Ch. 67 || Forever Gone

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Damien 🥀

I take my position by the high walls of the property. The height of the rails only waist-high as I leaned down and held the rifle in position, pointing it at the water. It was early in the morning, yet the sky was full of dark clouds and lightning strikes flashing across it as the wind flowed sharp and heavy, making the ocean churn up. Today is the only day when the weather is operable.

The mercenaries are all spread across the property in their position. Our two ships stand in the water with another set of mercenaries in position on each boat. Lex is keeping an eye on the underwater cameras to check for Lucien's movements. Cade, Thia and Matteo took the ground floor while I observed from the terrace with a few mercenaries surrounding me and Zaria standing behind me, waiting for Lucien to come out.

"Let me stand beside you." Her stern voice comes from behind.

Without turning back, I replied. "It's not safe. You will stand behind, out of sight."

Lucien can be armed with deadly weapons and I cannot risk him hurting Zaria.

"You aren't safe either. What's the difference? If any danger is to come, we will face it together." With that, she stubbornly walks and stands to my left.

My focus falters and I turn my head towards her to warn her but after catching her eyes, my heart caught speed. Tension released my body and I relaxed my shoulders. I gently lean in against her mouth and kiss those beautiful lips. Even in the worst of situations like this, she makes me find my solace in her.

"Damien fucking focus." I hear Cade grunt from the tiny earpiece in my ear.

Ignoring him, I straightened back to my place. "Stand closer." I told my wife.

She is wearing an earpiece too, everyone is. My wife stands so close to me that her body is pressing against mine, distracting me out of my aim.

Ever since she has walked into my life, ever since she confessed her love, ever since she let me have her finally again, my heart beating in my chest finally feels like it's alive and not just a physical part of my body . Sometimes I am glad that I was abducted and tormented in the experiment and found my way to the culprit and found Zaria. But again, I know that, I would have found my way to her anyhow. If not because of the revenge, I would have found her anyway……. maybe on a night on the bridge where she used to spend time alone, or maybe bumping into each other in a cafe or anywhere on the streets. I would always have found my way to her. Always.

Forcing myself out of my thoughts, I position the rifle again and stare blankly at the water. He could come out at any moment.

Minutes tick by and the weather is growing more nasty.

"He is coming." Lex warns and the change in the energy can be felt as everyone takes their stance. Then…..a sudden sound of a rumbling engine is heard and soon after a black object is coming from under the water and over the surface. The huge black submarine stands between the two ships. Everyone held their position tight and I gave my extra attention towards it. A thunderbolt strikes across the sky, rumbling through bones.

The top heavy lid of the submarine opened and I saw blonde hair tousled by the wind and wavering. Lucien came out in his white t-shirt and adjusted himself to stand on the surface of the submarine. Completely unarmed at first glance but I noticed the Pistol tucked in his back. There must be a bullet-proof vest on him under his shirt. The sight of him made my blood rush to my ears and pounded hard in anger and wrath. It took every inch of my willpower to not pull the trigger and kill him right here.

He ran his fingers through his blonde hair and a smile grew on his pale skin. "Brother." Even in the heavy wind, his bitter voice echoed around. Or I am just too keen to focus on him.

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