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[Jacob POV]

The next morning, I went to work like normal. Maybe I was just more irritable than usual, but everything was making me mad. Especially when I was at work.
"Jacob, I need you to run these. Kaylee just quit after a table threw water on her, so you need to take half her section." My higher up told me. I think he's a general manager, and his name's Calvin. Normally, I don't care when he makes me take tables since that's more tips. Today, though, I didn't want to deal with the running back and forth for more people than usual. I reluctantly agreed since I didn't have much of a choice and figured out what needed to go where before taking the plates to the different tables.

On my trip around to see if people needed anything, someone needed another lemonade for their kid. No problem, right? I came back with a new one in a new cup, since that's policy if it's not water.
"Oh, well, you could've just put it in his old cup," the women pointed out.
"Well, since our policy is to not refill glasses and just bring new ones out, I can't. I'm really sorry, ma'am," I explained. She gave me a weird look before telling me that it wasn't a big deal, and I just should've reused the cup. Is she really about to argue with me over lemonade in a plastic cup?
"It's just wasteful to get a new cup every time,"
"Unfortunately, that's what the kitchen asks us to do since it's faster, and I'm not really allowed to go against them," I explained, trying to stay calm. I have other tables to take care and don't have time for this.
"If you feel the need, you can always ask to talk to our general manager, considering I did not put that policy in place," I offered her, picking up the old cup this all started over.

"I'd love to talk to him," She told me, her kid playing with his straw. Kinda sexist to assume the manager's a he, but whatever.
"I'll get him for you," I assured her before walking away to go tend to a different table. Everyone was fine except for a couple of new drinks, so on my way back to the kitchen, I stopped to talk to Calvin and tell him a lady wanted to talk to him.
"This girl wants to talk to you about how it's policy to bring out new cups rather than refill the ones that have," I briefly told him outside the door to the kitchen.
"Where?" He asked.
"In Kaylee's old section, by the window. She's blonde and has a little boy," I quickly described. I'm most likely gonna get chewed out for this later. How I should've just agreed with her when she told me it was stupid. Regardless, I moved on and tried to keep up the act that I was thrilled to be here in front of customers. I hope I get off soon, I can't deal with people today.

He made me work an hour later than I was scheduled, but we were busy, so I didn't fault him for it. However, after I clocked out, Jane ran up to me. We're scheduled the same hours more often than not, so I'd say we're work friends.
"Dude, Calvin is pissed!" She told me.
"Why?" I asked as I put my phone in my back pocket. It can't be over me, right? It wasn't actually, but Jane told me he was basically throwing a fit over how the kitchen staff smoke weed on their break.
"Is this important to me? Or are you just letting me know?" I asked for clarification.
"Oh yeah, he said if anyone comes in high tomorrow, that he'll, 'personally beat their ass and have people pay to watch," She said, quoting verbatim what he said.
"Damn, there go my plans for tomorrow," I said, mostly joking. She knew I was kidding, for the most part, and smiled before telling me how she wanted to see Luca.

"Well, I can see if he wants to hang out with you and me when we go to Doug's house," I offered. Doug previously dealt me with my coke, but he's a really nice guy. He just needs to make money somehow, especially since he's a single dad. His wife actually died a couple of years after their youngest was born in some crazy car accident.
"Dope. Well, I'll let you go home then. I probably should go eat anyways since I'm only on break for another 21 minutes," She reluctantly told me, sighing.
"I'll let you know what he says," I finally said before walking out the front door and waving goodbye to her. I climbed into my truck and slammed the door shut before resting my head on the steering wheel, being careful not to hit the horn. I grabbed the keys from my pocket and turned them in the ignition without lifting my head. I waited a few minutes before I sat up and buckled myself it. I just hope it's a calm day with Luca tonight.

It wasn't really.
"Dady! I wanna go out!" Luce whined, informing me of the same thing for the 12th time. It's storming outside right now, lightning and everything. Regardless of what I tell him, he still wants to.
"Baby, it's dark, and it's raining and there's lighting. You can't go outside right now," I told him once again. This is the last time I'm repeating myself on this.
"Please? I wanna find a froggy in the rain!" He begged, grabbing my hand as he stood in front of me. I kept sitting on the couch and let him hold my arm as he tried to convince me.
"I'll just go out. You don't even gotta go with me -"
"Shut up! Fuck, stop being a baby," I exclaimed, roughly pulling my hand away. He instantly started crying, wrapping his arms around himself. I groaned and stood up to go find dinner, Luca right behind me. He tried to be quieter while crying, but he wasn't really.

"Go sit down or something. You don't have to follow me," I told him as I started to search for something in the freezer. He shook his head and tried to reach for my hand again.
"Quit it! You're pissing me off. Go find something else to do," I told him. He didn't say anything. He just started crying harder.

[Luca POV]
I was trying to get Dady to take me outside cause I really wanted to find a frog, but he got mad and yelled at me. For some reason, it made me feel small. Not like safe space, loved, cute small. Scared, sad, and wanting love type small. I don't think I could've talked if my life depended on it. I was too anxious all of a sudden to talk. But Dady didn't understand,
"Quit it! You're pissing me off. Go find something else to do," He demanded, shoving me away from him. I shivered and started sobbing, unable to express my emotions any other way.
"You're such a crybaby," He groaned. I need Dady, though. What am I gonna do without him?

A few minutes later, I tried again to get his attention, but he didn't care. I tugged gently on the back of his shirt and he told me, 'Fuck off, I'm gonna hit you if you don't back up'. So I backed up, but didn't know why Dady was in such a bad mood. I sat on the couch, spacing out and chewing on my fingers until I noticed him putting his shoes on. I tried to force myself to speak, only getting it after he was done with the first one.
"Where are you goin'...?" I quietly asked, ready to stand up and get my shoes on. I don't wanna be left all by myself.
"Out. I'll be back," He mumbled, slipping the other shoe on and not hesitating when he walked out. I felt my stomach drop and couldn't help but feel a sense of hurt. But I was also mad.
"Fuck you too then," I whispered, sitting back and pulling my knees up to my chest. I can't stand when people leave without me, I don't like the feeling of being left behind. But, I guess if he wants to walk out on me, I can't stop him.

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