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Zaria 🌹
*One year & 8 months later*

I light up the candle with the lighter and the tiny flame shimmer in the dark kitchen.

‘Birthday boys’ is written in white with blue edible glitter on a red velvet cake.

“Your father is going to sulk about the title choice, you know.” I chuckled to Clyden who was playing with my hair as I held him on my left arm.

He leaves his small cute giggle of his own. I smile back at him and take the cake in other hand and head to our bedroom. It's exactly 12 midnight. Damien is sleeping in our bedroom after a long day at work.

He had given up on work for the past year and half to take care of me through pregnancy and Clyden after he was born. His father who was the ex-Chairman of the company and a newly appointed CEO were handling the work during his absence but even in that time, they would call meetings with Damien for the final decisions. Now, he is taking his posting back as the chairman of the company. Cade is handling the Vitalis all of his own and keeping Damien updated. He is keeping an eye from afar but is stepping in when need be.

I had left the bedroom door ajar so I pushed it back with the help of my toes. The bedroom is dark but the candles on the cake spread some light. Damien is sleeping with his arm beneath his head, wearing his dark grey t-shirt. He must be really tired if he didn’t feel me leaving the bed.

I silently sat beside him on the bed to wake him gently but my son had other plans.

“Dadda.” Clyden immediately babbled in excitement after glancing at Damien, jumping in my hold and making grab hands towards him.

They say the son’s most beloved is his mother, but, in my case, Clyden's favourite is his father. ‘Dadda’ was the first word he spoke and then after a couple weeks, he started calling me ‘Mama’.

My first day after Damien went to office wasn’t easy just cause Clyden wouldn’t stop screaming Dadda for the first three hours. It took a video chat with his father to calm him down. It makes me think I need to have someone on my team soon.

Damien's eyes flew open right after and his face lights up as he sees us. His dark hair is tousled and his beard recently trimmed. He was going to shave first but fortunately I stepped in between and told him that I would leave him if he shaved his beard. He is looks devilishly handsome anyway but his beard makes him standout, like really makes him look even sexier and intimidating.

“Happy Birthday, Mr. Erik, and little Mr. Erik.” I wish for both of the boys who have all my heart.

Damien sits up and leans his back against the headboard, taking Clyden in his arms. His face is full of admiration and love. He reach out his free hand to me and take my hand in his.

“Thank you for everything, Violence. I love you.” The flames of candle make his eyes sparkle. Clyden and I are his everything. Just the three of us.

Clyden wraps his tiny little hand on Damien's nose and then giggles at him. That makes Damien laugh, his dimples appear. Yes, Damein has dimples. Beautiful and rarest ones.

Before, his birthday had given Damien a worst nightmare, the kidnapping that had altered his life. Now, he has been born again ever since Clyden was born on the same day of Damien's birth day. The little boy in Damien has yet again come alive because of Clyden.

They both look similar too. Clyden has the same tanned skin and whiskey-coloured eyes as Damien have and thick dark black hair. Our child.

“I love you both too. Now, blow the candles.” Smiling, I hold the cake in front of Damien and Clyden.

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