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They started to worry when they could hear small sob coming from Hamin. All of them glared at Taeman thinking the reason she was crying was because of Taeman's slap.

"Yah! Taeman! Look! Now she's crying because of you!"

Jo Youngshin smacked the back of Taeman's head. Taeman rubbed the back of his head while pouting to soothe the pain.

"She's the one who told me to slap her." Mumbled Taeman while pouting.

"Guys don't be harsh to Taeman. I didn't cry because of the slap. I was just feeling happy."

Hamin smiled while wiping the tears on her face.

They looked at Hamin in a dumbfounded way. Hamin who saw their reactions raised one of her eyebrows, confused.

"Hamin, are you perhaps a masochist? It's okay. We won't judge you."

Kim Chiyeol's words made Hamin wanted to cry again.

"The hell do you mean by that Kimchi! I'm not a masochist! I was just happy to see you guys!"

Hamin punched Chiyeol's arm, hard, making the said guy hold his throbbing arm.

"I'm gonna go to the toilet."

Hamin stood up from her seat and was about to walk away when Kim Yoojung offered to accompany her to the toilet since she's worried but Hamin declined and make her way to the toilet.

In one of the cubicles in the toilet, Hamin was sitting on the toilet bowl. She seemed to be spacing out while looking blankly at the door.

"I really went back in time, but how? How is it possible?"

Hamin sighed before accepted that this went back in time or regression really did happened and isn't a dream.

"Now that I regress to before Platoon Leader Lee and Wonbin ahjussi come here, I should start planning on how to save them."

She then tried to recall every deaths that happened in her previous life.

"Younghoon was the first one to die. I want to save him but I don't know how did he died or when though. The only thing I know about his death is that Chiyeol and Ilha were with him when he died. Chiyeol also said Younghoon was killed by a sphere. It's probably that one time when a sphere fell down and ruined the gym building. Hah I'll just sneak out on that night."

"After that Ms. Park... This time I'll definitely won't let her sacrifice herself for us."

"Next are Wootaek and Inhye. I think Wootaek died when bunch of spheres fell down at school. I remembered Soocheol... or is it Taeman? Shit I can't remember. I think one of them said he was with Wootaek when he died. Guess I'll stick to them when that time come. As for Inhye, Yoojung said she got left behind and died... she probably died because she was injured or the spheres killed her."

"Next is Platoon Leader Lee... Ah fuck don't cry."

Hamin harshly wipes away the tears that were about to fall.

"Fuu... okay! For Platoon Leader Lee I should try to stay with him or convince him to leave the building and let me finish installing the bombs. But he probably won't let me though. Hah I'll just try it."

"Soocheol... I'll just join his group instead of the other group and stay with him so that I can help him kill those fucking spheres."

"As for Ilha... he won't die if I kill Youngsoo right?"

Hamin clenched her fist tightly to the point it's bleeding while staring at the door with a dark look.

"The others also won't die if Youngsoo isn't there right? Should I just kill him right now? No no I should kill him when the situation wouldn't seem suspicious if he suddenly dies."

Hamin let out a heavy sigh before she stood up from the toilet bowl and went out of the cubicle. She walk to the sink and washed her bleeding hands. After the blood was washed away, she splash some water to her face. She then looked at her reflection on the mirror in front of her. A small smile made it ways to her lips.

She wiped the water on her face and shake her hands before stepping out of the toilet and make her way to her classroom.

She raised one of her eyebrows in a confused manner when she arrived at her classroom because of the chaos inside. When she stepped inside the classroom, a familiar smell that was almost make her puke reached her nose. She immediately covered her nose.

"Yah! Wang Taeman! Did you just fart?!"

Hamin's voice made the smirking Taeman who was covering his ears with his neck pillow looked at her.

"Yup I farted!"

Hamin who couldn't hold her breath any longer run next to Lee Nara and coughed. Nara rubbed her back when she almost puke again.

"What the fuck did he eat?"



"What the fuck."

Hamin looked at Taeman with a dumbfounded face. She then looked Younghoon who's sitting behind Taeman looked so done with him when he slammed his hand on his book before standing up and walked out of the classroom.

Oof poor Younghoon.

"Yah Class President, do something about him!"

Park Soyoon's voice make Hamin looked out the window again.

"Yah, what can I do about farting? It's a physiological action!"

"Even if it's a physiological action..."

"Gosh that crazy asshole."

"Soyoon-ah, it's not like Class President is an air purifier. Just wait a little. The smell will air out." Said Hamin while fanning her nose.

"Yah Hamin, can you stand this? Can you stand it? Can you?"

"Kinda. I got used to it because that fucker always fart but the smell is still deadly though."

Hamin scrunched her nose up when she accidentally inhaled the smell again.

"What the heck are you doing?"

Hamin's eyes widened. She then looked down and saw Kwon Ilha and Woo Heerak riding a bike. Hamin bites her bottom lip to stop herself from crying again.

Ilha, Heerak, you guys are alive.

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