Jenna is mama

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"There's no point for you to stay and we can leave early. Blake doesn't seem to want to let go... Why don't we go back to the hotel?" Jenna.
"I'm happy with that. Half a day off sounds wonderful." Emma agrees, "I'll look after Blake whilst we get our makeup off, you go tell Tim."
Jenna tries to pass me to Emma. I cling on to kiss her cheek then go to Emma willingly.
"That was adorable."
"Yeah it was. I'll be quick." Jenna runs off.
Emma carries me to hair and make up then sits me on her knee. The artists do a quick job of wiping our makeup off then ease Emma's wig off gently. Jenna comes in and sits, getting her makeup wiped off.
Jenna then changes to her casual outfit and grabs me off Emma, allowing her too. Jenna quickly changes me and puts me in my hoody and leggings. Emma is done when we walk out so we leave set together. Jenna sits me in my wheelchair saying she is too tired to carry me. Emma pushes and Jenna walks next to me, watching my cuddle Dusk happily.
"We should go shopping!" Emma suggests excitedly.
"I'll only go if Blake wants too. But lets go to the hotel first." Jenna says with a sigh.
We go in the lift at the hotel up a floor. We then go in my room.
"So Blake! Do you want to go shopping!??" Emma asks already expecting a yes.
"Ishchy!" i say wiggling about.
"Where is itchy?"
"Evwew!" i wiggle more.
Jenna picks me up, "Let's change you."
Jenna grabs some different clothes from the wardrobe and takes me to the bathroom. Jenna takes the hoody off me then my top. She puts a different top on me and changes my pants. My diaper was dry so she left it on. I was put in tracksuit bottoms. Jenna put a jacket she had spare on me. We go back to the main area and i hug Emma.
I whisper, "Ew zop no me."
Emma looks very confused, "Huh?"
"What did she say?"
"m sayd Ema zop no me."
"Oh! Blake wants Emma to shop but Blake doesn't want too." Jenna translates.
I clap and smile happily. Emma 'o's.
"Well i am not going shopping alone! I'll go see if anyone wants to come!" Emma runs out.
"What do you want to do?" Jenna asks me after a minute.
"Cuduw." I reply with grabby hands.
Jenna sits on the bed next to me and we hug.
"What else?"
"Booey!" i exclaim excitedly.
"What's that?"
"On dizny! B woo ee !" i spell out to the best of my ability.
Jenna uses the remote to bring up disney+ on the tv. She searches 'blu' and it comes up.
"Da won!" i point.
She puts it on and moves to the head of the bed so we can cuddle better. I watch intently for a while.
*ring ring*
Jenna answers her phone, "Hello?"
"I'm putting you on speaker."
"Hey Blake." Emma says.
"Ema? Bu m no se ew? Wew aw ew?" (Emma? But me no see you? Where are you?) i look around.
"I'm at the shop with Joy. What do you want me to buy?"
"Hey Blake! Hey Jenna!" Joy yells on the phone.
"Doy no? M won Doy no m." i say to Jenna.
"You want Joy to know you?" Jenna asks.
I nodd and Jenna grabs my hand.
"Emma? When you're done shopping Blake wants Joy to come here. Can you pick up diapers for her too?"
"Okay! Sure! What else? Maybe some onzies and toys? Some pacifiers, teethers?" Emma suggests.
"Yeah. Just whatever you think she'll like. Get a stuffy too!" Jenna agrees.
"Duh! Okay see you later! Bye Blake! Bye Jenna!" Emma says.
"By" i say small-ly.
Jenna and Joy say bye too and then Emma hangs up.

Emma knocks on the door. "It's Emma! Joy is getting changed!"
"Come in!" Jenna says.
Emma walks over to us and puts two bags on the floor. The third in the bathroom.
"I'll change you before Joy comes. Then we can see what Emma bought. I'll pay you back Ems." Jenna says, carrying me to the bathroom.
Emma calls something but i don't hear. Jenna quickly changes my 'diaper' and puts my pants back on me. I jump on her as soon as she is done and my cg laughs a bit.
We go and sit on the edge of the bed, then i get lowered to the floor. Emma lets Joy in who says hi and sits next to Emma on the floor. Joy smiles warmly to show she doesn't judge. I smile and clap then grab a bag and tip it out.
Emma facepalms whilst Jenna giggles. I laugh loudly and chuck the bag around. Then put it in my mouth so Joy takes it off me and puts it behind her. Emma tips the other bag out and hides the bag also. I grab a rattle i think. I giggle and bang it on the floor then shove it in my mouth. I chuck it aside and continue doing just that with most other things. There were a few interesting toys and 2 teddys which i hugged.
I make some funny noises and play with some other things that i have no clue what are.
"So why is she acting like this?" Joy asks making me laugh, clap and make strange noises.
"She age regresses." Jenna says, grabbing me and calming me down.
I was angry the toy wouldn't bang. I cuddle her and make some cute noises.
"What's age regresses?"
"Age regression. Blake regresses to cope with trauma. Currently she is 7-9 months old but usually she is about 2, we think. Anything else i suggest google." Emma explains what she can.
I cuddle into Jenna more and suckle on her neck, easing myself asleep. Jenna just holds me and doesn't seem to care that i use her neck as a paci which is good. I think Joy leaves but i can't be certain. I sleep for a while but have a very scary dream.
So i cry, loudly. Maybe scream and shout incoherently. I get picked up by someone i don't recognise.
I babble fearfully, finally awake.
"Blake?" i look at the person holding me, "You remember me? I'm Joy."
I nodd sort of and babble some vowel sounds.
"Good. Well Emma and Jenna needed to go out for a little bit. They'll be back soon." Joy explains.
My eyes light up at the names, "Ema. Ma- ma ma ma! Mama?"
"Lets play with some toys!" Joy sits on the floor with me.
I crawl out of her grasp and grab a toy. A box that has shape holes in and shape blocks inside. I shake it violently, making the blocks fall out. I then laugh and set it down. I fiddle with the blocks, put them in my mouth then try the star in each hole. I try to force it in and eventually get it in the star hole.
I clap, "eeeeooooouuuuubaaawww!"
"Well done Blake!" Joy says happily.
"Mama!" i say then start crying.
Joy looks a bit confused on what to do so i cry louder. Then throw a tantrum, i kick my legs and bang my arms on the floor whilst crying loudly.

Jenna Ortega x Emma Myers x OCWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt