkie now?, and what is that horrible smell." I say holding my breath so I don't have to smell it anymore.

"It's probably Jacob you smell I've been hanging with him he's a werewolf." She explains to me.
"Werewolves are terrible company to keep Bella." I tell her.

"Speak for yourself." I hear and look up to see a boy who is shirtless.
This must be Jacob and boy is the smell worse.
"I thought you couldn't protect me here". Bella asked him as he glares at me
I so do not have time to deal with this
"I will leave out Bella". I say holding my nose.
"You will be back right?." She asked me and I nod.
No way I could leave her now.
"As soon as you put the dog out." I said and walk into the living room.

Afterwards I have another vision of Edward he's going to kill his self.
"Bella we have to go rose told Edward what I came here for and now he thinks your dead."
"He was on the phone why didn't you let me talk to hom!." Bella yells at Jacob.
He better hope my brother is okay because he will have to deal with me and our whole family.
"Bella we have to go now he's going to kill himself." I say and she nods and I rush to the car.

Mortica pov

I came into the house with jasper and Ava and everyone looks worried and nervous.
"What happened?." I asked and they look at me and they look around at each other.
"Just tell me." I sigh.
"Edward is going to kill himself he thought Bella died which is why Alice went to forks to see if she's alive and she is." Rosalie explains to me.
I go wide eye and feel myself about to panic.
"I have to go there." I say and turn to leave when Ava grabs me
"Be careful please I just got you in my life don't leave it." She pleads and I hug her tightly.
"Don't worry I will be back." I then speed away.

Me running I will make it there the same time as Bella and Alice.
I'm going to see both of my mates again.
I feel happier about that but my mood go down again as Edward is trying to off hisself.
Gosh he's an idiot.

Time skip

I make it to the castle that the voluti stay at.
I hate them assholes.
I didn't see Edward or Bella anywhere or Alice.
I know there here though I can feel it.

I run inside and I hear screaming.
Rushing into the main room I see them about to kill Edward and Bella screaming for them to let him go.
I use my gift that I got from Ava and send Marcus flying across the room.
Everyone then turns to me as I come into full view.
"Oh my dear dear Mortica here to save the day." Aro clapped happily.
Aro wants me to join the guard but I would never do that.
Aro holds his hand out to me.
I walk forward and he grips my hand.
I can feel him going threw my every thought.

He pulls away.
"Seems you have had a wonderful thing happen." He says and I know he's talking about Ava.
"I would like to meet her one day." He adds and I feel my soul basically leave my body.
I would never bring Ava here.
"So you see." I start.
"Bella will be turned if not by Carlisle then by me." I say and we hold eye contact for a moment before he nods.
I walk over and Bella hugs me tightly.
It felt good to have her in my arms again.

"Fine but we want it done soon and I would also like to meet Avanitta." I nod and grab Edward's hand and Bella's before we make our way out.
I see a girl I think her name was hendi or something I don't know.
She was leading a group of human to the throne room.
I pull Bella closer to me.

Once outside I pull away from them both.

"Your mad." Edward says but I keep walking I just want to go home.
"Mortica please." I shake as I feel myself about to cry or well about close to it.
"Edward you were about to commit a crime and get yourself killed and for what?!, FOR WHAT!." I yelled and Alice grabs my hand trying to comfort me.
I have never yelled like this before even in transition Carlisle said I didn't scream and yell like others.
"I thought..." he stops talking and it just makes me more mad.
"You thought what?." I asked harshly.
I feel Alice pull away from me and grab Bella just in case I decide to throw Edward across the street.

"I thought she was dead and I knew I wouldn't be able to live without her and you didn't want to be with me anymore Mortica I think sometimes you forget I can hear your thoughts." He told me and I start laughing.
"Edward you make me crazy I might just go back there and kill myself now." I continued laughing.
"All those years we have been together and you was about to throw it all away. Edward I wasn't breaking up with you I left to think just like you did I needed ti remember myself and I found something amazing I talk with a normal volume now but I'm sure you didn't realize that I decided that I'm okay to wear other colors of clothes as long as it's not pastel and I feel like I can finally live like a weight is off my shoulders but of course Edward you made this about you like always." I square my shoulders.

"I'm sorry Mortica I love you with my whole being." He walks closer and grabs my hips.
"I should have thought about you and your feelings instead of acting on my own." He moves one hand up to my face to cup my cheek.
I find myself leaning into his touch.
"I did notice as much as you think I didn't I did I just don't think me pointing it out with the "kings" was the right way to do it." He says and I have to admit that is a sorta good reason.

"I love you." He says and kiss me.
I pull away "I love you too....but I'm still mad at you not as much but it's there." I say and he chuckles before kissing me again.
"Let's go guys you can make up later back home." Alice interrupted.
I nod pulling away from Edward.

Time skip

I was so happy to be home.
I laugh as I watch Esme yell at Edward.
Carlisle being the more calm one just hugs him and says to not do it again.
Ava runs and hug me making me laugh.
"So that's Edward?, I thought he would be better looking." She said making me laugh.
"I think he looks handsome but yes that's Edward." I respond.
Edward comes over to us.
"Hi I'm Edward it's nice to meet you Avanitta." He says and Ava glares at him.
"Yeah yeah it's always a pleasure to meet me also call me Ava and you hurt my sister like that again I'm going to be the one beating your ass and then killing you." She hardened her glare and i feel happy at my sister's promise to Edward.

"I won't I promise." He says and she looks him up and down.
"Hhhmm yeah whatever."

"He's an idiot Ava, but I know he will keep it this time." I tell her making her nod and kiss my cheek before she runs off and tackles Emmett making me laugh.
Her and Emmett seem to get along great but then again everyone likes Emmett.

"I love you." Edward wraps his arms around my waist.
He kisses my neck and then my cheek.
"Yeah you better love me." I say.

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