Ch. 9 || The Hunters

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Damien 🥀

I hear the sound of footsteps across the hallway as I enter my penthouse.
The sound is heavy and fast in a violent way like a predator catching its prey.
I smirk slightly.

There is only one man in this world who would dare to come into my house and roam around like a boss.

I turn around and instantly, cade's fist lands near my face.
I jerk slightly before letting out a mocking laugh.

He adjusts his watch which might have been displaced by the inertia.
He's the one lucky bastard who can get away with almost anything. Almost.
His eyes are holding a hint of exasperation, his jaw clenched.

"You're lucky I'm not having you as a guest in my chamber." he doesn’t hide his annoyance.
"I'd say you're lucky that you're still standing here untouched." I turn around and walk towards my home office.

Cade walks beside me, like always.
I don't need to ask him why he almost punched me. I left his best friend alone on the lonely street after all. I would have thought something was wrong if he hadn’t been aggravated.

Well, she asked me to stop and I did but I never said to get out, it was her decision to step outside. I did wait a few seconds there but she's so stubborn and unfortunately, I don't have time for stubborn people so I left but I saw she called Cade so I didn't find a need to check on her.

She's nothing to me but a person who'll help me accomplish my goal.

"If you're here to lecture me about your best friend then I don't have any time" I said in a disinterest tone as I opened the door of my office.

Cade was the only person who was allowed in here.
We built the hunters together, there was nothing to hide from him.

"Listen carefully" he said as his 6 '6 body stood still in his position like a statue at the door. He placed both of his hands in his Black leather jacket's side pockets.

I leaned against my office table, my black suit jacket in one hand and another hand in my pocket.
My stance is relaxed but he knows he has my full attention.

His eyes gleamed in a deadly poison.
"You're not going to hurt her in any way again. If you do, I won't be liable for the consequences of it." he threatened me in a promising tone.

I slightly smirk and narrow my eyes at him, "Are you sure she's just your best friend? Is there something I'm not aware of, Cade? " I taunted.

I know Cade doesn't have any kind of relationship more than just a friendship with her but for some reason it ignites a spark of jealousy in my chest.

I wasn't jealous of Cade; I was jealous of how much they knew about each other and I don't even have a say in her life.

It's not that I want her.

I mentally shake my head. If I let my feelings take over me, it would only lead to destruction.
I don't care what happens with her as long as I'm not the one who is responsible for it.

Cade lets out a mocking laugh as he looks down at his shoes and runs his fingers across his jaw line.
That’s the body language he makes when he is annoyed or when people take him too lightly.

"I don't need to give clarification of my relationship with her." his voice turned serious "but I swear to god Damien, if anything had happened to her when she was alone on that street, I'd have never forgiven you" his jaw clenched.

I don't care honestly and the way he slightly shakes his head, he knows it as well.

"Does she know the reason why you are marrying her?" he asks.

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