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The doctor runs out. I'm alone. Just like He said. All alone. Everyone i love is... Dead? Maybe not dead but... They're gone. They left me. I am all alone. My mind changes. I cry silently. I don't feel safe. I hug my knees and Dusk close to my chest. Tears flow like waterfalls down my cheeks.

The doctor comes back in.
"Hey Blake. I called Jenna and Emma. They said they're on their way. Do you want me to stay with you?" he explains slowly.
I don't answer. I barely understand what he's saying.
"I'll stay anyways." he sits in a chair next to the bed.
I just curl in on myself more. I am terrified right now. Maybe he thinks he's helping. But he is just keeping an eye on me.
"Blake? Just breathe. They'll be here soon. I promise."
I stay like that for a while- no concept of time remember- and don't move. I continue to cry silently, hug my knees and Dusk excruitatingly hard and am terrified. They died. I saw it. Eli killed them. The door opens. I hide myself even more.
"Blake?" i hear Jenna.
"You okay?" Emma too.
They died, i saw it. They- no they can't be here. Maybe the universe is trying to help in a sick twisted way. Or i'm insane. There's that too. My curiousity gets the better of me. I look up. Jenna and Emma are there, looking at me with concern.
I jump onto them with a cry and they catch me. I sobb hard. Finally i feel safe.
"We got you. We got you." Emma whispers.
"You're safe. You're safe." Jenna whispers.
I grab onto them so hard, worried they'll float away and then i'll be alone again.
"I'll leave you too it." the dr leaves.
I sobb into the hug and they just hold me.
"Hey hey. Breathe." Emma rubs my back.
"What happened? Was it a nightmare?" Jenna asks gently.
I don't answer but my cries eventually start to slow down. They sit on the bed and hold me between them. I get hugged from both sides.
"It was wasn't it?" Jenna realizes sadly.
I give a little cry out and hug into them more.
"Aww thats no good." Emma uses a baby voice, "You want some mama cuddles?"
I do grabby hands for them both and they hug me more.
Jenna grabs the hint, "Hey babygirl. Do you want your paci?"
I cuddle into her so she takes that as a yes. Emma opens her bag and pulls it out. Jenna puts it in for me. I relax a bit. Jenna pulls me onto her knee and Emma scoots closer, hugging us both.
Emma fake yawns, "Oh my! I am super tired! Maybe i'll have a sleep."
I allow a yawn to escape my lips, Jenna catches my paci.
"Do you want some cuddles?" mama asks me, then says quietly to Emma, "Go see if the dr is still here."
Emma sneaks away while Jenna distracts me.
Emma brings the dr back, i hide my face in Jenna's neck. Little me decides to suckle gently on her neck too- how fun.
"Is she allowed warm milk to drink?" Jenna asks.
"Yes. Only a little bit though." the doc smiles, "Anything else?"
"Can we stay here with her tonight, please?"
"I think that's it."
"Okay. I'll be doing my rounds if you need me." he leaves.
I stay suckling on Jenna's neck happily. I feel her giggle as she talks to Emma about something.
"Hey Blake? You want a bottle?" Emma asks.
I pull my head out of her neck and relax my head onto Jenna's elbow. Emma gives mama the bottle.
"Mm yum yummy!" Mama brings the bottle to my lips.
I suckle on the bottle, happy with the milk flowing into my mouth. My eyes start to close and i fall asleep, drinking milk. When i stop the bottle is removed from my mouth and Jenmma get comfy on the bed with me. I suckle Emma's neck but she moves me to Jenna's instead- she probably doesn't like it. I have peaceful sleep with the two and happy dreams.

<timeskip, morning>

I wake up. Natrually thank you universe. Jenna is awake, Emma is asleep. I remove my head from her neck.
"Oh hey. Good morning." Jenna smiles at me.
"Hi." i cuddle into her.
"What's with the red marks on your neck?"
"Oh oh.. Uh... They were from you... When you are little you seem to like using my neck as a pacifier." Jenna explains, getting redder by the second.
My turn! My face heats up majourly and i apologise profusely.
"Hey no worries. I don't mind. Emma doesn't like it though so if you can try not to do it to her." Jenna explains, pulling me closer.
"Mmkay. What time is it?" i comply and cuddle into her again.
"About half 8, why?"
I groan, "Ugh! It's too early, i can't even go back to sleep!"
"Just rest and cuddle then. Play a game on your phone if you want." Jenna suggests.
"Passee please!" i whisper shout.
"Here. Now shush." Jenna goes back to... Reading?
"Whatya readin?"
"A book."
"What's it called? And about?"
"Alice in wonderland. Now shush."
I smile. She looks so peaceful reading. I lean my head on her shoulder/chest and play a game on my phone. The game is called 'Going Balls' and it is my fave game. I may have looked at her book to see the few pictures in there- only little sketches- subtly for me but she knew.
"What time is it??" Emma grumbles tiredly.
"My phone says 9:27."
"Already?" Jenna looks shocked.
"Show me the picture!" i demand.
Jenna goes back a page so i can see it, "Pretty!"
"There now shush i'm reading." Jenna continues to read.
"You two are adorable." Emma says then falls back asleep.
Jenna looks at me, "What?"
"What? Emma said it."
"Uh hu."
I feel Emma cuddle into me and i smile. I change games. Now playing a game called 'Stone Miner' which is my second favourite game. Emma has her arm around my waist which makes my cheeks a little hot. Then again my head is on Jenna's chest so... Yeah my face is getting hotter the more i think about it. So back to games it is. Or maybe i can write some? Nah i got no inspo. I only get inspiration at night unless i am in love with the story so... Sorry. No writing currently. Soon though, definetely soon. Maybe i could read? Hm yeah actually i could read. I change apps from 'Stone Miner' to... 'Wattpad' ! Jenna better not see my username though. She's reading she wont. Now... What story to read...? Decisions, decisions...
"That one." Emma clicks on a story.
"Since when were you awake?"
"Eh. Shush i'm reading." Emma mocks Jenna playfully.
"You didn't even let me see what it was about!" i complain but read anyways.
It's actually really good. It seems like an origional story- not a fanfic. Emma and i read at similar paces so we don't need to wait for each other too much. It's about a little girl with autism and her big brother. (Little Angel : Little1Writer)
Quite intruiging. We finish the first chapter.
"Read it on your own phone." i say, coming off the story.
I go back to games. I decide to play 'Sneaker Art' coz it is fun and i like painting shoes apparently. Emma just watches me, occosianally cuddling closer.
"That's an interesting choice." Emma smiles.
"Mmhmm. I always do one pair all black. For school or work sorta thing. Or Wednesday like people i guess." i explain simply.
"Hm. And the others?"
"I choose colours that i think match best."
"Can i do one?"
"Sure." i finish the one i'm on and let Emma design a shoe. She does an interesting design.
"Pink? With yellow? Blue and black?"
"Hey why not."
We go back to being quiet, not wanting to disturb Jenna's reading again. Emma continues to watch, sometimes choosing a colour when i do my own design. I continue to look at the pictures in Jenna's book and Emma somehow doesn't notice. I design a Christmass-y shoe then realise...
My family... My first Christmas without them.
I sit up fast. Disturbing both girls who were quite comfy.
"Blake?" they keep calling me.
I just... I can't! I'm only 18... My parents! My little brother! My sister! Damm. I feel tears flow.
"My first Christmas... Without my parents... My little brother... Even my sister- she'll be with her boyfriend and his family." i cry sadly.
"Oh Blake..." Emma sympathises and hugs me.
"I'm sooo sorry Blake..." Jenna hugs me too.
I cry quietly into them. Devestated.

Jenna Ortega x Emma Myers x OCWhere stories live. Discover now