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[Jacob POV]
After dinner, he was completely out of his headspace. I don't know why, but maybe it had to do with missing his stuffie. I don't know. He's also been teasing me since I finished washing dishes. I don't think it was intentional, but almost everything he did felt somewhat sexual. Maybe that's just me being horny. Eventually, he sat in my lap with his legs wrapped around my waist. His head was lying on my shoulder, extremely close to my neck, and he was just holding me. This one wasn't too bad, even when he started playing with my hair. Honestly, I thunk I could fall asleep with how quiet he could be. Sometimes, I think he's passed out because of how quiet he's being.
"Are you still with us?" I asked, rubbing up his lower back.

"Mhm," He softly answered. Luca shifted in my lap again, accidentally grinding on my dick for a second
"Baby, you're gonna wake him up," I said, partially kidding.
"Mmm, sorry Jakey," He whimpered, sending blood straight to me crotch. The way he half-moaned it paired with earlier today got me hard instantly.
"Are you wanting me to touch you?" I asked, moving my hand from his back to his thigh.
"Please," He quietly begged, pushing himself from my chest.

I ended up fucking his guts as hard as I could by the end of it. We had moved to the bedroom after a little bit, too. He wobbled when he walked, was sleepy, and wasn't really talking much.
"Did I dick you down too good?" I asked in a condescending way as he winced about sitting in my lap.
"Yeah," He shallowly answered. It's almost like I fried his braincells temporarily.
"I want a kiss," He softly whined. So I obliged. I softly kissed his lips until my phone rang, getting both of our aattentions. I picked it up, noticing the number wasn't in my contacts before picking up.
"Is this Jacob?" A woman asked, partially confusing me. I didn't expect any sort of call, and I don't even talk to any women enough to give them my number. Well, other than Jane, but she's saved in my phone.
"Yeah, who's this?" I asked, shifting Luca so he was on one of my legs instead of in the middle of my lap. I put the call on speaker just in case Luca wanted to hear it too.

"This is the dentist office, and we're just calling to talk about something we forgot to mention. So with the x-rays the dentist took, we can see teeth still in his gums that are ready to come out. But, his teeth are already over-crowding his mouth, so the teeth ready to grow in can't. Dr. Bailey wants to take out the ones that are stuck in his gums so that they don't hurt anymore," She explained, making me sigh.
"Do you want me to schedule that for you? Dr. Bailey said it's not life or death, but it will get rid of the pain he was complaining about," She added, so I agreed. We set his appointment to be in a month, give or take a few days, and that it would be at 12. I figured that way, if he's tired after, he can just sleep through the direct post surgery.

"Do your teeth still hurt, Baby?" I asked after I hung up. He nodded a little and held onto me, starting to bite my shoulder. Maybe that's why he likes teething so much? I figured when he said his mouth hurt, he was talking about when he bit the inside of his cheeks. I'm trying to get him to say his teeth hurt instead of his whole mouth, just so it's easier to understand what he means.
"Need snack..." He told me, continuing to chomp down on my shoulder.
"Are you trying to eat me?" I asked, getting him to giggle and shake his head. I'm sure he's little again.

"Noo, I can't eat, Dady. I gotta have kises," He said as I stood up. I don't even know what all we have for him to eat, so I have to take him to the kitchen with me. I set him on the counter and opened the cabinets, starting to look.
"There's chips, apple sauce, crackers -" I listed, getting a response as soon as the word left my mouth.
"Cracker," He decided, kicking his feet. I guess if he wants it, it doesn't affect me. I took out the sleeve and let him take it, helping him down from the counter first.

"Mom wants to take us down to swim by the campsite," Mason told me, days later. Our family (cousins, aunts, and grandparents) rent out a huge camp site for a week so they can all hang out. I don't even know why, I just know the camp site is by a lake and you can swim in it. I guess my sister is going camping and taking Jazmine, so Mom wants to go visit for a while.
"When?" I asked, pulling on my jeans. I had just woken up and needed to get dressed. Luca was still passed out.
"Today at 1," He answered.
"Today? You guys give me no heads up. You're lucky I'm off," I told him, shutting the bedroom door. I don't think Luca has a bathing suit, so I'll have to get him one.
"Yeah, yeah, whatever," He mumbled, hanging up. I yawned and shoved my phone in my back pocket. It's already 12:18, so I should probably wake Luca up. I just hope he's not grumpy.

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