Ch. 42 || Bookstore

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Zaria 🌹

"Yeah, it sucks." I say smiling at Monica. Her small red eyes finally showed some essence of life. The car lights beam on her face in the dark night.

It's six in the morning and for the past 30 minutes, I have been talking and engaging with all the girls here. The medical team left for another survivor after some tests. I sat beside her on the medical van. When I first walked to her, she got scared of me but after some moments of talking and comforting her, she finally felt comfortable around me.

I don't blame her. Every girl who is saved tonight is still scared. Only the female teams touch them for check-ups, some girls are even fighting that.

"Why did you guys’ fight?" Monica spoke. To get her in a mood to talk comfortably, I started telling her about my life, especially about my married life.

She clung tight around the shawl given to her. All the girls were dressed nice with makeup, maybe for the ritual they were a part of.

"Well, a misunderstanding maybe? No. Misunderstanding would be an odd word." I told her.

But I didn't tell her that Damien married me because he wanted me dead. Monica is trusting Damien because he just saved her and I can't risk her trust.

"So, you love him?" She asked. Her questions are not stopping but it's a good thing that I'm able to distract her mind.

Do I love him? Yes, maybe. But am I in love with him? No. So I shook my head slightly.

"Then why are you staring at the back entrance so nervously as if you're waiting for someone?"

I am surprised by her observation. A few minutes ago, Damien went inside the hotel through the back entrance and I agree that since then I haven't stopped wandering my eyes there.

A small smile tugged at her corners after seeing my pale face, or maybe my red face. Probably the latter.

When my eyes looked again at the entrance, I saw Cade's figure there, talking to someone. He stood in the dark but I recognised him anyway. I excused myself from Monica with a warm hug and rushed towards Cade. When he noticed me, I instantly hugged him. My arms barely wrap around his huge body. His black leather jacket smelled like cigarette.

"Why did you never tell me anything?" I ask immediately, my voice shaky.

He rested one hand on my back. I looked up at him and he looked confused seeing my sudden reaction and tears.

"Why did you never say anything about what happened to you when you were a kid?"

His eyebrows shot up and then his eyes softened when he realised what I was talking about.

"It doesn't matter. I never wanted to bring my past into my present." He said softly.

I pulled away from the hug and hit my fist on his arms but he didn't flinch. Of course, he is more tough than me.

But he narrowed his eyebrows anyways and said "if you do that aga—"

"Shut up." I cut him off. "You're going to walk me inside now."

Damien is still handling the men inside, I don't how. The security won't let anyone else inside but Cade is their boss so I might have the access.

Me and Cade walked inside, I made him promise me that he'll take a day off and tell me everything about his past, from his point of view.

Even though we've been best friends for 9 years, he never said anything about his past, anything about his family. I have asked him questions once but he told me to never ask it again.

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