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I walk next to stand next to Edward's side as he talks to Alice.
His mood seems to change as I walk up.
He grows tense and when I look to Alice she seems out of it.
Did she have a vision?. What was it about.

"Is everything okay Alice?." I ask my sister.
She looks away from me to Edward who shakes his head.
"Everything is fine Mortica." She smiles and hugs me and then walks off.
I rise a eyebrow, curious as to what happened between her and Edward.
"Don't think on it to hard love." He grabs me by the waist and pulls me close to him and kiss my cheek.
"It's hard not to. What are you keeping from me mister?." I smile at him slightly.
He laughs and shakes his head "nothing I promise..I love you, you know that right?." Now I'm confused.

"Of course I know you love me as I love you." I lean into him.
He kisses me.
I feel like I'm missing something but I will find out later.

I pull away from him.
"I was about to go hunting do you want to come with me?." I asked him and he shakes his head making me frown.
"I already went with jasper and Alice. I also got to get Bella for our plan today remember?." I nod slowly and put a smile on my face.
"Yes of course I remember we're asking her to be our wife, how could I forget." I move away from him trying to hide my disappointment.
"I will ask Ava, well if I can get her away from her new mate that is." I roll my eyes but I'm over the moon for her.
She deserves a mate who doesn't make her feel.... I stop my train of thought as I look at Edward.
Who makes her feel loved.
I then speed off from the house.

I stop in the middle of the forest and just look around.
Forks is beautiful when it comes to the big green trees and mountains around.
Natural beauty.

I turn as I smell something.
Smells amazing, I can't describe the smell right now but it's mixed in with wet dog.

I follow it to the line and there is a boy.
"Hello?" He snapped his head up and look at me and he seems to fidgeted around looking at me and then to the ground.
He's handsome.

Bad thoughts Mortica.
"Hi uhh." He stuttered making me smile slightly as he seems to be nervous to talk to me.

"What are you doing out here?." He finally gets out and we meet eyes which makes me feel something.
Like I want to get to know him for some reason.
"I was just walking around enjoying nature and..." I trail off and he nods "looking for your next meal I'm guessing." He says and I tilt my head.
Of course he's a mutt as my sister calls them.

"Yes, does that bother you?." I ask hoping he says no even though I shouldn't care what he thinks.
"No I understand you have to eat." He shrugs and I smile at him and he smiles back at me.
"My name is Mortica Cullen, your?."
"I'm embry."
"I love that name." I sit down at the edge of the line making him do the same.

Time skip

Me and embry has sat for hours talking and he actually listened to what I had to say.
I didn't feel like I couldn't express my opinion like I would with Edward.

"I have to go now but could we talk again soon?." He asked while standing up.
I do the same.
"Of course we can meet back up her tomorrow night." I say and he nods before turning and shifting into his wolf form.
He looks back at me before he runs off.
I turn and speed off making sure to feed before I make it to where I know Edward would be with Bella.

"Marry me Bella?." I hear and see them in the middle of the field.
"Marry me Bella the better one." I say walking up and pulling the box from behind me and open it to show the ring I picked out.
"Marry us?."

She looks at the rings and back up at us before a smile go on her face and she nods.
I feel happiness go threw me as I kiss her.
I pull away and kiss Edward next.
Maybe everything will be okay.

Time skip

I lied everything will not be okay.
Soon as me and Edward got home from spending the day with Bella. He seemed mad at me.
I glare at him as he walked into the living room.
"Okay Edward what is it?." I asked.
Everyone looks at us as they were all spread out threw the living space.
Ava starts to get up but her mate grabs her arm stopping her.

"Why do you smell like wet dog?." Rose asked me making a face letting me know she's disgusted of the smell on me.
I honestly didn't smell anything but embry.

"Who?." Edward asked me.

Morticia Cullen|E.C\B.SWhere stories live. Discover now