Ch. 23 || Spill The Tea

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Zaria 🌹

I've been pacing back and forth in the hallway. Contemplating if I should tell Damien now or not.

After me and Cade got back, Cade called Damien outside on the balcony which is by the garden area. Both of them are talking there, by the parapets. Cade made my job easier so I don’t have to go and find Damien on my own.

I have to just pass this hallway and a sitting room and rehash everything, but even doing that is hard for me. I don't know how Damien will react. What will happen? Will he be angry? No. How angry he will be? I don't want to put up a fight between two brothers but Damien deserves to know the truth.

I take a deep breath and took one step after the other for the thing I needed to do. I told Cade I will tell Damien before the wedding. It’s now or never.

I started walking across the hallway but when I came near the sitting room, a hand emerged and pulled me inside the room.

I gasped, ready to scream but Lucien pinned me against the wall and shut my mouth with his hand.

Anger churned in my stomach. How dare he touch me? I jerked off his hand and walked outside his trap. He immediately went and closed the door behind.

If he touches me again, I swear to everything holy, I will burn his hands.

"What do you think you are going to do?" Lucien smirked seeing my face that must be red with anger.

"Cut your dick off."

"I'd appreciate it more if you worship it." He chuckled and it cost almost everything in me to not strangle him to death.

"How do you manage to be that cringe?" I said, utterly disgusted.

His smile faded. He walked near to the fireplace and looked down at the fire, resting his arm over the mantel. The fire made his blonde hair look like threads of gold.

There are two exquisite couches in the color of blood red, placed in the middle of the room along with a table and a red lavish carpet beneath. Brown paneled walls and gilded frames with beautiful sconces hanging over it.

The room is lit by the taper candles on the side tables, sconces and the fireplace. I would appreciate the room more if the person here was a much more pleasant company.

"You are going to tell him about the kiss, aren't you?" He said quietly, still facing the fire.

“It’s none of your damn business.”

“I would take that as a yes.” He still wasn’t looking at me.

"We are getting married and Damien deserves to know the truth. If you think I am gonna keep the fact that I kissed you a secret from him, you are wrong. God knows, I have regretted that moment since it happened."

He lifted his gaze to me and his teary eyes sparkled because of the fire. He gritted his teeth and… He looked hurt.

I walked towards him, leaning by the other side of the fireplace. "What do you want from me ?” I ask, not caring if he is hurt.

"Are you sure you can give me exactly what I want?" He whispered, his green eyes studying the flames.

"If it’s within my limits and doesn’t involve cheating on your brother. Then yes, I’ll try." I crossed my hands. He looked back at me and took a couple steps towards me.

"It's not your body that I want. I want to ease the pain inside of me. I want to feel like a living being again. I want peace and justice and I need you; Can you give me that?"

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