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AUTHORS NOTE: HUGE SHOUT OUT TO modxsty for advice on a key plot point in this chapter and for the next few. Thank you so much to everyone who's reading this and to Modxsty for the inspo. I love each and every one of you. Read with cation, idk any real triggers on this, but just lmk, and I'll add them.

[Luca POV]

When we got home, I really wanted Dady to cuddle me and baby me. But I didn't know how to ask for it. He kicked off his shoes and rubbed his face after he shut the front door. He sat down on the couch, sighing and putting his head in his hands. I hurried back to the bedroom and dug out a notebook and markers from under the bed. That was where we put my age regression stuff since we didn't have anywhere else to put it. The closet was already taken up by jackets and hoodies. I thought for a second before grabbing a paci, too, running out to the living room again afterward.
"Dady!" I giggled, sitting up next to him and opening the notebook. I wanna color something for Dady.

"Hi, Cutie. Are you my little baby?" He asked, scratching my head. I smiled and nodded, struggling only a bit to open my markers. I got a purplish-pink color to start drawing butterflies randomly around the page. I ended up drawing a rainbow with just the regular colors, plus pink. I put it above the red, though, because pink is closer to red than purple. While thinking about what else to draw, I put my thumb in my mouth. I needed something to stimulate me and forgot about my pacifier.
"Why don't you use your paci?" He suggested, picking it up from the coffee table where I put it. He manually took my thumb away from my mouth and replaced it with my binky. I smiled and shook my hands, like how people shake off water after they wash their hands. Dady's starting to treat me like his baby again, and I couldn't be happier.
I uncapped the black marker and spelled out in my wobbly handwriting,'I love you'. Spelled, of course, 'I luv yew'. After I signed my name in the bottom, I tore it out very, very carefully.

"Dady, look it! I made you a picture," I said, turning and handing it to him. He beamed and took it from me, holding my hand after.
"Oh, baby. You're so sweet to me. This is absolutely beautiful!" He exclaimed, setting it on the coffee table.
"I'll hang it up somewhere. I promise, Bubs, I'll put it up. You even signed it and everything for me," He softly praised me, holding me closer to his body than before. I giggled around my paci and swung my legs. I suddenly gasped, realizing I didn't have any pants on.
"Dady, I need jammies!" I cried, resting both my hands on his thigh.
"You ready to sleep then?" Dady asked, standing up and guiding my to pur bedroom. I nodded a tiny bit, following him down the hallway and into the bedroom.
"Do you want blue or green ones?" He asked as he got into my pants drawer.

"Umm... blue. Green! I want green," I decided only to very quickly change my mind.
"Are you sure you want green? I don't wanna change you 6 times," Dady asked, laughing a little. I nodded and stimmed, shifting on my feet while watching him pick them out.
"You need Dady to get you dressed?" He asked. I quickly nodded and pulled down my boxers.
"Oh, Babe, you don't have to do that. We could just put them overtop," He told me. I shook my head and pushed them down off my legs. They were tight, and I don't like wearing this pare longer than absolutely necessary. He didn't bother to put me in new ones, just slid the Jammie pants off me. He slid one of his hoodies onto me so I didn't have to change shirts before beckoning me to bed.
"Come on, lay down. I'll put your night light on," Dady instructed me, flipping off the light and pulling the covers back on the bed. I obediently listened and slid in, letting him turn on the night light for me and closing my eyes. I'm starting to get really sleepy, so I just wanna cuddle and get some rest.

I actually woke up in the middle of the night because I was really thristy. Like, my mouth was a desert wasteland with how much I needed water. I stood up from the bed and noticed Dady wasn't laying next to me, which was confusing, but I shrugged it off. I wobbled my way to the kitchen and sat up on the counter to get a cup. I found a plain plastic one and leaned over to the sink, starting to fill it. I swung my legs and quickly downed my whole glass before sliding off the counter. Except I accidentally nudged a glass baking dish, and it fell on the tile floor. I saw it start to fall but didn't know what to do, just prayed it wouldn't break. That it was really sturdy, so it wouldn't shatter on me. It did.

I wasn't expecting as loud of a noise as it made, so it triggered me worse than normal. I get really on edge around glass breaking, more than I should and more than other people do, because of my mom's habit of throwing glass stuff when she was mad. Hence why I have that one scar across my side to my belly button from when she tossed a glass cup/bottle, and it got me pretty bad. At least, from what I remember. I could definitely be missing some pieces to the puzzle. So, when it made a big crash noise, I started sobbing and froze where I was. I was pressed against the cabinets in the kitchen, so I didn't step on it. Dady came running out to the kitchen from wherever he had been and looked at the floor before groaning.
"Why the hell would you do that!? Huh? We only had one and you have to fucking break it!?" He screamed, staring at me. I froze like a deer in headlights but couldn't stop both the shaking and the crying.

"Dady, I didn't mean to! I'm sorry! I'm really sorry, don't hate me!" I cried, unable to catch my breath. Dady glared at me before stepping to where the majority of the shattered glass started, and grabbing my arm to pull me.
"No, no! Please!" I begged, "I can't walk through it!" He didn't listen and made me. I tried to step as big as I could to be safe, but I got a stray piece in my foot.
"Owie..." I softly whined, refusing to stand on that foot any longer. What if when I walk on it, it pushes it in farther?
"You are such a fucking baby! You need me to carry you or something?! You're such a little brat. Just walk on it!" He scolded me. I rubbed my face and couldn't help but reach up for him. I need him...
"Don't fucking cling onto me!" He shouted, pushing me away. I hate this. I can't stand it when he's angry with me.

"Dady, I wasn't trying to -" I started to explain until he shoved me back against the wall. I stopped talking and pushed myself farther against it. I don't want him mad at me... He's scary when he yells at me. He lifted my left leg by the knee and looked at the bottom of my foot before roughly pulling out the glass I had stuck. I guess it was big enough. It really hurt, though.
"Go find Jupiter or something, go back to bed," He groaned, letting go of me and walking back to the kitchen. I would've cleaned it up if he even asked me, but I don't want to make him more angry.

"Jupiter..." I whispered as I waddled to our bedroom, picking him up from the bed and holding him close. I can still feel the blood on my foot, but I'm trying to ignore it. I wasn't having much luck until there was a knock on the front door. I shot up and hurried to the living room and noticed Dady wasn't getting it. He was still busy in the kitchen. I checked the peep hole, and it was just an average looking dude. I carefully unlocked the door and slowly opened it. He's probably just a neighbor or something.
"Hey, I heard something break and yelling. Are you okay?" He asked softly, looking at my face. I quickly wiped my tears away and nodded, holding Jupiter closer. This guy seemed familiar, but maybe I'm just making that up.
"Are you sure? You don't look okay, to be honest," He continued.
"Mhm, my boy-boyfriend is just mad that I broke somethin'" I slurred a little, hoping he didn't notice the blood coming from my foot and that I accidentally brushed onto my leg.

"What's that from?" He asked, leaning on the door frame.
"I cut my foot on what I broke," I quietly answered. I don't understand why this random guy is checking in on me. I mean, I'm not complaining, but I don't get why.
"Who the hell is that?" Dady asked, creeping up behind me from out of nowhere. I shrugged and swallowed, hoping he didn't think I knew this guy. I mean, I don't think I know him, at least.
"Oh, a neighbor. I just heard the glass and figured I'd check in on whoever was up here," the guy said, reaching out to shake hands with my boyfriend. Dady reluctantly took it for a second before pulling away.
"Well, now you have. Run off and bug somebody else," He remarked, reaching over and shutting the door hard in the guys face. I hope Dady doesn't interrogate me on who it was, because I have no fucking clue.

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