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The next day.

Today was the day where Class 3-2 kids will start learning how to shoot with real bullets.

Hamin was standing at the back of the line while fidgeting with her fingers. She's nervous. She's scared. She kept on biting her lips in nervousness. She groaned in pain when she accidentally bit her lip too hard. Her tounge immediately tasted the metallic taste of her blood, making her grimace.

Taeman who heard her groaned quickly looked at her in worry.

"Are you okay?"

Hamin nodded her head while slightly scowling.

"Accidentally bit my lip."

Taeman looked at her in worry again when he saw her pale face. He gently cupped her cheeks.

"Are you sure you're okay? You look pale. Maybe you shouldn't come with us."

Hamin's breath hitched. She looked at Taeman with slight anger in her eyes. She pushed Taeman's hands harshly.

"No! I need to go! I need to be there! I have to be there!"

Taeman was surprised with her sudden outburst but he smiles at her nonetheless.

"Okay okay calm down hmm?"

Taeman cupped her cheeks again and caressed them gently.

"Take a deep breath hmm? You're stressed right now."

Taeman wiped the cold sweat on Hamin's forehead gently.

Hamin took a deep breath and let it out slowly. She looked up at Taeman with an apologetic expression.

"I'm sorry. I let out my anger at you. I was just... too nervous."

"It's okay. We'll be alright, okay? No need to be nervous."

Taeman ruffled Hamin's hair.

Hamin just looked down on her feet and and thought about Taeman's words.

"Will we?"

"Hmm? Did you say something?"

Taeman who heard her whispering, looked at her.

Hamin just shook her head no, "Nothing."

"Platoon Two, attention."


Hamin switched her attention to Platoon Leader Lee.

"Follow along so we don't lose anyone on our way to the shooting range. Got it?"

"Yes, sir!"

"Platoon Two, march."


And with that, Class 3-2 a.k.a Platoon Two started marching to the shooting range.

Hamin looked at the surrounding with an uneasy expression. The silence will always be eerie no matter how many times she walks here.

While walking along the empty streets, Hamin always be on guard. She knew that the traumatising incident would not happened before their way back to school after the training but she's still worried. Worried if she caused a butterfly effect and change the future but she could only hope she didn't cause a butterfly effect.

The kids were confused as they walked along the empty streets, wondering why it was empty and why were all the shops closed as if they're no people here in the first place.

"There were fire trucks yesterday, but I can't even hear those today. Isn't that right?"

Dukjoong's voice caught Hamin's attention. She saw that Dukjoong is trying to start a conversation with Chiyeol.

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