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It's almost been a year since I started writing ATOF. I only wanted to shape my writing skills and test the water. I did not have any idea that this would turn out to be such an amazing journey. Not to forget, a big one. As a human, I have learned, grown, faced challenges, and gone through different phases of my life over the past year, and Damien and Zaria have stayed with me through everything. Even though their story is ending today, they will always own a part of my heart. ❤️

( Fun fact: Before I had the idea to write ATOF, a mysterious man used to show up in my dreams. He is none other than Damien. With that grumpy ass and heart of ice, he intrigued me. And I decided to write him down, and ever since I started ATOF, he never showed up again lol. )

Priya ( reading_is_a_bliss ) - Thank you for giving ATOF a place in your heart. Thank you for helping me shape the story and plot. Thankyou for your amazing guidance. And your support doesn't only limit to editing; you are my beloved friend who has seen me go through my worst days (and good days). Thank you for bearing with my stupid complaints and rants lol. ( You are going to have more of it, haha.) You're one beautiful soul out there, and I'll forever be grateful to you.🤍

bbyxlve_ - Thank you for cheering me up. You were the first person to hype me when ATOF was close to nothing. The author who helped me understand this side of the world when I was new as a writer. I absolutely love you.

Let's not forget authorevaaa -She is one of the readers from the early days of ATOF. (And the first person who fell in love with Cade.) Thank you for showing your love and support. PS: She is the one who always had the spoilers, even before she finished the story. (It's not my fault; that's what you get when you form friendships with me.)

@anshreadig - Even though we met recently, I believe we were best friends in the past-life. I mean, we became best friends immediately.... definitely has to be some past-life connection. Thank you for motivating me to publish ATOF officially as my debut novel. I'm 99% sure I will publish it one day. And not just this, but thank you for giving me hope to escape where I stand in my life right now. May you and I have forever together. You're an angel.

And a big, big, big, big, big thankyou to my other best friend, who is more of a sister to me. Wait, let me rephrase: a twin sister. I know you are not going to see this message. (She barely uses her phone, let alone social media), and no matter how many times I say thanks to you, it will never be enough. I was all alone in my life, going through mental and physical breakdowns. Then you walked into my life and saved me from writing my own end. You saved me.

I highly believe we were twins in our past lives because, even though we come from different family backgrounds, we look identical (literally), act the same, and have the same mentality, devotion, goals, beliefs, and love for each other. You are Thia to my Zaria.

And last but not least, I'm grateful for each one of my readers. It makes me so happy and content to see your love. your every vote, comment, and support. Isn't it strange how so many strangers are literally staring into my soul and mind when most of the people in my life don't even know what color I prefer?

(Well, it's black and red in case you are wondering.) Nonetheless, my journey as a writer isn't ending here, and I hope to see you again. Y'all made me smile and happy when I was at my lowest. I will never forget this. Thank you so much ❤️


I have decided to write a prequel novella about Thora and Helios. When will it be released? I don't know; the date has not been decided, but someday soon I will write it. The story will be a journey through Thora and Helios' love story. It'll be a short book but full of thrills, romance, spice, and suspence.🔥


I'd love to see your reviews; feel free to write in the comments or anywhere else that you prefer. Not just for me, but for future readers to read, to help them understand what to expect. I'll add your reviews in the beginning part. Don't forget to add a spoiler warning if there are spoilers. It'll just make me happy to know your thoughts. 🤍

Thank You

PS: Are you excited for Cade and Anaya?

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